Implementing and Managing Deductions

In Employee Central, you can make deductions from an employee's salary.

Deductions are classified as items deducted from gross income that reduce the amount of income subject to taxation. These deductions can be done on a one-off basis or as recurring items.

Deductions fall under the following categories:

  • Various expenditure / investment / payments
  • Voluntary deductions declared by the employee
  • Advances / Loans

Both one-time and recurring deductions are MDF objects. They can be updated in the object definition.

Enabling Deductions:

  • Go to Manage Employee Central Settings.
  • Select Deductions Management.
  • Save your changes.

Permissions for Deductions:

You can use role-based permissions (RBP) for both one time and recurring deductions to control who has access.

This means you can restrict the options that certain users have, based on the roles assigned to them.

For recurring deductions, RBP is not enabled by default, which means that the Recurring Deduction block is visible to all users on their Employment Information page. To restrict access to the Recurring Deduction block to certain roles, then update the permission settings in RBP.

Permissions for MDF Objects:

All permissions settings for MDF objects for deductions must be aligned. If permissions are not set and objects are not secured, one would have no permissions to the object. Using secured objects is recommended. This means, in the object definition, in the Security section, the Secured field must be set to Yes and the Permission Category set to Miscellaneous. Once the object definition is updated, the permissions must be set in Manage Permission Roles > User Permissions > Miscellaneous Permissions.

  • Recurring Deduction
  • Recurring Deduction Item
  • One Time Deduction
  • One Time Deduction Item
  • One Time Deduction User

If you choose not to use secured objects, then you must set the Manage Permission Roles > Admin Permissions > Metadata Framework > Access to non-secured objects setting.

Recommended Settings for Recurring Deductions - Full Permissions:

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Recommended Settings for Recurring Deductions - Edit Permissions:

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Recommended Settings for Recurring Deductions - View Permissions:

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Recommended Settings for One Time Deductions - Full Permissions:

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Recommended Settings for One Time Deductions - View Permissions:

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UI Configuration: You can configure the UI for both one-time and recurring deductions manually.

Creating Recurring Deduction Configuration UI: Create the UI for recurring deductions. The Recurring Deduction has only one base object, so only one configuration UI is needed.


  1. Go to Manage Configuration UI.
  2. In the Manage Configuration UI screen, select Create New.
  3. Enter a screen ID.
  4. Open the Select Base Object dropdown menu, and select Recurring Deduction.
  5. Enter the relevant deduction details, then select OK.
  6. Save your changes.

Note: The end user should not see the Has Permission field on their screen. To ensure this, edit the Has Permission field properties, and set the Visibility field to No, then select OK. This field should also be the last field in your configuration UI.

Creating One Time Deduction Configuration UI: Create the UI for one-time deductions.

A one-time deduction has three objects: One Time Deduction, One Time Deduction Items, and One Time Deduction User. This means, three configuration UIs are required for the three objects.


1.?Go to Manage Configuration UI.

2. In the Manage Configuration UI screen, select Create New.

3.?Enter a screen ID.

4.?Open the Select Base Object dropdown menu, and select One Time Deduction.

We recommend the following configuration:

  • One Time Deduction Object (Base Object > One Time Deduction User)
  • One Time Deduction Items Object (Base Object > One Time Deduction User)
  • One Time Deduction User Object (Base Object > One Time Deduction User)

5.?Ignore the first field (the ID field) from the configuration UI. This will be automatically filled by the system.

6.?Enter the relevant details in the following fields:

  • Deduction Date
  • Pay Component
  • Amount / Percentage / Number of units
  • Currency
  • Unit of Measure
  • Advance (Optional)

7. Select OK to save your changes.

8.?Repeat these steps to create the One Time Deductions Items Configuration UI.

Creating the One Time Deduction User for Administrator and Employee: Manually set up the user for the UI for one-time deductions.


1)?Go to Manage Configuration UI.

2)?In the Manage Configuration UI screen, select Create New.

3)?Enter a screen ID.

4)?Open the Select Base Object dropdown menu, and select One Time Deduction User.

5)?Position the cursor over the one-time deductions block, and select Add Field. This adds an Input field to the block.

6)?Hover over the first added input field, select the pencil icon, then select Edit Properties. In the pop-up menu that appears, go to the Value Type dropdown menu, and select Resolver.

