The importance of a clean learning environment
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It is widely acknowledged that schools must maintain cleanliness to provide students with a positive learning atmosphere. After all, it is challenging to generate enthusiasm for studying a renowned microbiologist like Louis Pasteur when concerns about germs on a dirty desk persist.
Unclean schools can adversely affect children's morale and increase the frequency of illnesses. Schools need to adopt a proactive approach to cleaning classrooms, hallways, restrooms, lockers, cafeterias, and other spaces.
A poorly maintained school can convey a message that teachers and faculty members do not care enough about students to maintain a clean environment, showing a lack of investment in the children's futures.
Consider the following aspects when contemplating the importance of a clean learning environment:
Improper cleaning can harm children
Certain cleaning supplies contain hazardous chemicals, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), contributing to chronic respiratory issues, allergic reactions, and headaches. Some cleaning chemicals are known to be carcinogenic and can produce harmful indoor pollutants.
To address this, it is crucial to use cleaning companies or supplies that meet USGBC's LEED commercial cleaning standards, with chemicals approved by a nonprofit accrediting source like Green Seal. Ideally, custodians should use advanced cleaning equipment employing UV-C light and allergy-reducing HEPA filters. The chemicals used should be biodegradable, non-toxic, and free of VOCs to minimize bacteria while preserving students' health.
You can never clean a school too much
Over-cleaning is practically impossible, provided that the cleaning agents used are not harsh chemicals. Throughout the school day, children contribute to the spread of bacteria by coughing, sneezing, and touching various surfaces. Regular cleaning helps reduce illnesses, positively impacting attendance for both students and teachers.
Clean schools benefit the budget
Implementing proper cleaning practices is an investment that yields long-term benefits for the school. Prospective residents touring schools for their children are more likely to settle in a community that values cleanliness. Increased residency translates to additional tax revenue, benefiting the school budget. Reduced sick days for teachers also lead to fewer substitute teacher expenses. While the results of school cleaning may not always be immediately visible, maintaining cleanliness is crucial for a positive reputation among students, teachers, and parents.
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