Implementation of Stack with Linked Lists | Reason to Implement | Basic Functions | C++

Implementation of Stack with Linked Lists | Reason to Implement | Basic Functions | C++

Stack is a Linear Data Structure and follows the principle of LIFO (Last in First Out) or you can say FILO (First in Last Out), both are same to say. Now, what does this mean, it means that when we insert any element in stack, it appends that element on its top, and continues doing this, until the memory ends the or space by which we initialize it, ends. And when we want to reterieve an element, it gives us the last inserted element first and then give the second last element inserted and continues this sequence until the stack becomes empty. So, we are getting the element which we inserted first, at the last, and which we inserted last, at the first.

Before moving to the implementation of stack with the help of Linked Lists, we should know how to implement it with simply with arrays. To check that you can view my article on Implemenation of Stack with Arrays.

Why Stack with Linked Lists not Arrays ?

What are disadvantages of Stack with arrays that we are considering Linked Lists to design our Stack. So, here some points are:

  • Wether, it's an array created statically or dynamically, the size of array always fixed. We can't increase our array's size according to increasing demand.
  • So, when the size of array reaches to its limit, we can't insert more elements in this stack now.
  • And then we have to make a new array with greater size, copy all the elements from privious array to the newly built array, and delete the previous array.
  • So, this all took time as well as space, which decreases our efficiency.

Why Linked Lists ?

Linked Lists can increase their size to any extent. This is because Linked Lists don't occupy contigous space in memory. They are stored in memory at random positions. So, they can store as many as possible elements in it. Article on Linked Lists

Basic Operations of Stack ?

So, stack has five basic operations. Pop, Top, Full, Empty and Push. As I already discussed that Linked Lists can have as much elements as posisble, so they can't be full. So, here we wil not be implementing Full operations although it's important to implement in array's case, where there's a highly chance to get error because we are puching element i array as it's comes to it's limit.


Here's a brief idea on how to implement these operations with the help of LinkedLists :

Push Operation

Pushing means to add an element in the top of our stack. As we know that stack follows principle of FILO (First In Last Out) or LIFO (Last In First Out) both are same. So, we will always add elements in the top of Linked Lists. Here from the top I mean to add element in List from the head side. Like, if I have a LinkedLists as 1 -> 2 -> 7 -> null, so when I'll push a new element, it will come to the top, so if I want to push 9, our List will become 9 -> 1 -> 2 -> 7 -> null. Here, we can see that we added an element in the head side, which is top in this case. And when we will apply pop function, it will pop the element from the head side also. Like here I added 9 in the last, so 9 will be removed first. So, it follows Last In First Out.

We can also choose the tail ( Last side ) as our top. But the problem is in every time to push an element in top, we have to traverse our array to Last element. And if the List is large this will make our logic quite inefficient. So, w'll be using our head as our top.

Implementation of Push Function

Pop Operation

Popping means removing element from the top. So, the element which is inserted most recently or you cab say that which is inserted in the last, will be removed first. As the element which is in the top shows that it's inserted at the last, so it will be rmeoved first and it follows principle of LIFO -Lst In First Out. I push function we discussed that when ever we want to add new element, we always add it to head side. So, the element which is present at the head will be the element which has been inserted at the last, so in the pop function we have to remove this node, and also we have to move our head to point to next node, which will become out newly top node.

So, if we run our push(9) function to our Linked List of this data 1 -> 2 -> 8 -> null. Our List will become 9 -> 1 -> 2 -> 8 -> null. And if we now apply pop( ) function on our this List, our List will become again 1 -> 2 -> 8 -> null. Because 9 was inserted in the last, so pop( ) function firstly removed the node indserted at the last. So, if we again run pop( ) function, our Lists will become 2 -> 8 -> null, because now 1 was in the head, means it's now on the top and we have to remove the node which is present at the top.

Note : As push takes an argument for data to insert at the top, unlike this pop don't take any argument. Because it has to remove any element which is present at the top of Linked Lists, it might be any data. So, we have to check before poping that wether it contains any element to pop or its empty.

Implementation of Pop Function

Top Function

Sometimes, we don't want to remove the element present at the top. But we need to have the top element. In this case we use top function, which gives us the top elemnet to use but doesn't remove it. So, when we run the top function, it will give us the element presnet at the head (top), without removing it from List.

So, if we run our top() function on our Linked List of this data 1 -> 2 -> 8 -> null. Our List will remain same 1 -> 2 -> 8 -> null. And we will get our output of 1, as it is present at the top of the List, means the head is pointing to this node. Because top function doesn't remove element just return it to use anywhere.

Note : Here, we again not giving any arguement to top function, because it will always return the data presnet at the top of List. So, there's o need to give any type arguement while calling top function.

Implementation of Top Function

Empty Function

In this function, we just have to return boolean value that wether the List is empty or not. To check wehter the List is empty, we need to check that if head is null or not. If the head is pointing to null, it means that head is not pointing to any data and there's not any elememt present at the top of the List. Because the head always points what's present at the top.

Try it your own way !!!!

Practical Applications of Stack

Here are two practical applications of stacks:

  1. Text Editing (Undo Feature): When typing, each action (such as adding or deleting text) is pushed onto a stack. The undo feature uses this stack to revert the most recent action, following the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle, ensuring the last operation is undone first.
  2. Web Browsing (Back Button): Browsers use stacks to manage page history. Each visited webpage is pushed onto a stack. When the user clicks the back button, the most recent page (the last one visited) is popped from the stack, taking the user to the previous page.
  3. View Practical Application f stack about Evaluation of Mathematical Expression in the backend of systems.


Azhan Khan

Scholar of Computer Science at BUITEMS | Coding | | Development | Gen AI | | Harvard CS50x??|

5 个月

Very insightful !


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