Implementing Quantum-Proof ZK-Cryptography by Mahdad Kiyani Cross-Language Implementation of RLWE-ZKP based on Python and C++(basic)
Mahdad Kiyani
AWS Partner (APN-Software Solutions) | AWS SA Professional | Azure AZ-305 | ML & Data Engineering | IT Governance & SAFe Agilist | ITIL Leader | MBA (expected june 2025) | ISO 27001 Lead Auditor
As quantum computing advances, traditional cryptographic systems, including those used in blockchain networks, face significant risks. Shor's algorithm, in particular, threatens the security of widely used public-key cryptographic protocols like RSA and elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) by efficiently solving the mathematical problems on which these systems are based. This imminent threat necessitates the development of quantum-resistant cryptographic techniques to secure blockchain infrastructures. Among the most promising quantum-resistant approaches are Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs), which allow a prover to convince a verifier of the correctness of a statement without revealing the underlying information.
In blockchain systems, ZKPs play a crucial role in enhancing privacy, efficiency, and security while maintaining decentralized trust. However, existing ZKP protocols, such as zk-SNARKs and zk-STARKs, are vulnerable to quantum attacks due to their reliance on cryptographic assumptions that are compromised by quantum algorithms like Shor's and Grover's. The challenge is to construct ZKPs that resist quantum-based attacks while preserving their utility in blockchain environments.
This work takes a deep mathematical and practical approach to implementing quantum-resistant Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) using lattice-based cryptography, which is believed to be resistant to quantum attacks. Specifically, we focus on the Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) problem, which provides a strong security foundation against quantum adversaries. The RLWE problem forms the basis for lattice-based cryptographic primitives, such as homomorphic encryption and digital signatures, and can be extended to construct ZKPs that remain secure in the presence of quantum computers.
Our implementation begins with a Python-based prototype that models the key components of a lattice-based ZKP system, including polynomial arithmetic in rings, RLWE sampling, and the core prover-verifier interactions. This implementation leverages Python’s simplicity for rapid prototyping and experimentation. The second phase of our work involves transitioning this prototype to a C++ implementation to improve performance and scalability, which are crucial for real-world blockchain applications. In both implementations, we rigorously apply mathematical concepts from number theory and linear algebra, such as module lattices, Gaussian sampling, and error-correction techniques, to ensure the correctness and quantum resistance of the ZKP protocol.
By focusing on both the Python and C++ implementations, our work provides a practical, technical roadmap for deploying quantum-proof Zero-Knowledge Proofs in blockchain ecosystems. This dual-phase approach allows for flexible development while ensuring that the final implementation is efficient enough for large-scale deployment. Additionally, our work demonstrates how lattice-based ZKPs can be integrated into existing blockchain frameworks to provide quantum security without sacrificing the inherent privacy and trustlessness that make blockchain technology revolutionary.
To understand how close we are to the reality where blockchain security could be compromised by quantum computing.
RSA Factoring (Shor's Algorithm)
RSA Encryption relies on:
Shor’s algorithm can factor N efficiently by finding pp and qq in polynomial time:
ECC Discrete Logarithm Problem (Shor's Algorithm)
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) relies on:
Shor’s algorithm can find K (the discrete logarithm):
These are the core mathematical foundations vulnerable to quantum attack using Shor's algorithm, which makes RSA and ECC insecure in the face of quantum computing.
RSA Factoring (Shor's Algorithm):
RSA encryption is based on the difficulty of factoring large integers NN into two prime numbers, pp and qq. Classical algorithms take an exponential amount of time for this task as NN grows large. However, Shor's algorithm, a quantum algorithm, can factor NN efficiently in polynomial time. Given N=p×qN=p×q, Shor's algorithm allows a quantum computer to quickly compute the prime factors pp and qq, effectively breaking RSA encryption.
ECC Discrete Logarithm Problem (Shor's Algorithm):
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is based on the hardness of the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP), which is computationally difficult for classical computers. The problem involves finding a scalar kk such that P=k×GP=k×G, where GG is a generator point on the elliptic curve, and PP is another point on the curve. Shor's algorithm can efficiently solve this problem on a quantum computer, rendering ECC insecure against quantum attacks.
