Imperfect Parenting
The Confident Communicator
Building communication skills for 5 to 20 year-olds
As teachers, trainers and parents ourselves, we meet a lot of parents who ask for advice and ‘tips’ on raising their tweens and teens.
With so many thoughts and parental instincts,?Imperfect Parenting?happened!
We speak about raising happy kids, engaging with them and developing a growth mindset in them. And we are joined by some amazing parents, teachers and educators who were also helping parents to provide holistic development to their students and children. You can catch a glimpse of it here.?
Shipra Magon
A Chief Coach & Founder - Breathe to Live.
“Nobody shames you except yourself.”
Seema Sharma
A?volunteer from the Bangalore Eco Team (BeT).
“What you trend is what you see”
Dr Vaishali Shah
A Campus Director of Sheth C.N.Vidyavihar, who contributed to various state and national level educational research.
“Success doesn’t come overnight, it takes many years of struggle to achieve success. It is long and consistent.”
Dr Zulfia Sheikh
A doctor by profession and a teacher, communication expert and actor by passion. Founded the Bangalore School of Speech and Drama.
“What do you want to do when you grow up and what do you want to BE? Lead children to the answer, we all want to be HAPPY.”