- Folks we are very sad to say that all those who were yelling that Punjab is the best Province, Lahore is Paris ,Faisalabad is Manchester of Pakistan , Punjabis is the cleanest city, Lahore is city of Garden & what & what not ...they have left us all dying with (SMOG) smoke & poisonous toxic fumes &dust is highly blindening & choking the throat,the administration & magistration & concerned department are drunk with booze & playing with boobs, in posh areas outside Lahore, whereas Zardari, Bilawal, Shahbaz,Nawaz ,Maryam, Dentonic Monkey, Iqbal Ahsan,Khawaja Saad, Khawaja Asif ,Rana Sana, four girl friends of Maryam all are either out of Pakistan are cribbing about Imran Khan ,Gandapur & his party workers. Folks where is CM Punjab,PM Pakistan who have failed to control smog through all means,there is hardly any reduction in Kiln Smoke, construction activities ,earth digging /filling activities any where including Askari X.Lahore Cantt ,there is no reduction in rubber factory Smoke,Vehicle Exhaust Smoke,BBQ Restaurant Smoke or any other industrial waste used as fuel for burning furnaces of steel melting ,Plastic/Nylon/ Aluminium moulding /melting/making rubber tyres & other article in Lahore. it crossed 1175 AQI whereas the acceptable health standard should be 0-50 AQI.
- What is Pakistan significance in SA , our past relations cordiality ,current & intended future diplomatic subservience with USA is phenomenal & we have no friction at all ? Is it not being more consolidated after new US Elections or we are going to depart from USA & move towards eastern block consists China, Russia, Iran, Afghanistan, India sooner or later?
- What was the significance /nuisance value /military worth ,trade /tech powers of Israel viz-a-viz, five Veto Countries ,G-20 & rest of the world, Africa, Asia, China ,Russia, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Kuwait ,UAE, Saudi Arabia & rest of the Middle Eastern Europe, Ukraine, India, earlier than Gaza War ?
- Folks as regards our assumptions about prospects of Gaza-Israel-Iran Conflict, after having seen the visible built up, the state of morale of the popular masses,international /diplomatic backing & the stage of the conflict from where any escalation would be productive or it may cause more chaos .embarrassment ,men & material losses & choke the trade routes & disrupt oil supply viz-viz the adversaries potential to retaliate with more intensity & lastly the ultimate goal has it been achieved or achievable with least e]ffort ever? Folks we said earlier too that the Iran & Palestinians/Gaza people were almost at the brink of distinction /erase from human memory & Muslim World lead by Saadia & Arabian States,Asian Leaders ,entire European, Pakistan & rest of the world decided to bury this territory in greater Israel dream & accept /recognise Israel as greater Israel then accrue all advantages from western world (trade, money grants ,easy loans,technology,friendship,favours etc,etc) Then sort out Iran, Fragile States ,Afghanistan ,Chichen,Iraq, Syria,etc,etc each one of them easily i.e., Gaza territory ,Palestine areas first by keeping the world on Israel side & punish Iranian for acquiring Nuclear Bomb in near future. Pakistan being a nuclear Muslim state was promised over 6500 Billions US $ by UAE, SAUDIA,USA & rest of the west in the shape of loans & FDI .Here the objective of prevalence of west & elimination of all Muslim States network,make them beggar & then use ECONOMICHITMEN to peel of our skin & render Muslims impotent. & In Pakistan MIan Brothers were negotiating with UAE & SKA for getting first installment before general electioons & they almost traped COAS (who declined ) This evil plan was leaked out to the Gaza,Houthis ,Palestinians & Iran.
- Meanwhile Iran and its proxis assaulted desperately on Israel 0n 7/8 October 2023 when they were celebrating YOM Kippur ( Eid Festival) at night & killed over 2000 Israelis & taken over 400 prisoners ...In turn Israel wiped out 47000 civilians from the Muslm Holy Land.......later Muslim World reluctantly stood against Israel but hardly sent any troops /weapons to fight back Israel . With increase in human massacres & tenacious spirit of the Muslim warriors in Holy Land War ,world youth in west rose everywhere /spoke for innocent Muslims killing .Meanwhile Israel killed more than 19 top leaders of Muslim fighters &8 Irani Apex Leadership in the air on ground & while travelling Iran very boldly thrashed Israel. Despite USA & full sport of the hugely strong develop world Israel lost sat everyplace,their resoect /image /story of gallantry evaporated & failed to achieve its objectives of erasing Gaza from the surface of earth ,denied to accept two state solution & instead demanded Greater Israel with full intensity & tyranny.
