Implied terms

Implied terms

Implied terms in construction contract

An implied term in a construction contract is a term that is not explicitly stated in the contract, but which is nonetheless considered to be part of the agreement. Implied terms are generally assumed to be part of the contract because they are necessary to give effect to the parties' intentions, to give business efficacy to the contract, or because they are so obvious that they do not need to be stated explicitly.

In the context of construction contracts, implied terms may include requirements related to quality, timeliness, and safety of the work, as well as obligations related to the provision of materials, the resolution of disputes, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. For example, it may be implied that the contractor must use reasonable care and skill in the performance of the work, that materials must be of a certain quality, or that work must be completed within a reasonable timeframe.

Implied terms may also be incorporated into construction contracts through custom or industry practice, statutory provisions, or common law principles. For example, in some jurisdictions, it may be implied by law that a construction contract includes a warranty of fitness for purpose, which requires that the work be fit for its intended use.

It is important to note that implied terms can vary depending on the specific jurisdiction, the nature of the project, and the specific circumstances of the contract. It is therefore important for parties to a construction contract to seek legal advice and ensure that all relevant terms are clearly stated in the contract to avoid disputes and ensure that the contract is enforceable.

Terms may be implied in construction contracts through the following mechanisms:

  1. Customary Practices:?Certain terms may be implied in a construction contract based on industry practices or customs. For example, it is customary for contractors to provide warranties for their work, and this warranty may be implied in the absence of any express terms to the contrary.
  2. Statutory Provisions:?In some cases, terms may be implied in a construction contract through the application of statutory provisions. For example, under Saudi Arabian law, certain terms may be implied in a construction contract based on the requirements of the Government Tenders and Procurement Law.
  3. Implied by Law:?Certain terms may be implied in a construction contract based on the general principles of contract law or the law of obligations. For example, the duty to perform the contract in good faith and to exercise reasonable care and skill may be implied in a construction contract.

In Saudi Arabia, construction contracts are governed by the Government Tenders and Procurement Law (GTPL), as well as the general principles of Saudi contract law and Sharia Law.

Under Saudi contract laws, certain terms may be implied in construction contracts. For example:

  1. Implied Terms of Good Faith:?The duty of good faith is an implied term in contracts under Saudi Arabian law. This means that both parties to a contract are required to act in good faith and deal with each other honestly and fairly.
  2. Implied Terms of Reasonableness:?Another implied term under Saudi Arabian law is the duty of reasonableness. This means that both parties to a contract are required to act reasonably and in accordance with the standards of the industry.
  3. Implied Terms of Fitness for Purpose:?Under Saudi Arabian law, it is implied that any goods or services provided under a contract will be fit for their intended purpose. This means that the contractor is responsible for ensuring that the work performed meets the specific requirements of the project.
  4. Implied Terms of Adherence to Safety and Quality Standards:?Construction contracts in Saudi Arabia may also imply adherence to safety and quality standards set forth by local and international regulatory bodies.

Under the Saudi GTPL, the following terms may be implied in a construction contract:

  1. Compliance with the GTPL: As a government regulation, the GTPL is a critical reference document that contractors must comply with when submitting proposals and executing projects.
  2. Fair Competition: Contractors must follow the principles of fair competition and transparency when competing for government projects. This means that contractors must follow the rules and regulations set forth in the GTPL.
  3. Transparency: All transactions and communications between contractors and government officials must be transparent and recorded in accordance with the GTPL.

Under Sharia Law, the following terms may be implied in construction contracts:

  1. Fairness and Equity:?The principles of fairness and equity are central to Sharia Law. These principles may be implied in construction contracts, requiring both parties to act in good faith and with fairness towards each other.
  2. Honesty and Transparency:?Honesty and transparency are also important principles under Sharia Law. This means that both parties to a construction contract are required to be honest and transparent in their dealings with each other.
  3. Compliance with Islamic Law:?Sharia Law requires that contracts comply with Islamic Law. This means that contracts must not contain any provisions that are contrary to Islamic Law, such as usury or gambling.

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Mohammed Hussain Shaikh MRICS (U.K), ACIArb (U.K), MME (Qatar), MIE

Contracts & Arbitration, Chartered Engineer (I), Chartered Quantity Surveyor, Legal Advisor

1 年

Great article, thanks for sharing ??



