What a Biden/Harris America Would Be Like: Pictorial Op-ed of Harris' California, San Francisco Socialism [Graphic review]
Marie Hembree
Intercultural/Crisis Communication Management| Media Literacy Instructor | M.A. Strategic Communications
San Francisco has been desecrated by Democrat politicians including its senator Kamala Harris. Other perpetrators are: District Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Diane Feinstein and Gov. Gavin Newsom. The recent headline photo depicts what these Socialist leaders did to provide living quarters for the homeless. They simply arranged China-virus socially-distanced spots by San Francisco's City Hall, for all tourists to savor.
The following is primary research or comments gathered by local press, from actual inhabitants of San Francisco. The remarks were from transplants from the Silicon valley, from across the nation, or even from across the world who after earnestly waiting to move to this once-gorgeous city, were paralyzed with disbelief.
“Last night, I had to threaten violence to a man smoking crystal meth on my front porch. This morning, my 2-year-old son and I watched a rat rummage through the trash in our gutter."
“Things have been getting worse and worse on my block since 2010, and the city does NOTHING to fix it.” (Knight, SF Chronicle)
Background: San Francisco's Radical, Leftist Mayor
Speaker Pelosi applauded the election of extremist Mayor London Breed because of (akin to former president Obama's 'achievement' to win the Nobel Peace Award) Breed's qualifications, which included that she was the first Black mayor of San Francisco.
Breed first entered public office when elected to the Board of Supervisors in Nov. 2012. After becoming acting Mayor, following the sudden death of Mayor Edwin M. Lee, Breed was officially named Mayor in June of 2018.
Mayor Breed of San Francisco (left) standing with campaign supporter.
The city has a $10 billion budget with more than 30,000 employees--so how did San Francisco's elegance get annihilated by drugs, disease and homeless vagrants, in just a few short years?
There is a pattern.
There always seems to be a Democrat politician collecting a lush salary in crime-ridden or impoverished cities. These politicians promise to rescue victims of some type of social injustice, but instead of doing actual work towards that goal, the official will shift rhetoric or funnel substantial budget toward obscure and immeasurable objectives such as eliminating some insipid item which they claim affects climate change.
"Despite the city suffering from the stench of urine and feces while heroin needles cover sidewalks, Mayor Breed's priority was: banning Styrofoam cups."
In San Francisco, local residents are pleading for an action plan to rebuild the garbage dump that was once their magnificent city. Adding insult to injury, the following municipal goals were on Mayor Breed's web site agenda for 2019:
- Free drug needles at "Safe Injection Services Taskforce" sites to allegedly "study innovate approaches to helping those struggling with IV drug use."
- Biggest national styrofoam ban and CleanPowerSF, which combats climate change and improves the muni-bus system, respectively (2018).
- More welfare subsidies for the underemployed and homeless plus an increase of "affordable housing" [slum-projects] throughout the city.
What Senator Kamala Harris has let happen to California's San Francisco
According to a report in The Guardian, more than 14,500 daily calls come in to the city to complain about feces in the streets. but Mayor Breed laughingly nicknamed the exorbitantly-paid Public Works department "the poop patrol" and instead of taking care of the root causes, she directed tax-payer money be channel towards a continual hosing-down of the city streets.
An app for sending feces photos and their GPS-locations to a dedicated feces-clean-up hotline (311) is available. Per NBC Bay Area, former Vermont resident, Sean Miller moved to San Francisco in 2017 and was surprised to find himself constantly stepping over human waste, so he developed the app which he named: SnapCrap.
Digital real estate site: RealtyHop created a feces map of San Francisco to warn prospects how disgraceful leftist politicians (including Pelosi, Governor Newsom and Mayor Breed) have allowed the city to become.
Using metrics from the 311 Hotline, RealtyHop reported there were 27,000 public feces reportings in 2017 or "about 10 times New York City's "poop-sighting" total and more than 20 times that of Chicago."
"In tragic hypocrisy for moral obligations, Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris turn a blind eye to citizens giving up and defecating on public streets."
