Implementing 2048 Game on EKS Cluster with Ingress Routing

Implementing 2048 Game on EKS Cluster with Ingress Routing


Kubernetes has become the standard tool for managing containerized applications at scale, providing a robust platform for orchestrating and scaling workloads across clusters of machines. AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) simplifies the process of deploying, managing, and scaling Kubernetes clusters on AWS infrastructure, offering a seamless integration with other AWS services.

The process of deploying the popular 2048 Game application on an AWS EKS Cluster using Helm Charts. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that streamlines the installation and management of applications on Kubernetes clusters.

Steps Followed:

Step 1: Launch an AWS EC2 Medium Instance

  • Launch an AWS EC2 T2 Medium Instance.
  • Enable necessary permissions and security groups.

Step 2: Install and Configure AWS CLI

  • SSH into the EC2 instance and Install the AWS CLI using the appropriate package manager.

  • Run "aws configure"

  • Enter the IAM user's access key ID, secret access key and set the default region and output format.

Step 3: Install and setup kubectl

  • Kubectl is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that is used to interact with Kubernetes clusters. It allows users to deploy, inspect, and manage Kubernetes resources such as pods, deployments, services and more.
  • Kubectl enables users to perform operations such as creating, updating, deleting, and scaling Kubernetes resources.

Step 4: Install and set up eksctl

  • The eksctl is a command line tool for working with EKS clusters that automates many individual tasks.
  • eksctl tool uses CloudFormation under the hood, creating one stack for the EKS master control plane and another stack for the worker nodes.

Step 5: Install Helm Chart

  • Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform.
  • Helm helps to manage Kubernetes applications by making it easy to install, update, and delete them.

Step 6: Create an EKS Cluster using EKSCTL

  • Use eksctl to create an EKS cluster, specifying parameters such as region, node instance type, and cluster name.
  • eksctl will create an empty cluster, we will host the Kubernetes application on this cluster and see how Ingress Service caters requests from the client.

  • After some time of execution in your AWS Console, you can able to see the EKS and Worker Nodes created under Compute.

Step 7: Set up IAM Role for Service Accounts

  • The IAM permissions can either be setup via IAM roles for ServiceAccount or can be attached directly to the worker node IAM roles.
  • ??(a) your AWS account id,

?? (b) Set your default AWS region,

??????????(c) your EKS cluster name.

Step 8: Create IAM OIDC provider

  • ?Create an OIDC identity provider for your AWS account to enable IAM roles for service accounts.

Step 9: Download IAM Policy for the load balancer using CURL command

  • Ingress configuration requires IAM Policy for certain actions to be allowed.Step 10: Create an IAM Role and Service Account.
  • ?Create an IAM service account for your Kubernetes cluster.

Step 11: Install the Target Group Binding CRDs

  • Install any necessary Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) required for target group bindings.

Step 12: Deploy the Helm chart

  • Deploy the Helm chart for the 2048 Game onto the EKS cluster.

Step 13: Configure AWS ALB (Application Load Balancer)?

  • Configure an AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) to act as the entry point for incoming traffic to the Kubernetes cluster.

Step 14: Deploy Sample Application

  • Deploy the 2048 Game application onto the EKS cluster.

Step 15: Get Ingress URL and check EKS Pod Data

  • Retrieve the URL exposed by the Ingress resource and test accessing the deployed application.
  • Open the URL link in another browser. You can see that our 2048 Game is deployed? and can be accessed.

Step 16: Delete EKS cluster

  • ?Once testing is complete and the resources are no longer needed, delete the EKS cluster to avoid unnecessary costs.Thank You Cloudoholic


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