Implementing SOLID Principles in Selenium Automation Testing with Cucumber Framework
Abhijit Joshi CSPO? CSM?
CSPO?|CSM?| QA Manager | Selenium | Java | Cypress | Javascript|Test Automation | API Testing | Rest Assured | SQL | Postman | Agile | Scrum | Prompt Engineering | Generative AI | Chat GPT | Copilot | AWS
In the world of software development, adhering to solid design principles is crucial for building maintainable, scalable, and robust applications. When it comes to automated testing, applying SOLID principles becomes equally important to ensure that your test automation framework remains flexible, easy to maintain, and adaptable to changes. In this technical blog post, we'll explore how to implement SOLID principles in Selenium automation testing with the Cucumber framework, providing code examples and detailed explanations along the way.
SOLID Principles Overview:
SOLID is an acronym for five design principles introduced by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) that aim to guide developers in writing clean, modular, and maintainable code. Let's briefly review each principle before delving into its implementation in our Selenium automation testing framework:
Single Responsibility Principle (SRP): A class should have only one reason to change.
Open/Closed Principle (OCP): Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension but closed for modification.
Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP): Objects of a superclass should be replaceable with objects of its subclasses without affecting the functionality of the program.
Interface Segregation Principle (ISP): Clients should not be forced to depend on interfaces they do not use.
Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP): High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules; both should depend on abstractions.
Implementation in Selenium Automation Testing with Cucumber:
Now, let's see how we can apply each SOLID principle in our Selenium automation testing framework using Cucumber:
Single Responsibility Principle (SRP):
Page objects should have a single responsibility, encapsulating interactions with specific web elements on a web page.
Step definitions should have a single responsibility, representing the actions or steps performed in a test scenario.
// Example of a Page Object
public interface LoginPage {
??? void enterUsername(String username);
??? void enterPassword(String password);
??? void clickLoginButton();
public class LoginPageImpl implements LoginPage {
??? private WebDriver driver;
??? public LoginPageImpl(WebDriver driver) {
??????? this.driver = driver;
??? }
??? @Override
??? public void enterUsername(String username) {
??????? driver.findElement("username")).sendKeys(username);
??? }
??? @Override
??? public void enterPassword(String password) {
??????? driver.findElement("password")).sendKeys(password);
??? }
??? @Override
??? public void clickLoginButton() {
??????? driver.findElement("loginButton")).click();
??? }
// Example of a Step Definition
public class LoginSteps {
??? private LoginPage loginPage;
??? public LoginSteps(LoginPage loginPage) {
??????? this.loginPage = loginPage;
??? }
??? @Given("^user is on login page$")
??? public void user_is_on_login_page() {
??????? // Navigate to login page
??? }
??? @When("^user enters username \"(.*)\" and password \"(.*)\"$")
??? public void user_enters_username_and_password(String username, String password) {
??????? loginPage.enterUsername(username);
??????? loginPage.enterPassword(password);
??? }
??? @Then("^user clicks login button$")
??? public void user_clicks_login_button() {
??????? loginPage.clickLoginButton();
??? }
Open/Closed Principle (OCP):
Design classes and modules in a way that allows extension without modification.
// Example of extending functionality without modification
public class LoginPageImplExtended extends LoginPageImpl {
??? public LoginPageImplExtended(WebDriver driver) {
??????? super(driver);
??? }
??? // Additional methods or overrides
Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP):
Ensure that subclasses of page objects maintain the same contract as the superclass.
// Example of LSP compliance
public interface LoginPageExtended extends LoginPage {
??? void resetPassword(String username);
Interface Segregation Principle (ISP):
Define smaller, focused interfaces specific to the needs of the client.
?// Example of ISP compliance
public interface LoginPage {
??? void enterUsername(String username);
??? void enterPassword(String password);
??? void clickLoginButton();
public interface ResetPasswordPage {
??? void enterUsername(String username);
??? void clickResetPasswordButton();
Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP):
Use dependency injection to decouple components and make them easier to test and maintain.
?// Example of DIP compliance
public class LoginSteps {
??? private LoginPage loginPage;
??? public LoginSteps(LoginPage loginPage) {
??????? this.loginPage = loginPage;
??? }
??? // Step definitions
By implementing SOLID principles in our Selenium automation testing framework with Cucumber, we can achieve a codebase that is modular, maintainable, and easily extensible. Each principle contributes to the overall quality and robustness of our test automation solution, allowing us to efficiently handle changes and evolve our testing strategy over time. By following these best practices, we can build reliable and effective automated tests that provide valuable feedback on the quality of our software applications.