Impending changes to IR35 and OPW

Impending changes to IR35 and OPW

IR35 factsheet for recruitment agencies and end clients

On the 23rd September the Chancellor’s mini-Budget delivered the surprise news that the 2017 (Public Sector) and 2021 (Private Sector) off-payroll reforms (IR35) will be repealed from next April 6th.

The IR35 legislation itself however will not be abolished and the key tests and case law surrounding this legislations will remain!

Understandably, IR35 being repealed has left recruitment agencies, contractors and clients with a number of questions, some things we know for certain while others will only become clear in time!

In this guidance we explain how these changes may impact your business and the steps to take to ensure compliance in advance of the changes.

Q. Is this now certain to happen?

No, this will be confirmed when the Finance Bill is passed and in the meantime, hirers should continue to take Reasonable Care. A full Budget is expected at the end of November

These fiscal changes announced in the Mini-Budget have been quite controversial and a number of changes could happen between now and next April!

Q. What does this announcement mean for agencies and clients?

From Next April 6th, Public Sector bodies and Private Sector businesses will no longer be required to assess their contractors tax status, produce a Status Determination Statement (SDS) or carry the liability!

The changes to Chapter 10 of ITEPA will be repealed and will revert to Chapter 8 of ITEPA meaning the responsibility for assessing a contractors IR35 status will be shifted back to the contractor along with the liability for getting this wrong!

Q. When will the IR35 repeal happen?

The changes are due to take effect on 6th April 2023. Until this date, things remain as they are and both Public Sector bodies and Private Sector businesses must continue to prioritise their IR35 compliance and continue to take Reasonable Care!

Q. Why has IR35 reform been repealed?

Most businesses have had difficulty implementing the off-payroll rules, with some even choosing to stop engaging contractors altogether due to the changes. This has impacted both contractors and the whole of the UK’s flexible labour market.

The Chancellor stated in his speech: “In practice, reforms to off-payroll working have added unnecessary complexity and cost for many businesses.” And he is looking to simplify the process and in turn stimulate the flexible labour supply chain and the UK economy!

Q. Should businesses continue to assess (and reassess) contractors?

Definitely! Until these changes are confirmed and implemented on 6th April 2023 nothing has changed!

All contractors whether newly engaged or already engaged and requiring a reassessment should continue to be assessed for their IR35 status. This will remain a legal requirement of the end client until the responsibility moves back to the contractor.

UK businesses still carry both the responsibility and the liability until these changes take effect! Ensuring status assessments, contractor engagement policies and applicable records are robust is of continued importance along with an ‘exit strategy’ for how to engage contractors post April 6th!

Q. Will HMRC ramp up investigations before and after these changes in April 2023?

HMRC have been very active in enforcing compliance in the flexible supply chain recently, not only enforcing IR35 but also investigating and ‘naming & shaming’ tax avoidance schemes and promoters!

We do not expect this to change, irrespective of the fact that the reform will be repealed, and the Chancellor made this clear in his mini-Budget statement, saying: “Of course, we will continue to keep compliance closely under review”.

We would expect HMRC to continue enforcing the legislation and to continue to crack down on non-compliance so businesses shouldn’t relax their previously proactive stance!

Q. What should businesses do between now and April?

Most importantly UK businesses should keep their existing processes in place that ensure they continue to comply with the off-payroll rules.

Businesses should ensure they have a robust record of all status decisions, any issued Status Determination Statements, and any policies relating to IR35 issued during the term that Chapter 10 (off-payroll reform) was in place (April 6th 2021 – April 6th 2023).

It will be paramount to communicate with contractors and help them with their new responsibilities. Many contractors who were required to use alternative working arrangements such as umbrella companies may look to return to PSCs, and businesses should help to ensure fair engagement of contractors under Chapter 8 whilst also ensuring compliant working arrangements.

A sudden swing back to all contractors using a PSC could be deemed as promotion of tax avoidance by HMRC and businesses could be investigated under the Criminal Finance Act 2017 (CFA2017).

Q. Can contractors use their Status Determination Statement (SDS) to prove their own status?

Chapter 8 rules have never stated a requirement for an SDS and it is down to the contractor to prove their status is correct, however a client led SDS with input from the contractor may be the strongest position to take with HMRC moving forward!

Brookson Legal Services can provide a review of both the contract and working practices to the relevant parties in the supply chain and if necessary make this a tri-party agreement and involve the client, agency and contractor for a robust process!

Where the contractor did not provide input to the determination, such as when using CEST or another tool, contractors could now seek to undertake their own assessment, demonstrating their own due diligence and therefore challenging the original determinations.

Q. How can Brookson help?

Brookson Legal can provide advice, guidance and a legally backed IR35 review for the contractor and/or hirer. We are the only SRA regulated law firm specialising in IR35 alone and have been advising on this legislation for over 22 years!

Brookson Group can offer assistance to contractors no matter how they choose to engage on a contract whether that be via umbrella PAYE if Inside of IR35, PSC if outside of IR35 or if contractors have a range of assignments covering both inside and outside IR35 we have a combined tax planning and payment service called Flex to allow seamless movement between tax statuses!?


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