Implementation of the Assessment Centre for the needs of acquiring an employee

Implementation of the Assessment Centre for the needs of acquiring an employee

May I present you with the essence of the assessment centre processes according to particular areas of interest in this topic.

They are as follows:

  • ???????Genesis of Assessment Center (Centre)
  • ???????Assessment Center (AC) definitions
  • ???????The main goals of using AC in the organization
  • ???????Tools used in the Assessment Center (AC) method
  • ???????Advantages and Disadvantages of using AC

Genesis of Assessment Center

According to one of the sources, the first assessment center was held after World War II. It was carried out in the German army and concerned the subject of improving the officer selection process. The behavior of soldiers during the simulation of war events was tested. They were also subjected to psychological tests. What was assessed? – their readiness to take action in combat conditions. Later, this technique began to be used in the process of recruiting managers in specific sectors and subsequently - ?in the overall industry.

A slightly different genesis of this method also dates back to World War II, during which the British and Germans used a kind of prototype of this method to select their special agents (spies). In the 1950s, the Telephone and Telegraph company transferred the assessment center to civilian organizations. In Poland, the origins of the assessment center can be found in competitions for managerial positions.

Assessment Center (AC) definitions

AC is one of the methods in the recruitment process. Due to its versatility, its been mainly used in the selection and evaluation of management staff. It enables a comprehensive examination and assessment of candidates in terms of substantive knowledge, interpersonal skills as well as their development opportunities.The assessment center is also defined as a method of an effective, professional verification, that can be used in the selection, evaluation of employees and planning of human resources. It is a set of tests and verification tools that are designed to enable filling mainly high management positions, but it is not limited to these. It consists of carrying out exercises reflecting the nature of the tasks that are performed at the position for which the person is being recruited for. Assessment center is a method that has a comprehensive approach to the selection process, personnel evaluation, as well as human capital planning.

The main goals of using AC in the organization

From the point of view of an employer, who is interested in the level of competencies of the potential or current employees, the most common purpose of the measurement will be to assess the current functioning of the individual, i.e. his/her current capabilities, or to forecast, i.e. an attempt to predict the probable level of functioning of a given person. The essence of the forecast is to predict the level of functioning of the examined person in specific situations, which is possible thanks to the collection of information about the predispositions of the individual. During the recruitment process, we will most likely focus on the current skills and their suitability to the requirements of the job.

In terms of the personnel selection process, the purpose of this method is used for:

? internal and external selection

? identifying learning & development needs of current staff

? evaluation of staff capabilities

? selecting the right person for the job

Furthermore, there are several variations of the assessment center method, which shows that it can be used not only to attract a new person in the company. It may also concern people already working there, in connection with possible promotion, as well as qualifying for a development program.

Tools used in the Assessment Center (AC) method

The assessment center can be used, for example, by appointing a group of experts who evaluate a small group of candidates in terms of qualifications, personal characteristics and their behavior. It tests the knowledge, technical and social skills of the candidates. The credibility of these people is being examined, and the declared skills and features are separated from those actually possessed. It is necessary to verify the predispositions required by the recruiters, which the candidate will be able to use in the specific job. The examination can last from one to (rarely) even several days.The assessment is conducted according to several steps:

? selection of candidates to be assessed and evaluated by experts,

? providing information (explanation of the process) to the assessed candidates,

? preparing tests,

? conducting an assessment,

? analysis of results by experts,

? discussion with participants on the findings from the assessment,

? an interview with the selected candidate/candidates.

Not all candidates for a given position in the company are subjected to this method. It is preceded by an initial recruitment process, including: analysis of application documents and an initial interview. The tasks to which the candidates will be subjected, must be matched to the company's industry and the type of position. Tasks should be designed in such a way that observations and results can be evaluated correctly and unambiguously. Also, conclusions summarizing the assessment can be formulated only after the entire planned program has been completed, when data from all applied techniques are available. An assessment center may be established within the organization, but more and more often in the case of high management positions, this task is outsourced to specialized companies. Typical assessment exercises include:

  • solving problems (a typical set of issues to deal with, related to the particular position),
  • analyzing (solving analytical tasks),
  • pair exercises (acting as a client, employee, supervisor, etc.),
  • group exercises (each candidate has an assigned role, where important organizational problems are being solved).

In each assessment centre, tasks and their selection are preceded by an analysis of the position for which recruitment begins. On its basis, a competency and psychological profile of the ,,ideal’’ candidate is developed, which becomes the basis for choosing appropriate recruitment tools.

(Please see below an example of Persona created for the purpose of the recruitment process including assessment centre)

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After selecting several potential employees, the assessment center session begins. It is usually attended by a few professionals dedicated to this task.However, the group should not be too large due to the need to carefully observe the behavior of the candidates. The entire session is then rated by assessors (usually psychologists, employees of HR department and properly trained managers). The data collected by each of the assessors are summed up and the final assessment is made on that basis. The committee assess the candidates in terms of - identifying the candidates' strengths and weaknesses, formulating recommendations and suggesting training needs. Candidates are assessed by psychologists, managers, senior staff and employees specially selected for this purpose.

Advantages and Disadvantages of using AC

One of the advantages of assessment centers carried out for the recruitment of people for managerial positions is undoubtedly that potential managers gain better orientation in the organization, its values and culture by participating in it, which can help them decide whether they want to work in a given organization and whether they are able to meet its expectations. Another advantage of this method is the huge link between simulation tasks and the actual duties and requirements in future work. Assessment center is one of the methods of active selection - candidates form a group and perform various tasks together. The assessment center also enables the selection of people with above-average features and skills. Due to the close connection of exercises and tasks with real duties at work, it is easy and comprehensive to evaluate each candidate in action. The assessment center is positively perceived by both, the people surveyed using this method and the companies commissioning the sessions.The use of this method also gives a real view - a sample of the candidate's work. The method verifies the ability relatively quickly, without the need to employ for a period of several months to find out about it. The assumption is that, if someone is able to do something in the exercises, the more they will do it when employed.

The disadvantages of this method are its time-consuming and labor-intensive nature, as well as high costs associated with the preparation and implementation of AC. Another disadvantage of the method is the favoring of self-confident, eloquent, clout candidates, and the rejection of shy people who are unable to present their strengths and their real potential. It is also difficult to use AC in the case of online recruitment of employees. The opponents of this method believe that the candidate is easily able to confuse and manipulate the assessors. It should also be added, that the tasks analyze the ability of a person to perform the tasks entrusted to a given position, not all the competencies that are necessary to work in a given company. Only a few of the most important features are tested. The analysis of documents or previous jobs of the candidate is not always tantamount to his skills.

Thus, the asessment centre method has many advantages, but also potential disadvantages. However, it is a significant improvement in relation to traditional methods of selecting and assessing the professional potential of personnel.?



1.?????Smó?ka, P. (2008). Kompetencje spo?eczne – metody pomiaru i doskonalenia umiej?tno?ci interpersonalnych. Kraków: Wolters Kluwer Polska.

2.?????Staszkiewicz M. (2021). Psychologiczno-spo?eczne kompetencje mened?erskie – pomiar i formy doskonalenia , Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy ?Spatium”.

3.?????Wac?awska, P. (2008). Jak dobra? bezb??dnych pracowników, czyli minimalizowanie ryzyka osobowego na etapie poprzedzaj?cym nawi?zanie stosunku pracy. Warszawa: Wolters Kluwer business.?





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