Import CSV Data Directing to Db2 for i Files
Chances are you're familiar with CSV files. They're a common format for exchanging data that is transferred between applications and different systems. CSV data is not easy to work with in RPG IV on IBM i and when it comes to storing that data in a database file, there's often a multi-step process involved in importing the CSV file. This can be time-consuming and error-prone, especially if you're working with large datasets. A good indication of the level of experience of the Programmer who created your CSV import processing routines is directly related to the number of steps involved in that import process, or its lack of flexibilty.
But what if you could skip that step entirely? What if you could read the CSV file directly, and produce a result similar to reading any other database file without having to create temporary work files? That's exactly what you can do with the CSV functions included in SQL Tools for IBM i.
SQL Tools provides SQL functions and features for working with delimited IFS files (aka CSV files). One of those features is the CSV table function that allows you to read CSV files using SQL, and insert that data directly into your existing Db2 for i database files.
Why should you consider using SQL Tools and its CSV SQL functions to read CSV files directly into your database tables? Here are a few advantages:
How do you use SQL Tools and the CSV SQL functions to read a CSV file directly into your Db2 for i database table? Here's a quick overview:
First, let's establish the Db2 for i database file. The SALESPRICE file defined below will eventually receive the CSV data; it contains 3 columns or fields as shown:
And now the CSV file that is uploaded to the IFS using whatever method you choose:
ITEM, Description, Price
32, "Plastic Cases", 2.37
34, "Cardboard Covers",1.98
36, Dishsoap, 2.98
38, "Apple Sauce", 3.29
To insert these rows directly into the database file named SALESPRICE you would use the SQL INSERT statement or potentially the SQL MERGE statement. But let's look at how to simply read that CSV data using SQL. A SELECT statement similar to the following could be used.
SELECT csv_int(data,'item') as ITEM,
cast( csv_char(data,'description') as varchar(50)) as Desc,
cast( csv_dec(data, 'itemprice') as Dec(7,2)) as Price
FROM table(sqlTools.csv_reader('/home/cozzi/SalePrices.CSV')) SP;
With this SELECT statement, the CSV data is returned just like a regular IBM i database file. With it, you could easily create an SQL VIEW that is then used similar to a legacy Logical File and then read that View's data using traditional RPG IV record-level I/O (i.e., READ, CHAIN, etc.) Better yet, it can also be retrieved using SQL SELECT/FETCH processing, which is the preferred method. That way the only thing you actually need to do is update the CSV file on the IFS and the View immediately represents the new data to the RPG IV program. Personally, I would run an SQL iQuery script with an SQL MERGE statement to import the data into the SALESPRICE, but that's just me.
The above example uses 3 of the SQL Tools CSV functions. Each function has 2 parameters:
There are several SQL CSV functions provided, but the 3 most often used are those used in the prior example. Each accepts the delimited data value (the DATA field/column from the CSR_READER table function) and a second parameter that identifies the column whose data is exacted. That parameter may be either the relative column number (1 to 3 in this example) or the column header name.
The output from the SELECT statement illustrated above would be similar to the following:
32 Plastic Cases 2.37
34 Cardboard Covers 1.98
36 Dishsoap 2.98
38 Apple Sauce 3.29
Once you used the SQL Tools CSV functions a couple of times, you will be surprised how quickly you can write a CSV "reader" for other files for your Company.
To read more about the powerful and efficient SQL Tools CSV functions, visit:
That's all there is to it!