The Importance of Being Coachable in Business.

As marketers and business owners, we've found a system that works extremely well for us. We use it, we preach it, and we teach it. We get great results, and there is no greater satisfaction than when our clients achieve the same. 

There is one significant key factor in all of this. In my opinion, every marketer and business owner needs to be coachable. Being coachable is a critical component of success and upward achievements. 

If you've developed numerous business strategies and initiatives that have worked well for you, you may ask yourself, "Why do I need to be coachable?" or "What I do works well for myself and others, why would I change anything?"Although that may be the case, let's review the importance of being coachable. 

You need to fuel your knowledge engine. 

You may call yourself a "fountain of information, " but this doesn't mean that you don't require any more self-education, mentorship or research. Often we spend so much time in front of our own business that although we've developed the most effective strategies for ourselves and our clients; if we looked at things from a slightly different angle, we'd open a whole new array of opportunities. 

Just as you mentor your clients or students, let other industry professionals mentor you, collaborate and attend masterminds to learn new insights. Once in a while, let a mentor or even a team member review your strategy and provide input. Be open to receiving critique and hearing what others may have to say. When we talk about the importance of being coachable, it's not only being open to listening, but also considering the advice given. 

It'll help you adapt to change. 

If you aren't coachable, you probably aren't open to change. That's a big mistake when it comes to business! Things change at lightning speed, and if you want your business to continue to experience incredible success, you'll need to adapt to various trends. I am not saying you need to do what everyone else is doing, but you do need to be adaptable and recognize an opportunity when it comes your way. 

Working with other industry experts may help you get up to date with the latest trends and ensure that your current strategy is still the best approach. Being coachable will make you a better leader. 

You'll get better at embracing your mistakes! 

Let's get real, we all make mistakes, small oversights to bigger mistakes where it will take longer to recover. We're human, and it's not in this world that we'll be able to please everyone. We need to accept that! If you are open to critique and feedback, not only is there a better chance of you better preventing those oversights, when they do happen, you'll be better equipped to deal with them. 

Someone who is coachable learns from their mistakes and turns them into a positive learning experience. Celebrate the errors; this means you're working, trying and being innovative! As a leader, if you, make an effort to be more coachable and embrace your oversights, your team will follow. Who doesn't want a team who is more coachable and learns from their mistakes? 

So, business owners and marketers, the next time a team member or mentor brings a new idea forward, I challenge you not only to listen but also consider. The greatest talents are often already employed by you or within your reach. 

Until next time......



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