Importance of Communication Skills-
Ravi Nishant
Asst. Manager- Training & Development at Satya MicroCapital Ltd. (NBFC-MFI)
Importance of Communication Skills-
There is a well-known phrase by Christopher Columbus “You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore”. Do not think to interpret the meaning of the phrase it is only to for the readers that can read between the lines. Today, there is not even a single job where eligibility of effective communication skill is a prima-matter of merit despite your certificates and grades. Although if it not mentioned in the job requirements section this is a skill which every person should posses who is trying to make a good career in his profession. If you do not possess effective communication skills then you need to enhance them in order to survive in this outright competitive world. Effective communication skills are of large interest to the companies wherein large number of their employees is engaged in interpersonal situation. No matter if you are a sales person, BPO agent or even a medical profession you should have sufficient knowledge and Importance of effective communication skill.
Understanding Communication Process
We learn effective communication skills since our infancy either through signs or through languages. Mainly there are three types of communication skills, which include ‘expressive skills’, ‘listening skills’ and ‘communication management skill’. Although these are main pillars of effective communicating skills, we cannot deny the importance of basic fundamental skills associated with communication and that is ‘emotional skills’. Expressive skills are a part of the phenomenon used to convey information or messages from one person to other via words, facial expressions or through body language. Listening skills attributes to obtain and receive appropriate information or messages from other party of communication. Skills for managing communication are necessary to get strong hold of the required information and interpret the overall process in appropriate means of communication and interaction. Always remember the most effective and important thing is effective communication skills are to hear that was never said.
Effective Communication skills are necessary in following professions
For a better understanding of the importance of effective communication skill in our daily life as well in some of the employment opportunities is enlisted below
Call Centre Professionals: With change in technology and India being a hot spot for outsourcing industry we have seen tremendous growth in the employment opportunities offered by call center industry. This is the place where you should possess infinitive potential of overwhelming communication skill, because you have to communicate on every call with different people having different mentality, ideology, problems and queries. There is a strict scrutiny of your calls under quality guidelines set by the specific call center and you have to abide by them delivering the best communication process in more elaborate and effective manner.Here is the detail about BPO interview questions.
Medical Professionals: There are certain fields in Medical science like Psychology where in you need to have effective communication skills to understand different persons having different problems. You have to think with their mindset and go down to their level to confront them and derive whatever information you are anticipating for the treatment. Apart from this, a doctor has to be soft spoken with elaborate and convincing communication skill, because he is the one delivering traumatic news and dealing with some of the heartbreaking as well depressing truth related to the life of their patients.Here is the detail about careers in Medical Field.
Political Professionals: No wonder, politics is a genre of people having good command over their communication skills based on which they lure their voters to vote for them. A good politician possessing effective communication skills has the potential to turn tables at last minute merely with his speech and vocabulary to attract crowd. Additionally, ensure that “An able leader is born only with effective communication abilities”.
Teaching Professionals: In this profession although you have to teach same subject for your entire life and studying once a year is the only hard work for you. A right person intrigues his students and binds them deep in the subject with the words and language he chose to explain the depth of the subject. Always remember students respect and remember only those teachers in their life, who possess exceptional communication skill to interact them on their level.
Human Resource Professionals: Often there is a hierarchy in the industrial sector where certain authorized people interpret the messages and guidelines provided to them by their management. To transfer this information effectively the person in charge should possess outstanding communication skills to use minimum but effective words. Failure to do so will result in mayhem creating the wide communication gap between workers and management.
Sales Professionals: This is the most dominating breed for the requirement of effective communication skills, as they are the ones who sell mud at the price of gold only with their language and communication process. To be sales personnel you ought to have effective communication skill in your blood because those who can communicate efficiently will sell refrigerator to snowmen and those who can’t will seat on a pile of diamonds selling a piece.