Implementation of CI/CD on AWS Cloud using AWS CodePipeline
Abhinav Paul
Infra Dev Specialist | Devops | Cloud | AWS | Terraform | Shell Scripting | Gitlab CI CD | Python | Linux | Ansible
Role for AWS Code Deploy (role_codedeploy_ec2) and attach the policy as mentioned below:
Role for EC2 instance (ec2_role_codedeploy ) and attach the below policies as mentioned:
6. Install Code Deploy Agent via AWS SSM.
Once we have developed and deployed the application/product, It needs to be continuously updated based on user feedback or the addition of new features. This process should be automated, as without automation we have to run the same development and deployment steps/commands again and again for every change to the application.
With Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Pipeline, we can automate the complete workflow from building, testing, packaging, and deploying, which will be triggered when there are any changes to an existing application or we can say if there is any new commit to an existing code repository.
Advantages of CI CD Pipeline
Implementation Plan
Go to AWS CodeCommit and create a repository for pushing the code from your local workstation.
Go to AWS CodeBuild and build a project.
Goto AWS CodeDeploy.
Create a S3 bucket.
Create AWS CodePipeline.
Pipeline looks like this after creation.
" So Finally the entire CI CD Pipeline is created successfully. "
Now go to git bash write your Code and push your code on testing and on approval deploy to production.
"Final Output "
I have created a Static Website here just for Testing and Have Fun now everything is fully automatic from code build till code deployment.