One of the most horrible press reports about Pelosi's district, was a 20-lb plastic trash bag of 'poop' left on a Tenderloin street corner in July of 2018. Field researchers reported that a lack of housing and the homeless situation--coupled with businesses disallowing homeless to use the restrooms--had turned one of the world's wealthiest cities into a collosal public latrine.
Citizens are defecating downtown, in parks, next to the bus stops and even in (Bay Area Rapid Transit) BART stations--oblivious to onlooking pedestrians. Photos similar to the below are desperately shared on social media, but mainstream media does not acknowledge Kamala Harris' and Pelosi's disgraceful apathy and shirked responsibilities.
Dr. Lee Riley (an infectious disease expert at University of California Berkeley) warned that once fecal matter dries, it can become airborne, releasing potentially dangerous viruses, such as the rota-virus. “If you happen to inhale that, it can also go into your intestine,” he said. The results can prove fatal, especially in children."
Self-Injecting Clinics and What Media Failed to Mention
According to an NBC report, a shocking 400,000 free needles are given away every month. Local government handed out a record 5.8 million free syringes in 2018 — about 500,000 more than in 2017.
The city spends $1.8 million a year on needle cleanup.
“I’ve just never seen so many people shooting up on a walk to work as I have recently,” said Holly, a 27-year-old who recently moved here from Los Angeles." (Wilson, 2018)
The anti-drug Trump administration threatened that if California allowed the injection sites, those involved could be subject to civil and criminal action.
"Senator" Harris failed to introduce any bill to help San Francisco. Instead, Assemblywoman Susan Eggman (D-Stockton) proposed the four-year injection clinic-program in San Francisco, allegedly aimed at reducing opioid overdoses.
“I’m disappointed that the governor has [recently] vetoed this important public health bill,” [Mayor] Breed stated. But, in tandem to the gaslighting of the Liberals' slogan, "Walls don't work," Mayor Breed stated: “Safe injection sites save lives."
The drug-injection sites were reportedly hypothesized to be a prototype-intervention program in order to wean addicts from opioids, but as many of the Democrats' failed ideas, the sites were opened without a formal risk analysis prior to legislative approval.
Due to the severe contamination issues, Public Works Director, Mohammed Nuru (pictured below) estimates that half of his street cleaning budget – about $30 million – goes towards cleaning needles as well as human feces from homeless encampments and sidewalks.
An NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit surveyed 153 blocks of downtown San Francisco in 2018 to search for trash, needles, and feces. The unit discovered trash heaps, discarded food, and assorted garbage on every street block. The investigation also reported more than 100 drug needles and more than 300 piles of feces throughout the downtown area.
Children walking on the street are in danger of picking up a needle--and anyone could accidentally step on one, experts noted. Dr. Riley stated: “If you get stuck with these disposed needles you can get HIV, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, and a variety of other viral diseases.” Riley added that birds and animals can get infected too.
Riley believes parts of the city may be even dirtier than slums in some developing countries. “The contamination is...much greater than communities in Brazil or Kenya or India,” he said.
Dr. Riley explained that the leaders in 3rd World countries have managed to create permanent slum areas in which to confine disease-causing elements. Conversely, San Franciscan homeless camps are constantly moving, thus spreading contamination all over the city.
Among Senator Kamala Harris' achievements is that that San Francisco is at the top of the list for national, rat-infested, Democrat-run cities. Reportedly, San Francisco (combined with Oakland) ranks fourth in the nation for rat home-invasion and subsequent disease-hazards, following the "Blue-cities" of Chicago, New York and Los Angeles.
According to experts, the rat infestation problem has reportedly been surging since 2008. Dead rats have been discovered on the streets of the city posing health hazard. Yelp recently posted a page for SF Rat Infestation with dozens of concerned posters commiserating about specific locations for rat problems unaddressed by city officials.
Per a local KPIX news report in 2018, in neighborhoods strewn with human feces and garbage, there are so many rat infestations that exterminators cannot keep up. Pictured below is a photo of baby rats in a gutter posted by a San Francisco citizen journalist, and shared on social media.
A recent San Francisco Chronicle headline read: Poop. Needles. Rats. Homeless Camp Pushes SF Neighborhood to the Edge (Knight, 2018).
There is yet a fifth concern signaling reckless negligence by Biden's running mate, "Senator" Kamala Harris.
