Impact Tomorrow

Impact Tomorrow

We all need inspiration and a drop of hope occasionally to keep sain and believing that we can and will make tomorrow better. I have decided to support my lovely community in this regard as well and thus I have launched “Impact Tomorrow” a short weekly drop of inspiration delivered to your inbox every Sunday.

And here I would like to pick your brains for a minute today (see below).

I know even the people most committed and enthusiastic about the green transition have doubts now and then when faced with yet another piece of dire news about the state of the world. Completely human.

But if we lose hope and stop believing it is possible, that is when we are in serious trouble. That will kill the drive as seen so many times and described by many brilliant people (my favourite book on this is the classic “Man’s search for meaning” by Victor E. Frankl – hereby recommended).

With Impact Tomorrow I will give you a short easy to digest positive input with the following three headlines as the common red thread:

?? Did you know?: A single piece of insight

?? The Big Idea: A short inspirational story related to the insight delivered at the beginning

?? Tip of the week: Easy to implement tips for things you can do in your everyday life.

My ask to you today

What is one example of an idea or initiative that brings you hope? Please share in the comments.

Thank you! ??

p.s. It means I will pause this bi-weekly newsletter but will continue to deliver such longer-form content in my monthly newsletter and on my blog.

p.p.s. like to sign up for Impact Tomorrow or my monthly newsletter, you will find links below.

#inspiration #hope #business #sustainability #jsview

Matthew J Beckett CMIOSH, PIEMA

Environment, Health, Safety, Sustainability and Wellbeing Leader

3 个月

When i was studying sustainability management i was really inspired and interested in the sea grass conservation in Poole Harbour Dorset with the aim of protecting Sea Horse population. I lived in the area for over 20 years and never knew we had sea horsres around the UK shores. And of course sea grass is a major contributor to carbon sequestration

Jasper Steinhausen

Making Sustainability Profitable. Founder @ Business with Impact | Sustainable Business Advisor, Speaker, MiniMBA instructor and International Bestselling Author

3 个月


