The Impact of First Aid on Human Life

The Impact of First Aid on Human Life

Health education is the profession of educating people about their health, bringing awareness to society on maintaining healthy practices and staying safe at all times. Areas within this profession encompass "First aid," our core factor today.


First aid is the initial and immediate assistance given to anyone with a minor or severe illness or injury. The purpose is to preserve life, prevent conditions from worsening or promote recovery until medical service arrives. In simpler terms, first aid refers to medical attention that is usually administered right after the injury occurs and at the location where it occurred. It often consists of short-term treatment and requires little technical training to administer. First aid involves cleaning minor cuts and scratches, treating minor burns, applying bandages, and dressing for injury.

Types of First Aid

Providing first aid is essential until professional medical help arrives for different emergencies that require distinct actions.


Basic first-aid training equips individuals with the skills to handle common injuries and emergencies. This includes recognising and treating burns, bleeding, choking, and fractures. It typically also covers cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

1. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Those who have been trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can help a victim of cardiac arrest to start breathing again. CPR involves first checking the person's airway to ensure it is clear and then using rescue breathing and chest compressions to maintain blood circulation.

2. Bleeding

Identifying the type of bleeding is crucial to determine its severity and whether medical attention is required to prevent excessive blood loss.

3. Burns

Removing its source, which could be heat, chemicals, or electricity, is important to treat a burn. Then, cool the affected area with running water for several minutes. For minor burns, you can use aloe vera or over-the-counter medication. However, it's crucial to seek immediate medical attention for major burns.

4. Choking

Choking is a serious condition that can occur due to an obstruction in the airway. This can lead to a person losing consciousness or even death. Recognizing when someone is choking and what to do in such a situation is essential. The appropriate procedure to be used depends on the condition of the person. The Heimlich manoeuvre is recommended if the person is conscious but unable to cough or talk. However, for someone unconscious, a different first-aid approach is required.

5. Fractures?

When someone has an injury to a limb, hand, or foot, it is important to assume that it may be a broken bone to prevent further damage. If the affected area is not an open fracture, the person is conscious, there is no heavy bleeding, and the skin looks normal, you can apply a cold pack to the injury. In case of a limb injury, create a splint with padding without trying to straighten the limb before transporting the person to the hospital. It is crucial to note that broken bones related to the spine, head, pelvis, hip, and thigh are more severe and require emergency treatment. In such cases, you should call for an ambulance and not move the injured person, as only a trained medical professional should carry out such a task.


Wilderness first aid focuses on providing emergency care in remote or challenging environments where immediate professional medical help is not available. This type of training covers the unique challenges of outdoor settings, such as extreme weather conditions, limited resources, and potential delays in rescue or evacuation. Wilderness first aid courses teach participants how to assess and stabilize patients, treat common outdoor injuries, and evacuate patients safely when necessary.? This type of training is particularly beneficial for outdoor enthusiasts, hikers, and professionals working in remote areas.


Advanced first aid training is designed for those requiring higher knowledge and skills, such as workplace first aid officers, emergency response teams, and healthcare professionals. It covers a more in-depth understanding of medical emergencies, including anaphylaxis, heart attacks, strokes, and seizures. Participants learn advanced airway management, oxygen therapy, intravenous access, and advanced techniques for managing bleeding and fractures. Advanced first aid training is ideal for those needing comprehensive care in emergencies.

The objective of First Aid

In today's world, many people lack the knowledge and confidence to administer First Aid when required. This highlights the importance of being prepared to respond quickly and effectively in an emergency.

?????Understanding the aim and objective of First Aid is very important, and these include:?

1. Preserve life

2. Prevent injury from getting worse

3. Aid recovery?

4. Relief pains

5. Protect the unconscious?

It's important to understand that administering first aid can be the difference between saving and losing a life.

Importance of First Aid

Possessing the skill of first aid is essential. The ability to provide immediate care during emergencies can make a significant difference in saving lives. Whether it is a minor injury or a life-threatening situation, knowing how to administer first aid can be the key to ensuring the well-being of those around you. First aid is of primary importance because it assists in minor and major accidents.

First aid refers to the immediate assistance given to someone injured or suddenly fallen ill. Its primary goal is to stabilize the victim's condition until professional medical help arrives. First aid is crucial in emergencies and can significantly impact the outcome of the emergency. Let's explore why first aid is so important and how it can make a difference:

1. Quick Response?

The first few minutes following an accident or injury are incredibly important. During this time, applying appropriate first aid techniques can prevent the condition from worsening and improve the chances of a positive outcome. Whether it involves stopping bleeding, clearing an obstructed airway, or performing CPR, an immediate response can significantly increase the chances of survival. By knowing how to evaluate the situation and provide the necessary aid promptly, you can make a real difference in saving lives.

2. Minimizing injuries?

One of the most important aspects of first aid is preventing further harm. When an accident occurs, the injury can worsen if proper care is not provided immediately. Basic first aid techniques such as immobilizing a fractured bone or preventing infection in an open wound can help minimize the risk of additional injuries or complications. This not only reduces the victim's pain and suffering but also aids in their overall recovery process.