Quantum Algorithms and Cryptographic Vulnerabilities
Quantum computers harness quantum mechanics principles such as superposition and entanglement to achieve exponential speed gains over classical computers in particular computations. Two key quantum algorithms pose substantial threats to existing cryptographic protocols:
These algorithms underscore the need for classical cryptographic systems to transition to or incorporate quantum-resistant mechanisms that can withstand quantum computational attacks while maintaining or enhancing security against conventional threats.
Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs)
Zero-Knowledge Proofs are vital cryptographic tools that allow a prover to demonstrate the truth of a statement to a verifier without conveying any information other than the veracity of the statement itself. ZKPs must satisfy three essential properties to be effective:
While ZKPs play a crucial role in enabling privacy in blockchain transactions (e.g., zk-SNARKs in Zcash), their reliance on cryptographic assumptions not resistant to quantum attacks necessitates a redesign using quantum-resistant algorithms to secure future cryptographic applications.
Post-Quantum Cryptography: Mathematical Foundations
To achieve quantum resistance, cryptographic systems must be based on mathematical problems that remain hard even for quantum computers. The most promising post-quantum cryptographic approaches are based on the following mathematical structures:
Lattice-Based Cryptography
Lattice-based cryptography is one of the leading candidates for post-quantum cryptography. It relies on the hardness of problems related to lattices, which are discrete grids of points in n-dimensional space. The key problems in lattice-based cryptography are:
Lattice-based cryptographic constructions, such as NTRU and Ring-LWE, provide strong security guarantees and are believed to resist attacks by quantum algorithms like Shor’s and Grover’s. These constructions are being adapted to build quantum-resistant ZKPs.
Mathematical Example: Lattice-Based ZKP
In a lattice-based ZKP, the prover may attempt to prove knowledge of a short vector in a lattice, without revealing the vector itself. Let A∈Zn×mA∈Zn×m be a matrix and b=A?x+eb=A?x+e, where xx is a secret vector, and ee is an error vector. The prover can use a lattice-based ZKP to prove they know xx and ee without revealing them, by leveraging the hardness of the LWE problem.
Hash-Based Cryptography
Hash-based cryptography is built on the hardness of finding preimages and collisions in cryptographic hash functions. Since Grover’s algorithm provides only a quadratic speedup in searching for preimages, doubling the output length of a secure hash function like SHA-256 or SHA-3 ensures security in the quantum context.
Hash-based ZKPs are constructed using these hash functions to create commitment schemes. The verifier can check whether the prover’s commitment is correct without learning the original value. The simplicity and security of hash-based schemes make them attractive for quantum-proof ZKPs, particularly in blockchain systems where hashing is already a fundamental operation.
Multivariate Polynomial Cryptography
Multivariate polynomial cryptography relies on the difficulty of solving systems of nonlinear polynomial equations over finite fields. These problems are NP-hard and are resistant to quantum attacks. Cryptographic schemes like HFE (Hidden Field Equations) are based on this principle and can be used to construct post-quantum ZKPs.
For example, the prover could prove knowledge of a solution to a multivariate system without revealing the solution by using a ZKP based on the hardness of solving such systems. The security of multivariate polynomial cryptography against quantum attacks makes it a viable candidate for building quantum-proof ZKPs.
Constructing Quantum-Proof Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Lattice-Based ZKPs
To construct a lattice-based ZKP, we rely on the hardness of the Learning With Errors (LWE) problem. Consider the following steps for building a lattice-based ZKP:
Hash-Based ZKPs
Hash-based ZKPs rely on commitment schemes that use quantum-resistant hash functions. A simple hash-based ZKP can be constructed as follows:
This construction is simple but effective, and with quantum-resistant hash functions, it provides a robust foundation for quantum-proof ZKPs.
zk-STARKs for Quantum Resistance
zk-STARKs (Zero-Knowledge Scalable Transparent Arguments of Knowledge) are a variant of ZKPs that do not require a trusted setup and rely on cryptographic hash functions. Since zk-STARKs are based on hashes, they are inherently more resistant to quantum attacks than zk-SNARKs. zk-STARKs can be made fully quantum-resistant by replacing their hash functions with quantum-safe alternatives, such as SHA-3.
zk-STARKs are particularly well-suited for blockchain applications because of their scalability and efficiency, even as the complexity of the underlying proofs grows. By leveraging quantum-safe hash functions, zk-STARKs can provide both quantum resistance and scalability for blockchain systems.