The number of homeless people in San Francisco is consistently about 14,500 and the sidewalks of the Tenderloin district resemble a 3rd world refugee camp. The area that a recent feces-filled suitcase was found (ironically named: Isis Street) is adjacent to a shanty town of approximately 500 homeless people in tents next to the freeway on-ramp. There are other 'tent cities' in the Tenderloin but also in other parts of the city that were historically visited by tourists (Har, 2018)
Comments about residents' experiences were recorded by SF Chronicle investigative reporter, Heather Knight, (2018) and included:
- A tent occupied by four people, “with needles hanging out of their feet."
- Reports by nearby residents who complain they cannot wear their shoes inside their homes anymore because of walking on feces-laden sidewalks.
- Reports from a resident struggling to sleep at night because of tortuous sounds of screaming and fighting "wafting up from the street below."
- A report by a resident who once attempted to pick up a pile of cardboard ditched on the sidewalk to recycle it, but discovered that there was a person passed out inside.
“Unacceptable. Absolutely unacceptable,” stated Supervisor Hillary Ronen. “We're losing tourists. We're losing conventions in San Francisco. All of this is happening because we aren't addressing the root cause, which is we need more temporary beds for street homelessness" (Shaban, 2018).
Supervisor Ronen believes San Francisco has neglected to provide enough temporary shelter, which can provide the homeless a respite from the streets. The city currently has about 2,000 temporary beds. Ronen believes an additional 1,000 beds are needed, at a cost estimated of $25 million.
Mayor Breed has announced plans to provide an additional 1,000 beds for the homeless in the next two years, but she said, "there are 100 to 150 people who are clearly mentally ill and who are cycling through the system and who need to be forced into conservatorship,” Per Breed’s office, 12 percent of people who use services of the San Francisco Department of Public Health account for 73 percent of the costs (Fuller, 2018).
Leave it to iconic Youtube journalist, Paul Joseph Watson, to expose the facets of the city in his San Francisco videography which includes an example of some of the suffering, mentally ill people who move about in what he deemed a "Leftist petri dish." Watson claimed that people visiting the city reported that they will never come back.
SUMMARY: Feces, Needles, Homeless Insane People and...
Californians must groom candidates to be rid of the Socialist politicians. Governor Newsom is currently in a lawsuit brought by Rep. Kevin Kiley (D-Rocklin) for his one-man-rule in closure of schools, businesses, and churches, using the precedence recently set in Pennsylvania. Governor Wolf was found guilty of breaching the 1st and 14 amendments and Kiley, an attorney, included in his brief that Newsom, must cease his tyrannical executive orders. The case is to be heard on October 21, 2020 at 8 am in the Yuba city Superior Court. A recall for Newsom is in full-throttle and California citizens hope that when all 1, 495,706 hard-copy petitions are validated by November 17, 2020, the state will hopefully elect a mentally stable official. Petition information may be found at: www.recallgavin2020.com
President Trump had issued an ultimatum more than a year ago for Democrat politicians to clean up San Francisco, else the Federal government would get involved. Additionally, per Opensecrets.org, Gov. Newsom reaped millions of dollars for his campaigns from the city's upper-crust donors, businesses whose image is tied to San Francisco, therefore, disintegrating tourism should be a concern to his hotel and restaurant cronies.
However, on par with Mayor Breed's cavalier comments were Newsom's recent narcissistic remarks. Newsom's only lament was that he can no longer take his children shopping in San Francisco. Per a 2018 ABC interview, Newsom's juvenile remarks included: "Street issues are out of control..every time I come to the city to shop with my kids. I'm like, wow."
Naomi Maria Kelly, San Francisco’s City Administrator (the highest-ranking non-elected official of San Francisco) is responsible for Public Works and risk management, however, her web site lists travels focusing on irrelevant issues such as: LGBT-rights (SFSGA, 2019).
Vice-president hopeful, Willie Brown's long ago, discarded-mistress, Kamala Harris and Sen. Feinstein, the archaic 86-year old China-colluder and Justice Kavanaugh smear-campaign leader, and disgraced, speaker Nancy Pelosi (Rep. in the San Francisco district) are responsible for the people of California, per the extravagant tax dollars, but in typical Democrat-style, they focus on gaslighting rhetoric and self-interests instead of rescuing the once-world-renowned tourist destination.