7)?In the Value Type Resolver menu, select One Time Deduction Item > One Time Deduction > Deduction Date.

8)?In the Label Override field, enter the label you want to appear on the UI. Select OK.

You can follow the same process from steps 5 -8 in the other input fields for the following attributes:

  • Currency: When you set the currency attributes, go to the Value Type Resolver drop-down menu, expand the Currency option, and select currency.code.
  • Unit of Measure: When you set the unit of measure attributes, go to the Value Type Resolver drop-down menu, expand the Unit of Measure option and select Common Code.
  • Pay Component: When you set the attributes for Pay Component, select the highlighted Pay Component option listed on the Value Type Resolver drop-down menu. By default, you can see four fields in a row on the block. Any additional fields are included as part of Details.

9)?Save your changes.

Assigning Screen IDs:

You can assign screen IDs to the Configure Deduction Screen IDs object, so that when an Employment Information or Take Action page is loaded, the system reads the object containing the screen IDs and displays your deductions on-screen.

You can assign both new and previously existing screen IDs.

Assigning New Screen IDs: Assign screen IDs so that the system reads the object containing the screen IDs and displays your deductions on-screen.


  • Go to Manage Data.
  • In the Manage Data screen, open the Create New dropdown menu, and select Configure Deduction Screen IDs.
  • In each row, select the screen IDs for the configuration UIs that you previously created from each dropdown menu.

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  • Save your changes.

Changing Existing Screen IDs: Update existing screen IDs so that the system reads the object containing the screen IDs and displays your deductions on-screen.


  • Go to Manage Data.
  • In the Manage Data screen, open the Search dropdown menu, and select Configure Deduction Screen IDs.
  • Open the adjacent dropdown menu, and select your screen ID.
  • From the Take Action drop-down menu, select Make Correction.
  • Make your changes.
  • Save your changes.

Business Rules:

Creating the Rule to Hide User: Create a rule to hide the user in the Recurring Deduction block.


  • Go to Manage Configuration UI.
  • In the Manage Configuration UI screen, search for the Recurring Deduction Config UI.
  • Position the cursor over the Recurring Deduction heading and select the Manage UI Rules link that appears.
  • Select Add Rules from the pop-up menu that appears.
  • In the Rule Name field, enter HideUser.
  • Position the cursor next to If and select the Always True checkbox that appears.
  • Select the pencil icon under Then.
  • From the dropdown menu that appears, select Set.
  • Select the relevant expression, for example, User, and enter the relevant settings to set the visibility to null.

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  • Save your settings.

Creating the Rule to Make Fields Read-Only for Pay Components: Create a rule to make some fields in the pay component read-only for users without permissions.


  • Go to Manage Configuration UI.
  • In the Manage Configuration UI screen, search for the Recurring Deduction Config UI.
  • Position the cursor over the Recurring Deduction heading and select the Manage UI Rules link that appears.
  • Select Add Rules from the pop-up menu that appears.
  • In the Rule Name field, enter MakeFieldsReadOnlyForNoPerm.
  • For the If expression, select Recurring Items > Has Permission > Value, then select is equal to Text, then type No in the last field.
  • Save your settings.

Creating the Rule to Make a Pay Component Read-Only During Edit Mode for Existing Recurring Items: Create a rule to make some fields read-only so that existing recurring deduction items cannot be changed in edit mode.


  • Go to Manage Configuration UI.
  • In the Manage Configuration UI screen, search for the Recurring Deduction Config UI.
  • Position the cursor over the Recurring Deduction heading and select the Manage UI Rules link that appears.
  • Select Add Rules from the pop-up menu that appears.
  • Select the rule name PayCompIdReadOnly from the pop-up menu that appears.
  • For the If expression, select Recurring Items > Pay Component > Value, then select is not equal to Null.
  • Save your settings.

Creating the Rule to Show the Equivalent Amount Field: Create a rule to set the Equivalent Amount field to visible for pay components of types Number and Percentage.


