The Impact of Mindfulness on Decision Making
Steven Howard
Creator of Humony Leadership | Biggest Voices in Leadership 2023 | Professional Speaker | Mentoring Good Managers Into Great Leaders | Leadership Mentor and Coach | Award-Winning Author
Adults make tens of thousands of decisions a day – up to 70,000 according to research. Yet far too many of these decisions are made under emotional duress, stress, anxiety, and pressure. When this occurs, the rational control center of the brain is no longer in charge, having been replaced by the emotional control center.
When under stress, particularly prolonged stress (such as what everyone is going through as a result of the pandemic lock-down situations), the brain resorts to binary choice decision making. This limits the options it takes into consideration. And it causes people to react, rather than respond, to situations, events, and people.
But here’s the good news. You do not have to emotionally react. Through basic mindfulness techniques and practices, you can learn to respond, instead of reacting, to life’s daily challenges. Doing so puts you in a position to make more optimal decisions, both professionally and personally.
What Science Says About Mindfulness
Harried thinking can cause huge mistakes. When you feel out of control, or compelled to make decisions under immense time pressure, chances are the most optimal decisions will not be made.
In recent years, neuroscientists have been investigating the links between mindfulness and brain architecture and brain function. In one study from Canada, researchers proved that 25 minutes of mindfulness meditation generated greater improvement in brain function and energy levels than 25 minutes of quiet reading. The study also showed that mindfulness meditation specifically boosted the brain’s executive function and cognitive abilities linked to goal-directed behavior. In addition, the study revealed that mindfulness meditators have a better ability to control knee-jerk emotional reactions, habitual thinking patterns, and actions.
As counter-intuitive as it may seem, short breaks are highly productive in the workplace. One study showed that 20 minutes of yoga could significantly boost brain functioning. Another study showed that 52 minutes of intense work followed by a 17-minute break is the ideal work pattern. Many studies highlight the importance of recuperation time for the brain to achieve peak cognitive performance.
An additional good reason for taking short breaks and moving around a bit throughout the work day comes from a study at UCLA. Adding to previous research showing excessive sitting increases the risks for heart disease, diabetes, and shorter lifespans, this 2018 study used MRI scans to confirm that the medium temporal lobe, which creates new memories, was thinner in people who spent more time sitting. A short break that includes some physical movement will get more blood pumping to the brain, improving cognitive performance when returning to the next task or joining the next meeting.
Recent research by the INSEAD Business School revealed that increased mindfulness reduces the tendency to allow unrecoverable prior costs, known as sunk-cost bias, to influence current decisions. The study also found that just 15 minutes of mindfulness meditation can lead to more rational thinking when making business decisions.
Participants in the study used mindfulness meditation to reduce focus and thinking on the past and the future, to enable decisions based on information known in the current moment. This type of rational, present-moment thinking led to improved and expedited decision making. It resulted in better decisions and also prevented decisions from being over-analyzed for weeks.
Becoming More Mindful At Work
Mindfulness is about purposefully getting the mind to focus. Unfortunately, the workplace is full of distractions and interruptions, all of which prevents the brain from being fully focused on tasks and decision making. As the authors of a 2010 study in Science concluded, “A human mind in a wandering mind and a wandering mind is an unhappy mind.”
Unfortunately, we all have wandering minds, especially at work or our work-from-home environments.
Taking a mindful pause, whether this is a short meditation session or a clearing-the-head walk in nature, can lead to a more rewarding and effective decision-making process. Clearing the mind is an excellent remedy for the constant bombardment of information and data sent your way each and every day.
The key to truly developing the sharp focus that you need to make important or critical decisions requires thinking, analyzing, and evaluating on a deeper level. Cognitive improvement is only possible when we slow down, stop allowing technology and others to constantly interrupt us, and mindfully practice focusing on the task, information, or people with whom we are engaged.
These are the things that mindful decision makers do differently:
1. Do not multitask.
2. Cancel electronic notifications and set smartphones to airplane mode for extended periods of the day.
3. Use purposeful breathing as a stress reliever and to drive increased oxygen and blood to their brain.
4. Pause before responding.
5. Focus on the positives.
6. Constantly observe their thoughts and emotions nonjudgmentally.
7. Pay close attention to their breathing patterns.
8. Place importance on self-care, especially in terms of stress control and alleviation.
9. Practice being a good listener.
10. Use mindfulness techniques frequently and regularly throughout the work day.
There are many ways to attain more in-depth and more frequent moments of mindfulness. These and other techniques are explained and taught in my Better Decision Making: Shifting from Mind Full to Mindful Leadership Skills, which is available in four 90-minute virtual sessions.
In Australia, this program is available through Mindful Life Training. Outside, Australia please contact me directly.
Lastly, I am certifying facilitators globally in this program. If interested, see the facilitation certification page on our website.
Creator of Humony Leadership | Biggest Voices in Leadership 2023 | Professional Speaker | Mentoring Good Managers Into Great Leaders | Leadership Mentor and Coach | Award-Winning Author
3 年I will be hosting a free webinar on February 24th at 2pm (Central) related to this topic, with tips and best-practices on The Art of Mindful Decision Making. To register, click the Reserve My Place button on this page:
Teach Cognitive Health in Conscious Companies Globally ? Use Principles from the Intersection of Neuroscience, Psychology + Nutrition ? Workshops + Online Training ? Neuroscientist ? Keynote Speaker
4 年Great article Steven Howard! Awesome actionable tips! ??
There are some roles where decision-making abilities are crucial. For example, if you are a top executive your ability to make the right decision is why you get paid. And as you might know, right decisions create success and poor decision cost money:?
Thank you for sharing...
taking breaks like this also help prevent the poor decisions that lead to poor communication = bullying. So many who are seen to be bullying are people who are overwhelmed and taking their stress out on others.