- Folks the state of affairs today is that it is a NOORA KUSHTI (compromised clash) now,each side tells all their sympathizers/USA/Russia/China/UK & the enemy too about the coming threat ,so enough time id given to the adversaries to get under shelter. However the UN & US want cease-fire but the damancy /ego of BB Netanyahu is a big hurdle,despite US losing its image due to israel refusing to accept Joe Bidden agreement for peace/ceasefires. We hope there may be some ceasefire agreement in future but escalating war to the threshold of WWW-III or use of WMD is out of question. IRAN wins the Credit of a very brave Nation & Army
- Has Israel been able to retain its brilliance / strength & appearance, would Israel alliance supporters be able to ?regain its global stature & reputation .has Israel not been guilty of ruthless massacres & fruitless escalation of Gaza war &guilty of causing huge damage to the World Muslim’s most sacred Holy land of Palestinians ,people from Jerusalem, Lebanese, Damascus ,Jordan, Egypt ,Gaza, Sanai Desert & Philadelphia Corridor, etc,etc .Should they dispense away with it since Israel need greater Israel .
- Has Israel not rendered the west Isolated & embarrassed, has Israel not been failed to make greater Israel part of extension of Western Europe & USA on the Muslim Holy Land?
- Has Joe Biden not been rebuked, refused & humiliated by Netanyahu three four time by backing out & taking U-turn on peace talks /cease-fire agreements signed by Joe Bidden & rest of the great mediators.
- Has Israel not refused to accept International Court of Justice decision / Advise of International Tribunal for trial of war crime/ UNBCR/ UNHWR for Relief of Palestine & International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) etc,etc. Is it not unforgettable & unpardonable disgrace on the part of International comity of Nations? ?
- Has Israel not the only country who declared Secretary General of UNGA Antonio Gutierrez a persona non-grata in Israel & killed large number of UN observer /workers of Relief Organizations, Volunteer Medical Teams , doctors &attacked their ambulances in Gaza war region. Has Israel not destroyed hospitals, communication infra structure & schools in the war zone & killed over 47000 & over 180000 dead seem buried in the rubble besides wounding, crippling, burning, raping, torturing& disabling over 5,20,000 innocent civilian in Gaza, Lebanon & surroundings.?
- Has Israel been able to fulfil its dream of greater Israel, what impact the failure has caused on the global minds turning against Israel, America, UK, France, Germany, India? & how did they revolted against their strongest leadership in G-20 & rest of the world.
- Has the geopolitical & geostrategic map of the world not been changed against interests of the west, Israel & USA .Has Israel not enormously? raised environmental hazard? & devastatingly poisoned the air & seriously impacted global climate on earth, sea & over the sky?
- Has Israel violent behavior? not created zanother International Economic Depression soon after Covid-19 jolting & resulted in incredibly ?gigantic & strongly compacted emergence of new economic joint like China & new Euro-Afro-Asian Trade tiger the Russia after the Ukraine fall. Has Israel not blocked NATO & USA success against Russia in Ukraine & has it not weakened USA hold in South Asia ,ME ,Gulf ,India, Pacific Region, North Korea? &Africa? ?
- Is there any prospect of splendor left for USA & Israel after Iran emergence as nuclear power & new global stakeholder in military/economic power sharing, stronger oil supply & encouraged over inflating its proxies against Israel against Israel. Has Iran not acquired Nukes,S-400 Air Defense System ,intercontinental & ballistic Missile despite huge international /US sanctions & succeeded in restoring its stronger relation? with Arabian States, specially Iraq & KSA ?
- How the west would now tackle the Fragile States menace & terrorism blind revenge threat from Al-Qaida & ISIS resurgent elements & Chechen Gorilla fighters as well as Houthis sea assault disaster?
- Are we mentally sick to remain worried about the outcome of USA elections; folks whether Trump wins or Camilla succeeds, does it make any difference to Pakistan or no impact? Yes, let us analyze it in the next few paragraph of the rest of the text of this Article.
