Impact Theory
Have you ever asked yourself how would you like to be remembered after you die? If the answer is yes, then this article can be relevant for you and even if the answer is no, I still encourage you to read; there can be something to trigger a new way in your life. Impact Theory describes the major tools to enable anyone to make an impact in the world.
It has always been the race to make larger impact in the world. Tycoons and magnates such as, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Howard Hughes, Jeff Bezos etc. are the major influencers in the world by creating major industries. Barak Obama, Tony Blair, Adolf Hitler or scientist like Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Carl Linnaeus also made major impact in the world. They all made considerable efforts at a right time with a right strategy together with right people to make a large impact in the world. The impact that is much larger than accumulation of numerous average people. This article is not going to discuss if they made positive or negative impact but to discuss the tools which enable them to make an impact. The tools to make impact are:
- Wealth
- Power
- Decency
- Fame
I call it WPDF (Wealth, Power, Decency and Fame) model and I am going to describe it in more details. First, you read it right; I think that the ultimate goal of those tycoon, magnates or any major influence was not to reach wealth, power, decency or fame but those are the tools to make their impact in the world.
WPDF model is shown in the figure below in which each area is assigned to one of the WPDF tools. One can have four levels of each tool:
- Level zero: the white circle when one has almost zero WPDF. The effort to reach to this level is almost zero.
- Level one: the light gray circle when one has some WPDF. The effort to reach to any of those WPDF levels is one.
- Level two: the dark gray circle when one has almost high WPDF. The effort to reach to any of those WPDF levels four.
- Level three: the black circle when one has very high WPDF. The effort to reach to any of those WPDF levels nine.
Each box indicates one level of effort needed to reach to each level of WPDF. As you can see, the effort level is not increasing linearly but exponentially. Most of the people in the world have almost some WPDF and they go to the yellow area as indicated below. They cannot make major impact in the world with such level of WPDF and the effort level to reach such level is maximum 4 as shown in the figure below.
It is almost impossible to change all 36 boxes above to yellow or in the other word, to make 36 levels of effort and impact in a lifetime. The maximum effort and consequently impact level to be done in a lifetime is 16 and the perfect balance is to make even balance of WPDF as shown in the figure below.
The even balance of Wealth, Power, Decency and Fame makes an optimal influencer. I think it is trivial how Wealth, Power and Fame can help to make impact in this world. But I would like to emphasize the importance of decency in this model. Decency is a tool to make not only an impact but to increase the chance of this impact to be positive considerably. In addition, decency is a tool to protect the influencer with calmness in mind and the internal satisfaction to guarantee the happiness which she/he deserves apart from the impact they make in the world.
Disclaimer: This article is purely my ideas and reflect and represent my personal views.
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