Implementing Address Validation Service

What is Address Validation Service?

Address validation services help validate an employee and employee’s dependents address.

Address checks determine if address data such as country, region and postal code length is consistent. If you enter inconsistent data, the system displays a relevant error message, and you cannot save or activate the address data.

These services are licensed separately by SAP Data Quality Management (DQM), microservices for location data that is hosted on SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP). Enable this http based microservice, also called DQM microservices, to integrate address validation feature within your SAP Cloud for Customer system.

Setting Up Address Validation Services:

SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP):

Get an SAP BTP account. An existing account can be reused if available.

Enable Data Quality Services:

When you purchase a license for the microservice, you are assigned a Request URL to access DQM microservices. The URL is unique to your data center on SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) and is required to activate 6 INTERNAL – Authorized for SAP Customers and Partners Implementing Address Validation Service Setting Up Address Validation Services integration with the SAP Cloud for Customer. The DQM microservices are available in the Neo and Cloud Foundry Environment.

Billing for DQM Microservices for Address Validation:

The street address validation is enabled by default for each SAP Cloud for Customer to DQM microservices call. The following considerations apply as part of the address validation service:

  • Street address validation is considered as one transaction by DQM microservices
  • Street and post office box addresses within the same address validation transaction are considered separately

Enable DQM Services in the Neo Environment:


1.?The first time you log in to BTP, go to the Services section in the BTP Cockpit and enable the service “Data Quality Services” under the ‘Master Data’ section.

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2.?To access the service, select the option “Subscriptions” under ‘Applications’ in the BTP Cockpit.

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3.?Under the section ‘Subscribed HTML5 Applications’ select the application link “dqmmicroui”.

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4.?Select the Application URL to access the DQM microservices.

Enable DQM Services in the Cloud Foundry Environment:


  1. Create your subaccount.
  2. In the navigation area, expand Entitlements, then select Subaccount Assignments.
  3. Choose your subaccount.
  4. Select Go.

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5.?Choose Configure Entitlements.

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6.?Choose Add Service Plans.

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7.?Choose Data Quality Services.

8.?Under Available Plans, select Standard.

9.?Select Add 1 Service Plan.

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10.?Select Save.

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11.?In the navigation area, go to Subaccounts, and then select your subaccount.

12.?In the navigation area, expand Cloud Foundry, then select Spaces.

13.?Choose the relevant Space.

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14.?In the navigation area, expand Services, then select Service Marketplace.

15.?Choose Data Quality Services.

16.?On the screen showing the details of the service, select Create.

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17.?Data Quality Services should automatically appear in the Service field. If it does not, select Data Quality Services manually.

18.?The only service plan available is Standard. Enter a name for your instance in the Instance Name field and select Next.

19.?If you are using OAuth for authentication, select Next without filling in any of the fields.

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20.?Select Create. The OAuth authentication is created by default.

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21. Close the Success message.

22.?In the navigation area, expand Services, then select Instances.

23.?Choose your instance and select the horizontal ellipsis.

24.?Choose Create Service Key.

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25.?Enter a Service Key Name, then choose Create.

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26.?Choose your service key and select the horizontal ellipsis.

27.?Choose View.

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Here is the information for the Client ID, Secret ID for the configuration in the Security Center.

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28.?Navigate to the subaccount in which you have created the service instance for Data Quality Services.

29.?In the navigation area, expand Applications then select Service Marketplace.

30.?Select the Data Quality Services UI tile. A screen will appear to the right.

31.?If there are no Active subscriptions, choose Create to create a new subscription.

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32.?Enter the Service Data Quality Services UI.

33.?Select the plan, then choose Create.

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Accessing the DQM Microservices Configuration UI:


  1. In the navigation area, expand Services, then select Instances and Subscriptions.
  2. In the Subscription section choose the relevant DQM microservices and select the horizontal ellipsis next to the active subscription. A pop-up menu will appear.
  3. Select Go to Application and open the configuration UI.

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Creating Configurations:


1.?Go to your DQM microservices instance.

2.?Select the Configurations button.