- Let us assume, rather it is quite visible that if we remain indifferent about Baluchistan/ KPK brave, hardworking & deprived people & keep undermining their political concerns ,usurping their human rights & creating sentiments of extremes isolation /seclusion, deprivation, ,hatred ,social injustice, denying their due royalty ?& making fun of their religious sentiments (Nifaze Shariah ,Fundamentalists or Khawarij, , disloyal ,separatists ,a burden on Pakistan , bone of contention , distrustful, drug-pushers, smugglers, Afghan agents & addressing their elected leaderships as Fitnah. Folks is there some serious/ fatal manufacturing default in our Nation’s Psyche? Shall we ever succeed in resolving their most sensitive survival & HR violation issues? If not then why we are bashing their heads in the garb of elimination of Khawarij menace every minute /every hour/every day & ignoring their hue & cry /wailing resentment, persistently?
- How can we forget the largest sacrifices of Pashtun Mujahidin, Balochi Diehard countless sacrifices, huge? losses of life, Property, crops, cattle & daily wages /bread earning sources? for Punjabis, Sindhis ,Kashmiris, & playing a great role in Pakistan Independence, liberation of Kashmir, Defeat in Afghanistan & disintegration of? Russia & fighting against USA /NATO for the last forty years. Today all tough labour Jobs, Logistic Transportation, picking of garbage & selling seadonal article & eatable on foot ,with hand held carts ( REHRRI) & LIVING in slums under very scanty shelter, on the contrary all Business Elites ,Politicians, SMEs owner & drug dealers & Mafias are using them for smuggling cars, foreign custom unpaid machines, provision of fast demanding? drugs or for harboring of terrorists or placing explosive or using them as suicidal humans , rented killers & brave Security guards, alert watchmen & skilled/ trustworthy drivers over reasonable charges.
- Should most corrupt ruling class of bandits remain sucking the blood of Pakistani with all sort of evil tactics like election rigging /criminal Elite Capture & manipulation of election results supposedly? through? the backing of the power corridors along with corrupt Judiciary/ turncoat & time server most corrupt yet very arrogant bureaucracy supported by conscious sellers of all kind of Elites of Pakistan. Are not these environment counterproductive, destructive &critically a big drain on our economy & survival?
- Folks most transparent /visible accountability drive & weeding? out corruption of military? top brass by the current military set up is highly praise worthy specially taking Lt Gen Faiz Hameed to task is remarkably praise worthy . Butsparing / leaving most corrupt criminals & biggest loots i.e. our dynasty politicians/ Industrialist , land mafias, property dealers & shady ?people of civil services ?scot free with licensee to kill & persistently giving unhealthy signals of partiality & ?in the name of?? 9 May 2023 riots /tragedy of burning /assaulting military installations & ruthlessly grilling Imran Khan for cipher conspiracy, stage managed 9th May debacle as well as through 120 false cases of corruption, misuse of powers & for being biggest threat to the internal peace /vital interest of Pakistan ,what a gimmick of false pretense ????? On the contrary folks you might have noticed the biggest contrast of unpopularity of Dynasty politicians despite having everything in their hands they yelling PTI is biggest evil & Imran Khan is FITNA which needs to be? eliminated ASAP .There is no doubt the unwise /so-called traitor /shady political leader Imran Khan has gone ?70 % more popular in Pakistan than any PDM -II ?& their allied leadership ( is stuck at 28 % ?sympathy of masses) .Are we in the right hands or it is time to analyze the data, try to? find the truth & then speak? it out to save our youth /grandchildren & all poor men from most disastrous/persistently growing RISK to our survival at the hands of the criminal minded ,indecisive ,deceitful incompetent & fascist regime?
- How MOST IRRELEVANT LEGISLATION is being drafted approved & bulldozed in the Parliament by illegitimate power grabbers , so as to keep MISUSING POWER AUTHORITY & amended constitution & funny legislation for more biased judges to ensure self-oriented ?decisions for ISIOLATING IMRAN KHAN & remain an impediment for the right kind of reforms for taking Pakistan in the right direction, resolution of crisis like strengthening fragile economy, political chaos, unending social unrest, growing terrorist threat & finding competent leadership through an appropriately elected Govt to tackle domestic issue of minor /micro/macro intensity? Imagine what would be our plight in next few months or if the global threat of mutual coexistence & survival is blown for ever ,with the use of highly lethal Hydrogen, Nuclear or nerve-racking EMP oriented huge negative energy releasing bombs.
- Look the way our top & time tested big failure & most ?corrupt leadership is sitting abroad & enjoying miseries of the ?helpless Lahoris facing 1054 AQI these days(SMOG hazards) it is indeed manmade disaster emerged through lack odf governance , preference of wrong priority & having least sympathies for fading/fainting ?poor Pakistani.
