Impactful New Employee Inductions
Sanjeev Jha
Author | Performance Influencer | Motivational Coach | L&D + OD Leader | Transformation Catalyst | Leadership Facilitator
When a Fresher makes a decision to move into an organisation, he takes this step with starry expectations and a firm belief that he/she has finally arrived in the circuit of career building. By welcoming this fresher with a reassuring embrace, the organisation reaffirms that the fresher has taken the right decision and is definitely all set to tread the path of progress from this new milestone in his life. It is here that an effective induction program plays a pivotal role in introducing the fresher to his new organisation, its DNA, core values, HR programs and policies and most importantly a healthy exchange of expectations of both sides from each other.
It is well known fact that a fresher usually has a very high level of enthusiasm, infectious passion and energy and is just raring to go. But hold... are organisations ensuring that they are able to effectively provide the direction and a handy road-map to this new employee? Or is he going to gallop on his own whims? It has been usually found that most induction programs have become a formal affair just to ensure completion of formalities and more often than not, includes both freshers as well as roll-over employees from the domain. When you put an experienced professional with a fresher in the same room and dish out mechanically the same PPT based speech delivered by a facilitator who has tiringly conducted the same session now for the nth time, you have just ensured a brutal strangulation of raw dreams that could have been strengthened by their own virgin passion. Its high time that learning organisations realize that if they keep considering induction programs as mere formalities to just discuss the HR Rule Book, they will keep ruining potential careers and influencing fractured mindsets.
Just as a gardener sows the seeds lovingly in fertile ground that he has prepared in advance for the seeds, waters the sprouting saplings lovingly and nurtures them in to plants and flowering trees, nurturing a fresher into a potential employee is the sacrosanct duty of the HR team of the organisation. Continuing to ignore the magnitude of the importance of effective planned inductions for freshers will slowly negate the nurturable potential of such workforce and in large, harm the corporate society by creating monsters who otherwise could have been productive warriors. After all Rome wasnt lost in one day.
In his book, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organisation, Peter Senge defined learning organisations as "organisations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together." The first step to this is to handhold a fresher into the warm folds of the growth story of the organisation. Its the basic right of every fresher and the fundamental responsibility of any HR Team. It has been often found that employees are usually unaware of the vision and the mission of their organisations and are totally disconnected with the big picture. Most of them just desire to successfully survive in the constrained cocoons created by their bosss vision which may or may not be related to the organisational goal.
Hence it becomes imperative to catch em young and design a very special module for the inductions of the freshers. It is here that their free minds which are not burdened by biased constrained experiences can be influenced to align themselves with the broad DNA of the organisation, arm themselves with the passionate commitment towards the vision and the mission of the organisation and then fine tune their deliverables in sync with the organisational and team goals. Towards this, an effective induction program is a fantastic opportunity for any Sr HR Manager to ensure that they are clearly communicated not just about the policies and rules and regulations but actually what is expected of them & whether it is in tandem with what they had expected to be their deliverables. Clarify the remotest disconnect that might thrive to exist. Then the next important thing is to probe and jot down the expectations that the fresher has from the organisation. Document his baby steps of devising the short/mid and long term goals. Once both the HR Team & the fresher are clear of each others expectations, find where the meeting point is and ensure that the same is clearly discussed. This will to a large extent eliminate the year end anxiety and often found ambiguity that suddenly takes birth during appraisal season.
I have often seen a new fresher struggling to find his own way out of the corporate maze. It is the lucky few who find passionate and successful buddies who are willing to handhold and share their secrets of success with this new sapling. Its dreadful to imagine of those saplings who encounter support from disgruntled and low-pot employees who then give them such gurumantras that ensure a speedy dip in the quicksands of the corporate corridors which can never tolerate incompetence due to whatsoever reasons. Thus there should definitely be a well planned Fresher Induction Program that in three stages encapsulates a hand holding process for the holistic development of a new employee.
1. Effective tailored & customized Welcome & Induction Program conducted by responsible facilitators from HR & Training. Way back in 450BC, Confucius said "Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me and I will understand." - Thus conscious efforts must be on eliminating the reliance on tedious slides and more on involving the participants towards experiential learning. Exchange realistic expectations and career path roadmap should be discussed, with equal weightage in asserting both rights and responsibilities.
2. Assigning a suitable buddy from the pool of identified positive minded tenured employees who can handhold and assist the acclimatization of the new entrant.
3. A review after 90 days of joining on exchanging notes of expectations versus reality and the way forward. This feedback has the potential to slowly carving a very effective experiential induction program that evolves with time to accommodate changing priorities and enhanced goals.
Maya Angelou says "Ive learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Its time that organisations accord high priority in thinking and planning on how they make freshers feel on their premises. For every new career should begin on a strong note of hope, conviction of passion and commitment of values.
HCM/ HR Leader / Certified Professional Leadership Coach
9 年Invoke a experience of engagement from day one... "Involve me and I will learn!" Love it!
Facilitator | Game Designer | Blue Ocean Strategist | Key Note Speaker | Storyteller
9 年Gamification solutions can induce the much needed customization along with the fun experience that makes an induction program deliver the desired impact.
President - Business Development & Corporate Relations at Health India Insurance TPA Services Pvt. Ltd.
9 年Interesting & Good one!!
9 年I like it. It is very good
Marketing & Comms Director and Head of Marketing Team in Poland/Vice President at State Street
9 年Indeed! Lots of ways to put it into practice. I believe though it all starts with the company culture.