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  • Some configurations are pre-loaded, and you can see these on screen.
  • You can manually create configurations.
  • You can also import a standard configuration. To do this, select Import a Configuration in the top right-hand side of the screen.

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3.?The JSON file with the pre-configured local version mappings (Configuration Files for Address Validation Service) is available on the SAP Help Portal under Implement in the Configuration section. You can import the file using the Import a Configuration button.

Do not change the name of the JSON file SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central - Standard Configuration after import.

Once you import the local versions configuration, the file SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central - Standard Configuration is visible on the configuration list.

  • If the information in your data model matches the information in this configuration, you can use the configuration immediately. The reference configuration provided for the pre-configured local versions is for the standard data model delivered by SAP for the home address in the country/region specific Succession Data Model (CSF SDM).
  • If there is a discrepancy between your data model and the configuration, configure semantic mappings in the input model and configure the output model, making sure that it matches the settings in the input model.

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Enable the Address Validation Service in Employee Central Provisioning:

You need to enable the address validation service in Provisioning to make it available in your Employee Central system.


  1. Log in to Provisioning and select your company. Choose Company Settings.
  2. Select Employee Central Address Validation Service. This ensures the Address Validation Service function is available in your system.

Enable the Address Validation Service in the Security Center:

You need to configure your SuccessFactors Employee Center system so you can validate addresses in the employee block.


1.?Go to the Employee Central Admin Center.

2.?In the Tool Search field, select Security Center.

3.?In the Security Center, select Outbound OAuth Configurations.

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4.?Enter the credentials and URL of your instance. You can find these details on the DQM microservice page.

Creating a New Configuration:


1.?Select Add.

2.?Enter the configuration name and description as needed. Enter the data in the remaining fields as follows:

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  • OAuth Type: Choose OAuth 2.0.
  • Grant Type: Choose Client Credentials.
  • Client ID and Client Secret:

Configuration Data for the Neo Environment

a.?Log in to BTP Account to get the necessary data.

b.?In BTP Cockpit go to Security > OAuth.

c.?Choose the tab Clients.

d.?Register a new client if one is not available. See the details in the screenshot below.

o?Enter a name.

o?Select the Subscription Type u23133c2f/dqmmicro.

o?The ID will be generated automatically.

o?Under Authorization Gran choose Client Credentials.

o?Under Secret enter your password.

o?Leave the field Token Lifetime empty.

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e.?Copy the information in the fields ID and Secret and enter the respective details in the fields Client ID and Client Secret in Employee Central Integration Center.

  • Token URL

a.?Login to BTP Account.

b.?In BTP Cockpit Go to Security > OAuth.

c.?Choose the tab Branding.

d.?Under the section OAuth URLs there is a link provided for Token Endpoint. Append this link with ? grant_type=client_credentials, then copy the new link to the field Token URL in the Employee Central Integration Center.

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  • Token Method: Choose POST.
  • When you have entered the relevant details, choose Save.

Configuration Data for the Cloud Foundry Environment

a.?Log in to BTP Account to get the necessary data.

b.?In the navigation area, expand Services, then select Instances and Subscriptions.

c.?Select your instance and expand the data.

d.?Choose your service key and select the horizontal ellipsis.

e.?Choose View.

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f.?Enter the clientid and the clientsecret in the corresponding fields.

g.?For the Token URL copy the information available in the url ( and append /oauth/token? grant_type=client_credentials to the link (

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h.?For Token Method choose Post.

i.?Choose Save.

3.?Go to the Security Center home page and select Destination Settings to enter the end points URLs.

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4.?Add the following Destination Settings:

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  • In the Name field, enter Address Validation Service Configuration.
  • Type: Choose REST.
  • Endpoint URL

Configuration Data for the Neo Environment

a.?Login to BTP Account.

b.?In BTP Cockpit go to Application > Subscriptions.

c.?Under the section Subscribed Java Applications select the application link dqmmicro.

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d.?On the new page, select the first application URL that provides the certificate details.

e.?Open the application URL, and copy the link for Address Cleanse URL under the section Available endpoints and paste it in the Endpoint URL field in the Employee Central Security Center. For the corresponding links, see the combination in yellow or red in the screenshot below.