Implementing quantum-proof Zero-Knowledge cryptography in blockchain requires mathematical rigor and cryptographic algorithms built to withstand quantum attacks. This part will focus on lattice-based cryptography, particularly how to construct a Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) that resists quantum attacks. We will delve into the mathematical formulation of the problem and also demonstrate how code can be used to implement these ideas in practice.
Lattice-Based Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Mathematical Foundations
Lattice-based cryptography is one of the most promising approaches for post-quantum cryptographic systems. The key problem upon which lattice-based cryptography builds its security is the Learning With Errors (LWE) problem. This problem is hard even for quantum computers, making it suitable for building a quantum-resistant ZKP.
Learning With Errors (LWE) Problem
The LWE problem is defined as follows:
Let A∈Zqn×mA∈Zqn×m be a matrix, where each entry is chosen uniformly at random from the integers modulo qq, and let s∈Zqns∈Zqn be a secret vector. The LWE problem consists of distinguishing between the following two distributions:
Formally, the problem can be described as: given (A,b)(A,b), where b=A?s+eb=A?s+e, find ss, or distinguish bb from random.
ZKP for LWE Problem
The goal of constructing a lattice-based ZKP is to prove knowledge of a secret vector ss in the context of the LWE problem, without revealing ss. The prover wants to convince the verifier that they know ss, such that b=A?s+eb=A?s+e, without revealing ss or ee.
Mathematical Construction of the ZKP
Let A∈Zqn×mA∈Zqn×m be the public matrix, and b∈Zqmb∈Zqm be the vector such that b=A?s+eb=A?s+e, where s∈Zqns∈Zqn is the secret vector, and e∈Zqme∈Zqm is the error vector.
The proof system consists of the following phases:
If both checks pass with high probability, the verifier is convinced that the prover knows ss without having learned anything about ss itself.
Coding the Lattice-Based ZKP
We can now implement a simplified version of a lattice-based ZKP for the LWE problem using just Python. This implementation simulates the proof system described above, where the prover proves knowledge of the secret vector sswithout revealing it.
First, we'll need to implement the following components:
Python Code for the ZKP
import numpy as np
n = 5 #Dimension of the secret vector s
m = 8 #Number of equations (columns of matrix A)
q = 23 #Modulus for operations (prime number)
error_bound = 3 #error size
#Random matrix A and secret vector s
A = np.random.randint(0, q, size=(m, n))
s = np.random.randint(0, q, size=n)
#small error vector e
e = np.random.randint(-error_bound, error_bound, size=m)
#Compute b = A * s + e
b = (A @ s + e) % q
#Prover selects a random vector r and computes t = A * r + e'
r = np.random.randint(0, q, size=n)
e_prime = np.random.randint(-error_bound, error_bound, size=m)
t = (A @ r + e_prime) % q
#Verifier sends a random challenge c
c = np.random.randint(0, 2)
#Prover's response
if c == 0:
#Prover sends r and e'
prover_response_r = r
prover_response_e_prime = e_prime
# Prover sends r + s and e' + e
prover_response_r = (r + s) % q
prover_response_e_prime = (e_prime + e) % q
#verifier checking the proof
if c == 0:
# Check if t == A * r + e'
verifier_check = np.all((A @ prover_response_r + prover_response_e_prime) % q == t)
#Check if t == A * (r + s) + (e' + e)
verifier_check = np.all((A @ prover_response_r + prover_response_e_prime) % q == t)
# Output the result of verification
if verifier_check:
print("Proof verified successfully!")
print("Proof verification failed.")
3.2. Explanation of Code
In order to deep dive into the coding implementation of lattice-based Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) for a quantum-resistant blockchain ecosystem, let's first break down the mathematical principles and techniques involved and then expand the Python code with detailed explanations and additional steps.
Mathematical Recap: Learning With Errors (LWE) and ZKP Construction
Before diving deeper into the code, it's important to recap the core ideas:
Detailed Breakdown of the Code
In this section, we will expand the code with additional comments and structure. We’ll break the code into logical blocks to understand how each part fits into the proof construction.