While ignoring the annihilation of San Francisco in 2018, California Sen. Feinstein, focused intently on destroying Judge Kavanaugh's reputation by nurturing her witness (and now historic fraud) Christine Ford. Kamala Harris' disgusting attack on the honor of Judge Kavanaugh will never be forgotten.
President Trump summed up the situation in San Francisco when disgusted with Nancy Pelosi's Swamp, he tweeted on Jan. 21, 2019: “She is so petrified of the ‘lefties’ in her party that she has lost control…And by the way, clean up the streets in San Francisco, they are disgusting!”
Press that supported Trump's tweet referred to the SnapCrap app and dubbed Pelosi's district, and vice-president hopeful, Harris, responsible for: "America's toilet" (Sweeney, 2019)
Kamala Harris, has no real political achievements other than sleeping her way to the eventual position of a Senator role. The only memorable piece of legislation was tainted by her likely involvement in the Jussie Smollett historically, loathesome, hate-crime hoax.
The predictive dismal visual for the imaginary #JOHO Socialist America is Nancy Pelosi eating gourmet ice cream smiling like a modern-day Marie Antoinette, while millions of people were budgeting meals, stocking up on toilet paper due to the China virus plandemic.
The anti-American, mummified Speaker of the House, is still San Francisco's 12th District Representative (since 2013) has had a stunning 17 terms in assembly. An Assemblyperson's salary is $174,000. from annual, taxpayer money. While Pelosi is earning six-figures by holding a management title for a demolished San Francisco, add to her coffers a $223,000. salary for holding a gavel in front of the most ghoulish parade of angry zombies that was ever called a U.S. Congress 'freshman class.'
It is difficult to find one major quantifiable achievement on her political CV. Pelosi is 78. She holds an ancient B.A. degree in Political Science. The list below includes what Harris and the Democrats tout as Progressive achievements:
- Removal of the ten commandments from schools and government buildings.
- Partial birth abortions and murdering infants who survive abortions.
- Supporting a jihad "Squad" of Islamic operatives to the Ethics committee, Rep-Tlaib (Mich.) and Rep. Omar (D-Minn.) and Socialist, Rep. Cortez (D-NY) and promoting a Judeo-Christian hating ideology to the extent of promoting an Israel-destroying BDS initiative.
- Promoting an open-border to let hordes of welfare-seekers in the country, and gaslighting vulnerable youth that: "walls don't work" to destroy desperately-needed US border security (Thompson, 2019).
- And in cumulative years in politics has Harris, Newsom, Feinstein or Pelosi advocated to restore San Francisco to even 1/10 the level of either Pelosi's or her autocratic nephew's immaculately kept properties and winery grounds.
A recent Facebook post by a medical professional on the "Impeach Nancy Pelosi" page offered a feasible diagnosis of this needs-to-drug-tested (slurred) Speaker of the House. A random Facebook and Youtube comment-consensus of 138 posts skewed towards a denture issue but this analysis was shared with other medical professionals who stated a similar opinion:
"I was a nurse for years. These abnormal mouth movements we see with Nancy Pelosi are a side effect from some kind of antipsychotic med she is taking. It happens when the medication builds up to an non-therapeutic level in ones system.This is called Tardive Dyskinesia. And, if she is drinking alcohol on top of this medication I can assure you she is a Mental Health trainwreck! What medication is she taking? Why is she taking it? Why is she still drinking?
Below are poignantly sentimental photographs taken less than seven years ago by Lauri Duke accompanied by the tear-jerking voice of Journey's Steve Perry singing his legendary tribute to San Francisco: "When the Lights Go Down in the City."
The logical solution would be impeach Pelosi, recall her feckless nephew Newsom -- and to secure President Trump's tenure as President of the United States. America must ignore the obscene Joe Biden/Harris option of a Socialist administration that would surely catapult America into Communism. America needs to be kept capitalistic, Christian, humane, safe and secure. And San Francisco needs to be made San Francisco again.
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