The Impact of Menopause on Career Longevity: Understanding Your Hormonal Journey
Published by Mission Menopause

The Impact of Menopause on Career Longevity: Understanding Your Hormonal Journey

Menopause is a significant hormonal milestone that can profoundly affect various aspects of life, including career longevity. In recent years, there has been a much-needed increase in conversations about menopause, leading to greater awareness and understanding. However, despite these positive strides, the topic can still be surrounded by misconceptions and stigma, leaving many women unprepared for its impacts, particularly the psychological and physical symptoms that can affect professional performance. Understanding your hormonal journey and educating yourself about menopause is crucial for mitigating these effects and maintaining your career progression.

Understanding Your Hormonal Journey Menopause is not an isolated event but a journey that unfolds over several years

Understanding Your Hormonal Journey Menopause is not an isolated event but a journey that unfolds over several years, encompassing perimenopause, menopause, and post menopause. Perimenopause, the transitional phase leading up to menopause, typically begins in a woman's early to mid-40s, although it can start earlier. This phase can last for several years and is characterised by fluctuating hormone levels, which often lead to the first noticeable symptoms. Menopause itself is usually reached between the ages of 45 and 55, with the average age being 51.

The perimenopause period often coincides with critical stages in a woman’s career, where professional responsibilities are high and career development is accelerating. Simultaneously, women may be juggling significant personal responsibilities, such as caring for children, supporting ageing parents. As a result, they might attribute their symptoms to the stress of daily life rather than recognising them as the onset of perimenopause.

Psychological and Physical Symptoms of Menopause:

  1. Mood Swings: Hormonal fluctuations can lead to sudden changes in mood, ranging from irritability and anxiety to feelings of sadness or even depression.
  2. Cognitive Changes: Many women experience what is often referred to as "brain fog," characterised by forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, and memory lapses.
  3. Emotional Instability: Increased sensitivity and emotional responses can affect how you handle stress and interact with colleagues.
  4. Sleep Disturbances: Insomnia and disrupted sleep can exacerbate feelings of fatigue and reduce cognitive function during the day.
  5. Hot Flushes and Night Sweats: Sudden feelings of heat and excessive sweating can be uncomfortable and disruptive, particularly in professional settings.
  6. Fatigue: Persistent tiredness can affect productivity and energy levels throughout the day.
  7. Physical Discomfort: Joint pain, headaches, and weight gain can also be symptoms, affecting overall well-being and the ability to perform at work.

The Impact on Your Career

The psychological and physical symptoms of menopause can significantly impact professional performance. Mood swings and emotional instability can affect interpersonal relationships at work, making communication and teamwork more challenging. Cognitive changes can lead to decreased productivity, mistakes, and a perceived decline in competence, which can be particularly distressing for women in professional roles. Physical symptoms like hot flushes, fatigue, and physical discomfort can further affect daily work life, making it harder to maintain focus and energy.

Recent statistics highlight the gravity of this issue:

  • According to a survey conducted by the Fawcett Society, nearly 1 in 10 women who were employed during menopause left their jobs due to their symptoms and 25% of women considered reducing their hours and working part-time because of menopausal symptoms.
  • A study by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) revealed that 59% of working women aged 45-55 experiencing menopausal symptoms said it negatively impacted them at work, with 30% not applying for promotions and 22% reducing their working hours. These statistics highlight the need for greater support and understanding in the workplace to ensure that menopause does not negatively impact career sustainability. However, it is important to recognise that menopause can also be a time of personal growth and transformation. With the right knowledge and support, many women continue to thrive professionally.

Educating Yourself: Why It Matters

  1. Knowledge is Empowerment: Understanding the hormonal changes and their effects on your body and mind can help demystify the process and reduce anxiety. Knowing what to expect allows you to prepare and manage symptoms more effectively.
  2. Early Identification: Educating yourself enables you to recognise the early signs of menopause and seek help promptly. This proactive approach can prevent symptoms from escalating and affecting your career.
  3. Informed Decision-Making: With accurate information, you can make informed decisions about your health and career. This might include discussing flexible working arrangements with your employer or seeking professional support to manage symptoms.
  4. Effective Communication: Understanding your journey equips you to communicate your needs effectively with your employer and colleagues.

Menopause can pose significant challenges to career sustainability, particularly due to its psychological and physical symptoms. However, by understanding your hormonal journey and educating yourself about menopause, you can equip yourself with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate this life stage effectively. This proactive approach can help you maintain your career path and ensure that menopause does not hinder your professional aspirations. Remember, menopause is also a time of personal growth, and with the right support, you can continue to thrive in your career.

Next Steps

At Mission Menopause, we understand the unique challenges that menopause can bring to your professional life. Our individual coaching programme offers a confidential and safe space to talk through your experiences, especially if your workplace does not currently support menopause. Our empathetic approach stems from our own experiences of managing menopause while holding senior roles. Leveraging our extensive HR and operational experience, we provide practical advice and personalised strategies to help you navigate this stage with confidence and resilience.

Contact us today at [email protected] to learn how we can support you in maintaining your career path during menopause.

Elissa Dobson and Caroline Walters, Co Founders of Mission Menopause and advocates of Menopause awareness in the workplace


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