Matrix and Vector Setup
We start by generating the random matrix AA, the secret vector ss, and the error vector ee. Here, AA is a public key, while ss and ee are private to the prover.
import numpy as np
# Parameters
n = 5 # Dimension of the secret vector s
m = 8 # Number of equations (columns of matrix A)
q = 23 # Modulus for operations (prime number)
error_bound = 3 # Maximum error size (represents the "small" error in LWE)
# Generate a random matrix A and secret vector s
A = np.random.randint(0, q, size=(m, n))
s = np.random.randint(0, q, size=n)
# Generate a small error vector e with values drawn from a bounded range
e = np.random.randint(-error_bound, error_bound, size=m)
# Compute b = A * s + e (mod q), which will be the public information
b = (A @ s + e) % q
print("Matrix A:\n", A)
print("Secret vector s:\n", s)
print("Error vector e:\n", e)
print("Public vector b (A * s + e mod q):\n", b)
This setup simulates the environment where the prover holds private information (ss and ee) and proves knowledge of ssusing AA and bb.
Commitment Phase
In the commitment phase, the prover selects a random vector rr and computes the commitment tt. This commitment is a crucial part of the Zero-Knowledge Proof, as it hides the secret.
# Prover selects a random vector r and computes t = A * r + e' (mod q)
r = np.random.randint(0, q, size=n) # Random vector r
e_prime = np.random.randint(-error_bound, error_bound, size=m) # Small error vector e'
# Compute the commitment t
t = (A @ r + e_prime) % q
print("Random vector r:\n", r)
print("Error vector e_prime:\n", e_prime)
print("Commitment t = A * r + e_prime (mod q):\n", t)
This is the first message sent from the prover to the verifier, initiating the proof.
Challenge Phase
In this phase, the verifier sends a challenge cc to the prover. The challenge is a randomly chosen bit (either 0 or 1), determining how the prover should respond.
# Verifier sends a random challenge c
c = np.random.randint(0, 2) # Random challenge, 0 or 1
print("Challenge c from verifier:", c)
This is the second message, where the verifier sends the challenge, triggering the prover's next step.
Response Phase
The prover's response depends on the challenge cc. If c=0c=0, the prover reveals rr and e′e′; if c=1c=1, the prover reveals r+sr+s and e′+ee′+e.
# Prover's response based on the challenge
if c == 0:
# Prover sends r and e' to the verifier
prover_response_r = r
prover_response_e_prime = e_prime
print("Prover responds with r and e_prime:\n", prover_response_r, prover_response_e_prime)
# Prover sends r + s and e' + e to the verifier
prover_response_r = (r + s) % q
prover_response_e_prime = (e_prime + e) % q
print("Prover responds with r + s and e_prime + e:\n", prover_response_r, prover_response_e_prime)
This is the third message, where the prover sends the response based on the challenge.
Verification Phase
The verifier checks the proof by verifying whether the prover’s response satisfies the commitment tt or the public vector bb.
# Verifier checks the proof
if c == 0:
# Check if t == A * r + e'
verifier_check = np.all((A @ prover_response_r + prover_response_e_prime) % q == t)
# Check if t == A * (r + s) + (e' + e)
verifier_check = np.all((A @ prover_response_r + prover_response_e_prime) % q == t)
# Output the result of verification
if verifier_check:
print("Proof verified successfully!")
print("Proof verification failed.")
This is the final step, where the verifier validates the proof and either accepts or rejects it.
Improvements and Additional Considerations
While the current implementation demonstrates the core principles of lattice-based Zero-Knowledge Proofs, a real-world system would need additional security measures, such as:
By combining RLWE with ZKPs, blockchain systems can ensure that sensitive information is protected even in a post-quantum world. The RLWE-based ZKP protocol involves the prover committing to a random polynomial and responding to a challenge from the verifier. The verifier checks the validity of the response without learning the underlying secret. Such protocols can be implemented in blockchain networks for secure, quantum-resistant transactions. They also enhance privacy by keeping sensitive data hidden while proving necessary properties. Efficient implementation of RLWE and ZKP protocols is crucial for their adoption in real-world systems.
Now, let's dive into the C++ implementation of RLWE-based Zero-Knowledge Proof protocols.....................