- Look the way expatriates Pakistanis hurled aspersion & filth at Mian Nawaz Sharif & retired Chief Justice of Pakistan Supreme Court Mr. Faiz Isa who broke all records of injustice / mishandling judicial powers & straying Pakistani Nation for huge personal gains. Folks Faiz Isa as orchestrating / managing the most corrupt judge’s network through his wife. Yes folks it is true. Can he be investigated for the huge plundering, allowing wonky legislation & supporting PDM-II through grilling PTI & their founder leader Imran Khan (biggest CHUTIA? of history) isn,t it true ?
- Folks is there a single world or feeling of regret or response to resolve SMOG menace from Lahore & other Parts of Punjab .No folks nothing is being done rather it has intensified, the reason is that the source/ origin of SMOG is in the hands of most corrupt law enforcing police & shady civil administration who is openly bribed & the poison is polluting atmosphere & destroying our pharynx & choking our lungs .Last Sunday? Air quality index AQI (pollution) rose? to 730 yesterday it crossed 1050 AQI whereas ?the healthy AQI level is 0 - 50. The truth about this menace is that Air quality is considered satisfactory, and air pollution poses little or no risk when "Moderate" AQI is 51 - 100. Air quality is acceptable; however, for some pollutants there may be a moderate health concern for a very small number of people. Are not impacted affected area people are being treated as inhuman & aliens by Bandit/Calibri /Porn Video Queen Mrs Safdar Maryam the notorious CM of Punjab.
- What has been the failure of privatization of PIA last day, it was just a pseudo bidder who made the highly squat & shameless bid which speaks about the whole story of corruption & selling National assets at peanut ptrice? What a pity?
- What has happened to claiming of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment? investment) from UAE, KSA ,China, Azerbaijan, Malaysia, & others countries ,the answer is highly hopeless response & a big failure, why because how the international community should trust Pakistan, the? most corrupt, deceptive, dishonest, unruly owners following fowl business practices & unreliable political stability & weak ?Governance.
- Look at the sneaky & crafty legislation being made by Parliament to secure their illegitimate regime through increasing the number of Judges in apex courts & creating constitutional court to weaken Supreme Court Chief Justice authority freedom of Adjudication & allowing him free & fair trial & giving unbiased decision?
- Look at the gust of Speaker of NA & Chairman Election Commission of Pakistan both are refusing to accept Supreme Court unanimous decisions of giving most deserving reserve seats to PTI & Sunni Ittehad.
- Look at the way apparent horse-trading was done to get few highly controversial bill passed from the National Assembly & Senate.
- Have we not hurt badly over the indifferent attitude of Law & order enforcing element & their failure to control street crimes, road accident, drug selling network through police & local administration? Look at the sharp rise in the? cases of failure of education system & percentage of children results success? , zero probability of healthcare improvement, failure of magistracy services & false trading of stocks? /theft of electriv-city tax evasion & stealing sales tax by 80 % shopkeepers ,wholesale & retail dealers ,patrol pumps, recreation industry ,restaurant, marriage hall ,beauty parlors ,pharmaceutical companies?? .drug /medicines sellers, branded item selling stores/schools/posh clinic /health palaces & selling points ?/collection points/all sorts of franchises& media houses & private/publicity/advertisement agencies, designers, Architects ?& printing houses , warehouses/cold storage etc. etc.
