ImpactMapper Survey Details
We know from research the centrality of funding women's and feminists movements to ensure progressive policy change and protection of human rights, but we need more evidence, stories and documentation of strategies that are working to support each other especially during times of regression and backlash on gender equity, sexual and reproductive rights and backlash against women who speak out against sexism, violence, or inequalities, it is more important than ever to build feminist movements across the globe and get more resources to them.
Please participate and have your organization's documented impact and success stories in advancing rights, social and climate justice today by filling out this 30 minute survey. Survey link:
ImpactMapper will be donating funds to 2 women's rights movement building organisations ($2000) that participate in our survey and research to document their key wins and impact! Five honourable mentions will also be profiled through a free ImpactMapper case study and highlighted on the ImpactMapper website and social media.
You will be adding your data to the largest database of evidence around women’s rights organizations and movements and their key achievements in the past decade. You can learn more about the project here.
Criteria: Nonprofit organisation, can be based in any country, must identify as a womens rights or feminist organisation, must use movement building/organizing as a strategy in their work, foundations please share widely with your grantees and networks.
Winners will be selected in September.
In the face of recent limitations to sexual and reproductive rights and backlash against women who speak out against sexism, violence, or inequalities, it is more important than ever to build feminist movements across the globe and get more resources to them. Please participate and have your organization's documented!