Imperfections are better than perfections(金継ぎ- golden joinery)
Tripti Mishra ????ミシラ ???? ???
?? 17K Followers | Certified Trainer - Japanese and Korean | JLPT N1
Imperfections are better than perfections
Despite the fact that we all possess imperfections and undergo negative circumstances but we all have to accept that some imperfections are meant to exist in your life to create something new or beautiful which makes you unique and powerful than others.
I am a great admirer of Japanese Culture not because I am studying this language but I truly appreciate some culture being followed by #Japanese people which actually empowers you while encountering negative circumstances in your life.
Kintsugi: the art of precious scars
Kintsugi is the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold — a metaphor for embracing your flaws and imperfections. Sometimes in the process of repairing things that have broken, we actually create something more unique, attractive and resilient.
What message or lesson we get from Kintsugi Technique?
We all are born with some purpose to fulfil, We all are born to cherish the life we got even if we possess some imperfections but sometimes instead of knowing the power of those imperfections which we have in our life, we actually started considering it as a failure and pitfall which ultimately makes us weak and low.
"Start knowing the purpose of your life and accept your imperfections. Do not feel low because of your imperfections and start thinking of repairing it in order to make it unique and beautiful.
thank you
Insta : triptiiworld