1.??????Worthy audience we need to understand that the mockery of corrupt civil bureaucracy, lack of governance, political? instability, grave social unrest , botched economic measures, disruptive? law & order system ,lack of institutional reforms, eccentric/illegitimate ?parliamentary representative ,most inexperience & immature Minister of Foreign Affairs & mysterious Defense Minister ,Extortion collector /booty seeker, biggest political guru Nawaz Sharif, Porn video? blackmailer Mrs Maryam Safdar & her four funniest girl? friends in Punjab Govt with most funny monkey faced interior minister & ghostly overshadowed, highly nincompoop PM of Pakistan, along with a horrible criminal gangster, believingly murderer of his own wife i.e. Mr.10 % is sitting as President of Pakistan after snatching all constitutional appointments from PMLn & claiming ?staying away from Parliamentary affairs .No sooner opportunity rose the king of ecvil Mr. Zardari made his son Bilawal a bully for PTI & subdued /undermined cuckold all Muslim League & the ability of Mian Shahbaz Sharif to move over the most notorious, unjustified & untimely legislation to accommodate PDM-II interests through appointing ?hand picked most favoring corrupt judges /civil servants & likeminded top notches /believingly ?top brass thus keep ruling without any legitimate right to stay in the ?govt. How can one expect that public would not retaliate & how would you think the world will trust such a horrendous group of thieves ?& how China will ever trust us in future ?.Couple of days back in a high level forum our Foreign Minister ?Ishaq Dar & Chinese Dignitaries? were invitees as the designated speakers .there Pakistan FM Mr. Ishaque? Dar uttered few irrelevant sentences to create false impression as if Pakistan has been able to make foolproof security arrangement thus exhibited that now China should not hesitate to restart work on CPEC & other strategic projects ……Chinese speaker ?who made speech earlier on his turn ,again asked special permission to speak few more sentences, when that was done he said Mr. Ishad Dar is a liar (Jhoota) ……Folks is this the way we bluff Chinese & expect wonders from them. What a shame? for Karachi Police, Governor & CM Sind Province that our own disgruntle lot was already there ?for laying ambush or raiding Chinese Engineers, what a horrendous & neglected security lapse…. No body felt the pang of pain, rather Govt & PDM-II was celebrating success & festivity of SCO Summit? In the same manner look how our young soldiers, their JCOs, Officers & Commanding Officers lost their life in last few months. Folks ?despite all preventive measure , pinpointed crack down on Afghanis refugees & other terrorist elements as well as sealing of border & despite carrying out successful intelligence based operation, it is highly regrettable & traumatic to say we last over 43 officers,17 JCOs & over 239 other ranks in less than 6 month period …..we also lost our 1100 precious life in the same period by road accident/slipping & overturning of lorries /buses in mountainous? areas….there is recorded increase in the of Zinna, rape & women harassment cases but only what is being reported in fact such cases are seen in every street park, hotels, tourist resorts, posh areas, most astonishing in every village Zinna/Sodomy are being considered a normal routine.Similarly molesting maids & usuing domestic servants for luxury is very common today ???????? How can we refuse that Pakistan is most corrupt country ranking third most corrupt state in the Word & ranking lowest 139 th position in judicial justice out of 154 total states .on the other hand what a pride being from the same soil for our Pakistan Military ?all three arms (forces) are amongst the 6 Best Armies of the World & our Military Commando team won the world toughest team completion in October 2024, how ? The answer is they are not civilians, therefore they are selected on pure merit & through sheer untiring hard work they bring laurels to Pakistan unbeaten by anyone out of world top almost 137 teams. We also feel the immensely growing competitive spirit? ?in our millennials (youth) performance in Javelin throw, hockey, cricket, tent pegging, horse riding, weight lifting ,Archery, Martial Art ,boxing ,wrestling & even beauty pageant of lady doctors & other girls. But due to serious disruption of internet for last over 10 months the youth & online business freelance bread earner ,lost fortune of earning revenue, what a pity the corrupt Game Changers kept molesting Pakistan treasury ruthlessly for the past 40 years . No accountability ,no shame whatsoever.
2.????Worthy audience Pakistani most incompetent, inarticulate &most misfit /opportunist Foreign Minster /Prime Minister /Minister of Industry& Commerce, Minister of Defense & handicapped Minister of Finance lost? the opportunity of reinstating the plunging down economy & expanding trade relation or improving diplomatic relations with Muslim Countries specially Iran & other developed States through SCO,BRICS & World Economic Forum ,despite PM Visit to Russia, China & USA….why because all of the states tactfully declined? to invest accept & grant loan or any offer of bidding in ?privatization of Pakistani assets/stocks ,they rather showed reluctance /restrain over investing In Pakistan (FDI) due to Political instability ,trust deficit ,fraudulent business ?practices as well as hugely overridden hegemony of Pakistan? Elites ?in malpractices ,violation of human rights ,irregular supply & & most expensive oil, irregular electricity supply , shortage of water, gas, other energy resources , failure & closure of internet services ,persistently? Over and above most abhorrently? repellant threat /fright for foreigner is fast growing social unrest & deteriorating law & order situation & declining respect & erratic performance of Judiciary? Folks loggerheaded institution-Judiciary-establishment-politician& parliament fiasco with no regards for democratic norms & human rights? Folks most worrisome thing is the way everyone is taking Imran Khan believingly game changer if not eliminated …….. similarly blaming his ex-wife? Lady Jamima having good terms with Israel & USA beside personal relations of Imran Khan with western world & USA owing to his outclass performance in Cricket & his philanthropist performance & his exalted & towering personality as well as his immense effort in the cure of cancer & following many other philanthropist pursuits as well as helping Americans to safely withdraw from Afghanistan through Pakistan, what a grand achievement. Imran Khan feared none from his party or outside his party he showed mirror to everyone & kicked them out who thought they are the ATM Machine /Godfather of PTI, he preferred jail than to be released on compromising self-respect terms & showing betrayal with his party.