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Configuration Data for the Cloud Foundry Environment

a.?Log in to BTP Account to get the necessary data.

b.?In the navigation area, expand Services, then select Instances and Subscriptions.

c.?Select your instance and expand the data.

d.?Choose your service key and select the horizontal ellipsis.

e.?Choose View.

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f.?For the Endpoint URL copy the information available in the url. To construct the full Endpoint URL, prepend "https://" and append "/dq/addressCleanse" to the host.

For example

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  • Authentication Type: Choose OAuth.
  • OAuth Configurations: Choose the OAuth configuration created in the Security Center, Outbound OAuth Configurations.
  • When you have entered the relevant details, choose Save.

Customizing your Configuration in Manage Data:


Create the MDF picklist with the picklist ID AddressType under Picklist Center. The external code of the values should be the same as those in the legacy picklist AddressType.

Verify that the picklist ID AddressType is assigned to the object Address Validation Configuration for the Address Type.

The values for the picklist ID AddressType are as follows:

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The Address Validation Service will only be triggered for the countries or regions for which you have entered configuration details in the Address Validation Configuration for Country/Region.


  1. Check if necessary permissions are given for the MDF object Address Validation Configuration for Country/ Region under Miscellaneous Permissions.
  2. Go to the Admin Center, and choose Manage Data.
  3. In the Create New field, select Address Validation Configuration for Country/Region.
  4. Enter details in the relevant fields.
  5. Select Save.

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The field details for your customizing configuration are as follows:

  • Country/Region: Select your required country/region. The mapping of the fields in the DQM microservices should be available for your selected country/region.
  • Activate Service Use For: Specify the type of user for whom you want to activate the validation service.

o?Employee Addresses Only – this option validates only the address of the employee.

o?Employee and Dependent Addresses – this option validates an employee’s and employee’s dependents addresses.

  • Default Locale: This specifies the language in which the user must type the address.
  • Address Type: Specify one or more address types you want the system to validate.
  • Allow Save for Non-Critical Errors: Specify if you want to allow the system to save the employee’s address details if there are minor errors.


  • If the service is activated for both employees and dependents, the address type “Home” is a mandatory address type, as the Dependents block only supports home address.
  • If the entered address is not valid or does not match the data on the data base, the system will display a warning message when you select Save. However, you can still save the address if Allow Save for Non-Critical Errors is set to Yes for the address type.

Validating an Employee's Address:

  1. Go to an employee's Employee Profile and, under Personal Information, go to the Address Information section.
  2. Select the pencil icon to open the address block. If you have configured the corresponding country/region for Address Validation, a ‘Validate Address’ button appears on the screen.
  3. Enter your address details. If you select the ‘Validate Address’ button and the system finds any errors in the address, it suggests changes you can make to the address to ensure it’s valid.
  4. Select the Save button. If the address is valid, you see the pop-up ‘Save Successful’.

Only the Home Address can be validated in the Dependents block.

The Address Validation Service is not currently supported for Imports and APIs.

Default Mapping for Local Versions:

The default mapping provides some standard configuration for the countries that are available in the Address Validation mapping or for the mapping created by the customer.

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Default Settings Configuration:

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The JSON file with the pre-configured mapping for default and the pre-configured countries/regions is available under the SAP Help Portal and can be imported using the Import a Configuration button.

Once you import the configuration, the file SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central - Standard Configuration is visible on the configuration list.

If the information in your data model matches the information in this configuration, you can use the configuration immediately.

Creating a Country\Region-specific Configuration:

You can use a different subset of fields from the data model to send in the request or assign data from the response per country/region.


1.?Select the Add in the Countries area.

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2.?Enter a meaningful name for the country/region-specific configuration, select the country/region, and select OK.

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There are two ways to complete your country/region-specific configuration:

  • The first option is used when the configuration for this country/region is drastically different from the default. In this case, manually select mappings to service fields in the My Input Model area, select service fields in the My Output Model area, and select preferences for settings in the Settings area.

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  • The second option is used when the configuration for this country/region is similar to the default but involves some minor differences. In this case, you’ll clone and then edit the settings.

