Impact Management Training in July in NYC
There is a great focus on reporting the impact of your programs, activities, and investments these days. Would you rather be in control of your impact that simply reporting it after the fact? Do you wonder how to bring in best practices from business management into how you design and execute social impact? This course will provide those insights.
Wednesday, July 17th, 2019, 9:00a - 4:00p
More info and registration here.
The Impact Management Skills Training is intended for those who seek to enhance their ability to generate positive outcomes for people and systems. Participants will improve their ability to get and use insights from their work to maximize positive impact.
During the one-day training we will present frameworks and examples, then work through their application using real field experience and participant-driven exercises and case studies of relevance to participants.
Participants will benefit both from international third-party standards relevant to impact management, including the Impact Management Project's 5 dimensions of impact and investor matrix, Social Value International's Social Value Principles, the GIIN's IRIS+ and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as from the trainers’ world-class, hands-on experience in impact management.
Who should attend:
- Leaders and managers of enterprises working to create positive impact within complex systems
- Funders
- Policymakers
- Aspiring professionals and students
Learning outcomes:
- Become familiar with the profession of impact management
- Understand the 7 principles of social value and how they are used in impact management
- Gain insights that can be used to maximize positive impact within complex systems that meaningfully affect peoples’ lives
- Learn how to structure governance, funding and programmatic systems to focus on outcomes
- Gain lessons from the field from implemented pay-for-success projects
- Learn what the Impact Management Project is, how and when to use its shared fundamentals of impact, and how to get involved
About the Trainers
Third Sector is a nonprofit organization that occupies a distinct role in the ecosystem of government, philanthropy and social services. Third Sector helps create systems that use data-driven monitoring, evaluation, and continuous improvement. Through these systems, our clients are better able to make connections between dollars spent and the impact of services provided. The Third Sector team brings extensive experience managing projects with diverse groups of stakeholders, economic modeling, fundraising, impact investing, evaluation, and data analysis. We have engaged with more than 40 jurisdictions across the country in developing and deploying outcomes-oriented strategies to align resources with results for communities.
SVT Group is a pioneering impact management firm. We specialize in strategy, design and implementation for organizations and their investors working to shift environmental and social systems at scale. "How can we catalyze adoption of our model across our industry? How can we ensure the integrity of our mission as we scale? How can we get the best outcomes for each dollar we spend? How can we grow and diversify our funding?" These are some of the questions we've helped our 100+ clients answer since our founding in 2001, including CalPERS Environmental Investment Advisor, Yo Yo Ma, and Fair Trade USA.