The Importance of Commenting
Our story begins at the dentist. I had my semi annual cleaning. In and of itself that is not interesting. It costs me nothing. Thank a Teamster. Every few years my dentist retires. I have had two retire on me. Neither of them were old. They might have been in their fifties and wanted to enjoy retirement while they were young enough to travel and engage with their friends.
I am the weirdo who enjoys going to the dentist. It's a project that is completed and can be checked off the list. I also enjoyed the gift bag. It's not like an Academy Award. Presenters at The Oscars receive gift bags with trips and Cartier jewelry.
Nice work if you can get it. I enjoyed the dental gift bag. What they gave me had more value than the contents of the prize closet on my job. People who retire receive T-Shirts. I would rather receive a travel toothbrush, travel size toothpaste, lip balm and dental floss. All will be put to good use.
If you thought I was weird because of the positive feelings of going to the dentist- I also can finish a Chap Stick. Usually they are lost of not removed from your pocket and they go through the laundry.
That has happened. About a month ago, Melissa Hughes posted her dentist article. I commented about the gift bag and how my current dentist does not offer giveaways. Lucky for me, I was going to see Melissa one week later.
You know this year's No Longer Virtual was good because I have not written about it. All in good time. The dinner between the second and third day justifies an article because of an appearance from- that would be telling. Melissa was there and in honor of my comment she took the initiative and brought me her gift bag from the dentist.
Had I written "Great post" I would have to buy a travel size toothpaste. As fate would have it, I was on the verge of finishing my travel toothpaste. Make comments and it will save you eighty-nine cents and a trip to the drug store.
Melissa has a lot more value than that. Her relationship with Kimberly Davis stands as the best relationship cultivated at No Longer Virtual. They inspired ended 2020.
Even if you surround yourself with married women- find the best people. The ones who listen and take initiative. When my sister was Pre-Law she knew I enjoyed Sweet Tarts. This six year old found fifty cents, picked up this candy at the store and bought it for me.
You can't buy friendship. You can listen to others and give them what they enjoy. Anyone can do it. This is why you comment. Case in point- how may bottles of Hot Sauce has Liam Darmody been sent? He mentioned he enjoyed hot sauce and he never has to buy another bottle.