  • Go to Configure Object Definition.
  • In the Configure Object Definition screen, select Object Definition, and in the adjacent menu select Recurring Deduction Item.
  • Select Take Action, and select Make Correction to edit the object definition.
  • For the equivalent amount field, select the Details link.
  • Change the Visibility property of equivalent amount from Not Visible to Read Only.
  • Now that the field is visible, you have to update the config UI. Go to Manage Configuration UI.
  • Position the cursor over the Recurring Deduction heading and select the Manage UI Rules link that appears.
  • In the pop-up menu, select the MakeFieldsReadOnlyForNoPerm rule that you previously created.
  • In the Edit Rule pop-up, ensure that the permissions are set correctly.

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  • Select OK, then save your settings.

Assigning Rules for Recurring Deductions: Assign the rules you have just created for recurring deductions.


  • Go to Manage Configuration UI.
  • In the Manage Configuration UI screen, search for the Recurring Deduction Config UI.
  • Position the cursor over the Recurring Deduction heading, and select Edit Properties.
  • Go to the onInitUI Rules and onInsertUI Rules sections, and select the rules you created from the Select Rule dropdown menu.
  • Select OK.
  • Save your changes.

Note: The Hide User rule only needs to be assigned in the onInitUI Rules section.

Configuring People Profile for Deduction Blocks:

To avoid errors in the People Profile, configure the Recurring Deduction block as a Live Profile MDF Information custom block with MDF Screen ID Recurring Deduction Configuration UI.

Configure the One Time Deduction block as a standard block and not as Live Profile MDF Information block. This is because you can only assign one screen to the Live Profile MDF information, and since 3 screens are needed for the One Time Deduction, then we use the One Time Deduction block.


  • Go to Configure People Profile.
  • In the Available Blocks search field, search for MDF. In the Custom Blocks section, the Live Profile MDF Information appears.
  • Drag the Live Profile MDF Information block over to the One Time Deduction row and drop it in.
  • Add the MDF Screen ID, which is Recurring Deduction Configuration UI.
  • In the Available Blocks search field, search for One Time Deduction, which is listed under Compensation Information.
  • Drag the One Time Deduction block over to the One Time Deduction row and drop it in.
  • Save your changes.

Adding Custom or New Fields: Add fields to the existing object definition for the deduction where needed.


  • Go to Manage Configuration UI.
  • In the Search field, enter the relevant configuration UI details.
  • Once the relevant deduction details are displayed, position your cursor over the Deduction block, and select Add Field.
  • Once you have entered the new field details, map the UI field to the relevant field using the value type resolver.
  • Save your changes.

Enabling the End Date Field: Enable the end date field to end a recurring deduction item automatically at a future date.


  • Go to Configure Object Definition.
  • In the Search drop-down menu, select Object Definition.
  • In the adjacent drop-down menu, select Recurring Deduction Item.
  • Select Take Action, then select Make Correction.
  • In the endDate field row, choose Details, and change the visibility to Editable.
  • Select Done to save your changes.

You can now add the field to the configuration UI.

Once you have made the field visible and added it to the configuration UI, you can use the end date function to end recurring deduction items automatically.

Forward Propagation in Employee Central Recurring Deductions:

Forward propagation means that a change in the value of a field in an object is also made (“propagated”) to future records for the same object. Forward propagation is only triggered if the amount that was changed is the same for the future record. That can be the amount or any other field.

The forward propagation of this field change stops as soon as one of the future records for a recurring deduction has a field value maintained that is different than the original field value. When changes are propagated, the time stamp and user of the last change to the record is updated.

Forward propagation works for pay components of all type, amount, percentage, and number for recurring deductions, one-time deductions, and recurring pay components. The field values for frequency, amount, currency, unit of measure, and rate are all propagated. Attachments and equivalent amounts are not propagated.

Changes are propagated based on:

  • Changes made on History screen (Insert only).
  • Changes made from the Take Action > Manage Recurring Deductions.

Importing a Recurring Deduction: Import data for a recurring deduction to an employee's salary.


1.?Download the template.

  • Go to Import and Export Data.
  • For the Select the action to perform field, choose Download Template.
  • In the Select Generic Object, choose Recurring Deduction and for Include dependencies, choose Yes to include the Recurring Items.
  • Select Download.

2.?Prepare the data.