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
const int q = 23; // Modulus
const int n = 16; // Degree of polynomials (Ring dimension)
// Function to add two polynomials in Z_q[x]/(x^n + 1)
vector<int> poly_add(const vector<int>& a, const vector<int>& b) {
vector<int> result(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
result[i] = (a[i] + b[i]) % q;
return result;
// Function to multiply two polynomials in Z_q[x]/(x^n + 1)
vector<int> poly_multiply(const vector<int>& a, const vector<int>& b) {
vector<int> result(n, 0);
// Perform polynomial multiplication mod (x^n + 1)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
int idx = (i + j) % n;
result[idx] = (result[idx] + a[i] * b[j]) % q;
return result;
// Function to generate random polynomial with coefficients in Z_q
vector<int> generate_random_poly() {
vector<int> poly(n);
random_device rd;
mt19937 gen(rd());
uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, q - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
poly[i] = dis(gen);
return poly;
// Function to print polynomials
void print_poly(const vector<int>& poly) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout << poly[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
RLWE Sample Generation
RLWE samples are generated by combining a random polynomial, a secret polynomial, and an error term.
// Function to sample RLWE instance (a, b) where b = a * s + e
pair<vector<int>, vector<int>> generate_rlwe_sample(const vector<int>& s) {
vector<int> a = generate_random_poly(); // Public random polynomial
vector<int> e = generate_random_poly(); // Small error polynomial
// Compute b = a * s + e (mod q)
vector<int> b = poly_add(poly_multiply(a, s), e);
return {a, b};
Prover Commitment and Verifier Challenge
In this section, the prover commits to a value and the verifier sends a challenge. The prover responds based on the challenge.
// Prover's commit function
vector<int> prover_commit(const vector<int>& s) {
vector<int> r = generate_random_poly(); // Random polynomial r
vector<int> e_prime = generate_random_poly(); // Error term
// Compute commitment t = a * r + e' (mod q)
vector<int> t = poly_add(poly_multiply(s, r), e_prime);
return t;
// Verifier sends a random challenge c (0 or 1)
int verifier_send_challenge() {
random_device rd;
mt19937 gen(rd());
uniform_int_distribution<> dis(0, 1);
return dis(gen); // Challenge c is either 0 or 1
Prover Response and Verifier Check
The prover responds based on the challenge and the verifier checks the response for correctness.
// Prover responds based on the challenge
pair<vector<int>, vector<int>> prover_response(int c, const vector<int>& s, const vector<int>& r, const vector<int>& e_prime) {
if (c == 0) {
return {r, e_prime}; // Reveal r and e' if challenge is 0
} else {
vector<int> r_plus_s = poly_add(r, s); // Reveal r + s if challenge is 1
vector<int> e_prime_plus_e = poly_add(e_prime, s); // Reveal e' + e
return {r_plus_s, e_prime_plus_e};
// Verifier checks the proof
bool verifier_check(int c, const vector<int>& t, const pair<vector<int>, vector<int>>& response, const vector<int>& a, const vector<int>& b) {
if (c == 0) {
vector<int> r = response.first;
vector<int> e_prime = response.second;
// Check t == a * r + e' (mod q)
return poly_add(poly_multiply(a, r), e_prime) == t;
} else {
vector<int> r_plus_s = response.first;
vector<int> e_prime_plus_e = response.second;
// Check b == a * (r + s) + e' + e
return poly_add(poly_multiply(a, r_plus_s), e_prime_plus_e) == b;
Main Function
The main function ties everything together, simulating a complete RLWE-based Zero-Knowledge Proof interaction between the prover and verifier.
int main() {
// Generate secret polynomial s
vector<int> s = generate_random_poly();
// Generate RLWE sample (a, b)
auto [a, b] = generate_rlwe_sample(s);
// Prover commits
vector<int> r = generate_random_poly();
vector<int> t = prover_commit(s);
// Verifier sends challenge
int c = verifier_send_challenge();
cout << "Verifier's challenge: " << c << endl;
// Prover responds based on challenge
auto response = prover_response(c, s, r, generate_random_poly());
// Verifier checks the proof
if (verifier_check(c, t, response, a, b)) {
cout << "Proof verified successfully!" << endl;
} else {
cout << "Proof verification failed." << endl;
return 0;