Import and interpretation of contract notes - News 2024
Stacc Escali - Treasury & Portfolio Management
Simplify your portfolio management and treasury operations!
Escali Financials is probably the only portfolio- and treasury management system in the world that can import av interpretate contract notes from stocks, bonds, and FX deals. The technology is proven by more than 33 customers and more than 750 clients since the technology was introduced in 2019. Today our solution can import contract notes from more than 30 banks and brokers.
What is new in 2024?
In March 2024 we introduced import and interpretation on dividends on stocks outside Norway through DNB . The advantages are clear compared with traditional API’s. All documents are attached to the transactions/deals in the system.
Contract notes on FX deals
Contract notes related to FX deals from FX360T, Sparebank1, Nordea, DNB, Handelsbanken, Danske Bank, SEB, Sparebanken Vest and Swedbank has been interpreted so far. We we are adding support for new banks continuously. Metadata such as client, client name, contract number, counterparty, type of FX derivative, bought and sold currency, transaction and settlement date, quantity and rate are updated automatically.
Contract notes on stocks, funds and ETF's
Such documents are interpreted from more than 30 brokers worldwide. Support for new brokers are added continuously. Metadata such as ISIN, security name, transaction type, settlement date, quantiy, rate, currency, broker name, brokerage, contract note reference are updated automatically.
For more info about our unique technology, contact [email protected] or our call our Sales Director, Albert Henrik Vedeler on +47 92 86 83 44.