  • You'll need these files from the downloaded template:

  1. Set the import settings (full purge or incremental, suppress data, key preference, and file name).
  2. import_sequence.csv: Set the file name and sequence of import files to be included in the zip file.
  3. Recurring Deduction.csv: Set the userId and effective date of the deduction.
  4. Recurring Deduction-Recurring Items.csv: For the deduction details, set the userId, effective date, pay component, amount/percentage/ number of units, currency, and frequency.

  • Save the files as a zip file.

3. Import the records.

  • Go to Import and Export Data.
  • For the Select the action to perform field, choose Import Data.
  • Select the ZIP File tab.
  • Browse to find the zip file you created for the recurring deduction data.
  • Select Validate to check for any errors in the file.
  • If the file is correct, select Import.

Importing a One Time Deduction: Import data for a single deduction to an employee's salary.


1.?Download the template.

  • Go to Import and Export Data.
  • For the Select the action to perform field, choose Download Template.
  • In the Select Generic Object, choose One Time Deduction and for Include dependencies, choose No to include the Recurring Items.
  • Select Download.

2.?Prepare the data.

  • In the downloaded template, enter the correct values for each column. The externalCode is AutoNumber. Therefore, use "hash sign+number".
  • Save the files as a CSV file.

3.?Import the records.

  • Go to Import and Export Data.
  • For the Select the action to perform field, choose Import Data.
  • Select the CSV File tab.
  • For Select Generic Object, choose One Time Deduction.
  • Browse to find the CSV file you created for the one-time deduction data.
  • Select Validate to check for any errors in the file.
  • If the file is correct, select Import.

Managing Deductions: Once deductions have been configured in your system, you can create them for employees and see the workflows that follow.

There are two types of deduction:

  • One Time: a one-off deduction from an employee's salary.
  • Recurring: a deduction from the employee's salary that occurs periodically, for example, monthly.

Creating a One Time Deduction: Create a one-time deduction, for example, for an advance, from the employee profile.


1.?Go to the employee's profile page.

2.?Select Employment Information.

3.?Select Take Action > One Time Deduction.

4.?On the One Time Deduction screen, enter values in the following fields:

  • Deduction Date
  • Pay Component
  • Amount / Percentage
  • Currency
  • Advance

5.?Save your changes.

Note: Ensure that the effective start date is after the hire date to avoid errors in the system.

Creating a Recurring Deduction: Create a recurring deduction for an employee from the employee profile.


1.?Go to the employee's profile page.

2.?Select Employment Information.

3.?Select Take Action > Manage Recurring Deductions.

4.?Select an effective start date for the deduction, then select Proceed.

5.?On the Manage Recurring Deductions screen, enter values in the following fields:

  • Deduction Date
  • Pay Component
  • Amount / Percentage
  • Currency
  • Advance
  • Planned End Date

You can also create a recurring deduction in the Employment Information section of an employee profile. Go to the Recurring Deduction block, select Edit, and then create the deduction.

6.?Save your changes.

Example Business Rules for Deductions: Here is an example of a business rule for deductions in your system.

For all business rules, follow these steps:

  • Go to Configure Business Rules.
  • Create a Rule.
  • Select a basic rule. Choose the correct base object.
  • Create a rule based on the examples shown.
  • Save your changes.
  • In the Business Configuration UI, add the rule to the data model.

Delete Recurring Deductions on Termination of Employee:

You can create a cross-block rule to remove a recurring deduction when an employee is terminated.

This rule has Employment Details as the base object. It should be added as a rule to employment information in Manage Business Configuration.

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Note: Workflows must be configured for termination.

Thank You for taking time to read the Article. Please leave your feedbacks/suggestions in the comment section.

Carlos Russo

SAP Consulting - SAP Human Capital - Manager

7 个月

Hi, is there a way to create a business rule that will trigger a workflow when a recurring payment is entered?

Berndine Naudé

Payroll Professional : Driving efficiency in Payroll operations

8 个月

Hi, is there a standard way to enable audit tracking on this UI? Apart from the last modified date and user? A similiar functionality wee already have available in One Time Payments, to see whether a record was deleted / inserted etc..


Hi thank you for your post, I have one question. It seems we cannot hide the action menu for One Time Deduction from managers. SAP suggests to remove the action item from the screen ID but this disables it for admin as well. Editing via pencil is greyed out. Do you have a recommendation how we can enable it for admin but disable for managers?


your doing a great job and your articles are awesome


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