Clone a Country/Region-Specific Configuration:

When you clone, you are copying one country/region configuration to a new country configuration.


1.?Click Clone in the Settings area of the default country/region configuration.

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2.?Select your country/region configuration to clone to, select some or all of the three areas to clone, and click OK.

The new country/region configuration is now configured exactly the same as the default country/region configuration.

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3.?Customize the new country/region configuration as desired and click Save.

Delivered Local Versions:

Address Mapping for Belgium by SAP Data Quality Management Microservices for Location Data:

For the configuration in the DQM Microservice instance, see the details in the table below.

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Configuration in SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central – Belgium:

For the Address Validation Service usage for Belgium we recommend you make the fields Postal Code and Street mandatory.

  1. Go to Manage Business Configuration.
  2. Choose the HRIS element homeAddress.
  3. Under homeAddress_BEL change the mandatory entry to Yes.

Address Mapping for Brazil by SAP Data Quality Management Microservices for Location Data:

For the configuration in the DQM Microservice instance, see the details in the table below.

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Configuration in SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central – Brazil:

For the Address Validation Service usage for Brazil we recommend you make the field Postal Code mandatory.

  1. Go to Manage Business Configuration.
  2. Choose the HRIS element homeAddress.
  3. Under homeAddress_BRA change the mandatory entry to Yes.


For Brazil we recommend setting Allow Save for Non Critical Errors to YES. You can do this as follows:

Go to Admin Center, select Manage Data, search for Address Validation Configuration For Country/Region and choose the country Brazil.

In the setting Allow Save for Non Critical Errors set to YES.

Address Mapping for Germany by SAP Data Quality Management Microservices for Location Data:

For the configuration in the DQM Microservice instance, see the details in the table below.

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Configuration in SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central – Germany:

For the Address Validation Service usage for Germany we recommend you make the fields Postal Code and Street mandatory.

  1. Go to Manage Business Configuration.
  2. Choose the HRIS element homeAddress.
  3. Under homeAddress_DEU change the mandatory entry to Yes.

Address Mapping for the Netherlands by SAP Data Quality Management Microservices for Location Data:

For the configuration in the DQM Microservice instance, see the details in the table below.

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Configuration in SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central – Netherlands:

For the Address Validation Service usage for Netherlands we recommend you make the fields Postal Code and House Number mandatory.

  1. Go to Manage Business Configuration.
  2. Choose the HRIS element homeAddress.
  3. Under homeAddress_NLD change the mandatory entry to Yes.

Address Mapping for the United States by SAP Data Quality Management Microservices for Location Data:

For the configuration in the DQM Microservice instance, see the details in the table below.

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Configuration in SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central - United States:

For the Address Validation Service usage for United States we recommend you make the fields Postal Code and Address Line 1 mandatory.

  1. Go to Manage Business Configuration.
  2. Choose the HRIS element homeAddress.
  3. Under homeAddress_USA change the mandatory entry to Yes.

Enabling Address Validation Service in Onboarding:

The Address Validation Service can be used in the Onboarding to validate the address information.


1.?Go to Admin Center.

2.?In Tools and select Configure Object Definitions.

3.?In Search select Object Definitions.

4.?In the second search box enter Address Validation Configuration For Country/Region.

5.?Once it loads, go to Take Action and click on Make Correction.

6.?Search for the field, externalUserVisibilityPrevious, go to details of the field and set Visibility as Read Only.

7.?In the Address Validation Configuration For Country/Region object, go to Take Action and click on Make Correction.

8.?Go to the Rules section and under Initialize Rules and click on +.

A popup to add new rule will open.

9.?Enter Rule Name, Description and Base Object as Address Validation Configuration For Country/Region and Purpose as initialize.

10.?Click Continue.

11.?In the If line of the rule select the box Always True and in the Then line choose Set and select the variable External User Visibility as value Yes.

12.?Click Save.

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13.?Once the rule is created, navigate to the object definition page and in the Rules section assign the newly created rule to the Initialize Rules.

14.?Click Save.

Thank You for taking time to read the Article. Please leave your feedbacks/suggestions in the comment section.

Next week I will write article on how to configure Report Center.


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