ChatGPT in Salesforce using LWC (Lightning Web Components)?????????
Hello my fellow Aspirant!! If you’re a Salesforce developer with a good grasp of LWC, Apex, and API customization skills, this blog is for you. Today, we’ll be discussing how to implement the ChatGPT API in Salesforce using Lightning Web Components (LWC). Let’s get started!
Before we begin, make sure you have the following:
Step 1: Setting up ChatGPT API
Firstly, you need to set up the ChatGPT API. For this, you need to create an account on OpenAI and get your API key & also note organization ID.
Step 2: Creating a Named Credential
In Salesforce, navigate to Setup > Security > Named Credentials. Create a new Named Credential with the URL as and the Identity Type as Named Principal. In the Authentication section, select Per User and fill in the Username and Password fields with your OpenAI account details.
Step 3: Creating an Apex Class
Next, create an Apex class that will make a callout to the ChatGPT API. Here’s a sample code snippet:
public class openAIclass{
public static string textcompletionCeck(string texttoCheck){
String openaiApiKey = 'sk-s78q***************************************h';
String openaiEndpoint = '';
list<id> kaid = new list<id>();
// Query for a list of knowledge articles from the above list
List<Knowledge__kav> kas = [select id,Documentation_Details__c,Title, CreatedDate, CreatedById from Knowledge__kav where PublishStatus = 'Online' and Id in:kaid ];
// Convert the list of accounts to JSON
String kaJSON = JSON.serialize(kas);
Map<String, Object> jsonBody = new Map<String, Object>();
jsonBody.put('model', 'text-davinci-003');
jsonBody.put('prompt', kaJSON + ' '+texttoCheck);
jsonBody.put('max_tokens', 2999);
jsonBody.put('temperature', 0);
String jsonBodyString = JSON.serialize(jsonBody);
// Create a new HttpRequest object
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
// Set the method to POST
// Set the endpoint URL
//Replace org-c******************4 with your organization ID from OpenAI
req.setHeader('OpenAI-Organization', 'org-c******************4');
// Set the content type header
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
// Set the authorization header
req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + openaiApiKey);
// Create a new Http object
Http http = new Http();
// Send the request and get the response
HttpResponse response = http.send((req));
fromJSON responseRetrived = fromJSON.parse(string.valueof(response.getBody()));
system.debug('response check --> '+string.valueof(response.getBody()));
//return string.valueof(response.getBody());
return responseRetrived.choices[0].text;
Step 4: Creating a Lightning Web Component
Now, create a LWC that will use the Apex class to interact with the ChatGPT API. Here’s a sample code snippet:
HTML file:
<div class=" slds-box slds-theme_shade slds-theme_alert-texture">
<lightning-layout-item size="9">
<lightning-input variant="label-hidden" value={texttocheck} onchange={assignData}></lightning-input>
<lightning-layout-item size="3">
<lightning-button label="Search" onclick={doSearch}></lightning-button>
<div if:true={spin} style="height:4rem;position:relative;background-color:#16325c;">
<lightning-spinner if:true={spin} alternative-text="Loading" size="small" ></lightning-spinner>
<p if:false={spin}>
Here’s a breakdown of the code:
This template creates a simple user interface where users can enter a prompt, submit it to get a response from the ChatGPT API, and see the response displayed on the page.
JS file:
import { LightningElement,track,api } from 'lwc';
import fetchCompletion from '@salesforce/apex/openAIclass.textcompletionCeck';
export default class AIGPT extends LightningElement {
@track texttocheck;
@track responseReturned;
this.texttocheck =;
async doSearch(){
this.spin = true;
await fetchCompletion({texttoCheck:this.texttocheck}).then(result=>{
this.responseReturned = result;
this.spin = false;
Here’s a breakdown of the code:
Step 5: Testing Your Implementation
Finally, add your LWC to a Salesforce page and test it out. Enter a prompt in the input field and submit it. You should see a response from the ChatGPT API displayed on your page.
And there you have it! You’ve successfully implemented the ChatGPT API in Salesforce using LWC. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for creating interactive and dynamic experiences in Salesforce.
Remember, this is just a basic implementation. You can enhance this by adding error handling, customizing the response format, and much more based on your application’s requirements. And remember this is not suitable when you need data privacy. Happy coding!!??
Senior Managing Director
11 个月Mukkesh Reddy Very Informative. Thank you for sharing.