The Importance of Conducting Background Checks.

 Never judge a book by its cover.”  A common saying that has been around for many years. In the recruitment world the saying stands as a mission statement. When it comes to choosing the candidates who work for your business, going deeper than just face value should be a routine practice.

Uncover the Truth with Background Checks

In a more competitive job market, individuals are more prone to embellish or hide certain aspects of their experiences or lack of in order to seem more attractive to recruiters. While some of these fabrications are fairly obvious to the trained recruiter, not everything will be fully transparent until a background check is carried out.

Why the Background Check is Important

Fortunately, conducting background checks on individuals prior to them joining a company is a facility which is available to recruiters and human resources professionals. Employers today have the right to acquire more information about potential candidates before they make any official offers of employment. They also have the right to ensure that a potential new hire does not have anything in their past that could possibly harm their business or create any problems for both their customers and for other employees.

More Reasons for Using Background Checks in Recruiting

Background checks are a valuable tool for selecting the right candidate for the job. If used consistently, this simple process can eliminate many future problems for a company. As a recruiter, it is fundamental to ensure that a candidate meets the full requirements of each assignment so that the return on investment will be worthwhile for the client receiving the candidate.

Why is this important, from a recruiter’s point of view? For one, your candidate will be systematically screened to ensure that all the experience and credentials listed are truthful and suitable for the role. Second, you will be able to confidently present your candidate to an HR executive and be able to negotiate more effectively because you will know your candidate is who they claim to be.

Ways Recruiters Can Conduct Background Checks

Possible ways to conduct background checks are to use a third-party service provider or background screening software, such as Safe Screening to improve your current recruitment process. Your talent management software will include the feature to run a background screen with the proper terminology ensuring you get permission from each candidate before running the relevant checks.

Conducting background checks should not be considered to be optional anymore in recruitment – they are an obligatory part of being a responsible recruiter who wants to provide the most suited candidate to each client every time.