- Avoid judicial /political gimmickry by PDM-II in future & if possible undo the current legislation then do it with all party consensus.
- No more manipulation of judiciary & appointment of PDM-II handpicked judges to push the misdeeds of Judiciary favoring PDM-II under the carpet or weakening of authority/liberty of judiciary in making unbiased decisions for the deserving party irrespective of political affiliations
- Expecting any mercy from Military establishment through conspiracies, misreporting about PTI & jeopardizing their security ?imperatives & manipulation in top brass seniority list would be very counter-productive & highly fatal for the politicians ,so they need not to provoke military establishment for extensive pressure on Imran Khan, he would not change his foolish stance now, ?we have unluckily lost the time opportunity & made a risky move in ?picking wrong ?option of PDM-II . ?Come -wha- may Khan popularity would be doubled if we took more chances .We advise Imran Khan to behave well rather showing adamancy or rigidity & banging /bleeding his head with wall.
- People of Pakistan must fight back for their legitimate rights continuously, this is lifetime struggle to save our children from being citizens of a bankrupt country or part of banana republic.We all have to fight back & eradicate current incompetent & diabolic leadership from Pakistani Politics. If possible, we have to get rid of over 60 years of age obsolete minded politicians & give a chance to emerging young leadership .
- We need tom trust our defense forces & discard all rumours about them ,believe me we the veterans are mostly unhappy about our last days comfort,poor military healthcare,supply provision of substituted medicine,pensionary benefit restricted liberty & very strict local housing authorities unfair penalties over not following redundant & obsoileted bylaws of Housing Dte & inhuman zero tolerance shown by Combined Military Hospital Lahore administration for showing intolerant behaviour or aggressive behaviour of our attendants in case they complain against attitude of Hospital Staff.Folks is there anyone who like to be left unattended by the healthcare guarantor in the last days of veterans life .Had I known this over powering shackles of strangest discipline for the veterans &serving officers during these days we would have preferred being most corrupt political dacoit or most corrupt civil servant or highly disgusting Elite who succs the blood of poor people without fear & make his last days fully enjoyable .......heaven forbid we can not utter such words even if Pak Army through us in blazing fire ,we still offer our children to fight for the noble causer of Pak Army despite all odds. ... Folks we advise you too to please rise on your feet & stop waiting for any MASIHA political leader who harness outlawed people of Pakistan & account for misdeeds of the political AVATARS & axis of evil for the people of Pakistan. Please do not lose hope,do not waste time,money ,resources,do not send your children to pakistani schools & university ,their syllabus & curriculum is redundant & irrelevant for the current & future life ,it is better to be a cxcraftman or technicians or mechanic or driver than Pakistani graduate. .....
- Look brothers Pak Army is too hard pressed for the funds for the expenditure over the anti terrorist operations & resultantly treatment & pension or sparing emoluments for the bereaved family of the war casualties & shaheeds children & parents. So we have to weigh & analyze what is imperative & what irrelevant.....Please do not migrate from villages,stsy their & be a farmer to cultivate land,there is no way out to discard agriculture as bad job & prefer urban life? Please avoid sins & seek help from Allah Almighty none else is of an y use may it be your great Imran Khan or EK ZARDARI SUB PAR BHARRI?
Janitor @ Brotherhood of Justice Philosopher, author, military leader, electronic/engineering tech, anecdote to bully
4 个月Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It was hard to read with the formatting but I generally agree with you that the Israel and Iran conflict seems to be an artificial conflict. How each side makes a theatrical act and then fire a few missiles and call it escalating regional conflicts. Which then affect the western nation who has this hard on for Middle East peace and conflict. Possibly due to the oil supply. And then Iran and Israel would get their way with the west, Americans in particular. Who knows so little about the world, but Insists the world should do as it say.