3. Promoting Recovery

First aid is not only about addressing immediate injuries, but it also plays a significant role in promoting long-term recovery and well-being. By providing timely care, you can stabilize the victim's condition and prevent further complications. This allows medical professionals to intervene effectively when they arrive and provide the necessary treatment. Additionally, offering emotional support and reassurance during an emergency can help alleviate anxiety and stress, which in turn can contribute to a faster recovery.

4. Save Lives?

The importance of first aid cannot be overstated. It is a valuable skill that has the potential to save lives and minimize injury severity. We can become an asset in emergencies by equipping ourselves with knowledge of first aid techniques. Just to let you know, accidents can happen at any time and place. Therefore, having the ability to offer immediate assistance can make a significant difference in the lives of those in need. Let's take the initiative to learn first aid and be prepared to save lives. Remember, being prepared can be a lifesaver.

Benefits of First Aid in the Community:

Knowing First Aid is extremely important for both individuals and communities. It empowers you to assist anyone injured during an accident or emergency until professional help arrives. First Aid skills can be used in homes, workplaces, and public locations, making the community safer. Therefore, the more people certified in First Aid in a community, the better equipped they are to handle emergencies.

Aside from dressing cuts and injuries, there are few benefits of first aid in the community.?

1. It helps control outbreaks of infections and diseases?

2. It encourages healthy and safe living

3. Makes people feel secure

4. Preventing medical complications

5. Aid quick medical attention

First Aid Tips:

Injuries are almost always a possibility during emergencies. You might get hurt in an emergency, such as getting burned in a fire or hit by falling debris during an earthquake. However, injuries can also happen during the panic that follows an emergency. In your haste to escape danger, you could end up with a sprained ankle or an open wound. I think that understanding some basic first-aid tips is crucial, and you must commit them to memory.

1. The primary goals of first aid can be remembered by the Three P's: Preserve life, prevent further injury, and Promote recovery. Although these goals might seem overly simplistic, they are meant to be simple on purpose. When someone gets injured, it's easy to panic and forget what you must do to help. The Three P's remind you of the basics: do whatever you can to save the person's life, prevent them from sustaining further injuries, and help them heal.

2. Check the Scene for Danger

Before helping an injured person, it is essential to check the scene for any potential danger. This is not a cowardly act but a necessary precaution. If you also get injured, you won't be able to help others. Therefore, take a moment to analyze the area and identify anything that could harm you.

For instance, if you spot someone outside injured and unable to reach a shelter during a terrible storm, don't rush outside to help them without looking for possible hazards. Check if strong winds are hurling debris, if there are any trees or structures that seem about to fall, if there are downed power lines, if there is open drainage, or if there is floodwater. After looking over these risks, you can go ahead and find a better plan to reach and rescue the person.

3. Treating Cuts and Scrapes

Blood is a crucial component of our bodies. If someone is bleeding, preventing as much blood from leaving their body as possible is important. First, could you try to find a clean cloth or bandage? Then, follow these steps:

? Apply gentle pressure for 20 to 30 minutes.

? Clean the wound by running clean water over it, and avoid using soap on an open wound.

? Apply antibiotics like Neosporin to the wound.

? Cover the wound with a bandage.

?????If someone has a nosebleed, have the person lean forward and press a cloth against the nostrils until the blood flow stops.

The body usually heals small cuts and scrapes quickly. However, deeper wounds may require medical attention. In case of deep wounds:

? Apply pressure.

? Don't apply ointments; cover the area with loose cloth to prevent contaminants from infecting the wound.

? Seek medical attention as soon as possible.

4. Treating Sprains

Sprains are a common injury and often heal independently without any serious complications. However, you can do several things to alleviate the swelling caused by the injury. Swelling occurs due to increased blood flow to the affected area, but it can be reduced by applying ice. Ice works by constricting the blood vessels and reducing blood flow.

To help reduce swelling, follow these steps:

? Keep the injured limb elevated.

? Apply ice to the affected area, but do not apply the ice directly to the skin. Instead, wrap it in a cloth or put it in a plastic bag.

? Compress the injured area by putting it in a brace or wrapping it tightly, but not so tight that it cuts off circulation.

? Alternate between applying ice and compressing the injured area at regular intervals.

? Make sure the injured person avoids putting weight on the affected limb.

5. Treating Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is a condition that can occur due to prolonged exposure to high temperatures, especially when a person is doing strenuous activities or hasn't had enough water. Symptoms of heat exhaustion may include cool, moist skin, heavy sweating, dizziness, weak pulse, muscle cramps, nausea, and headaches.

If you want to treat someone with heat exhaustion, you should take the following measures:

? Move the person to a shaded area out of the sun.

? If no shaded areas are available, cover the person with any available materials that can block sunlight.

? Give the person enough water to keep them hydrated.

? Place a cool cloth on their forehead to help lower their body temperature.

6. Treating Burns

To treat burns, you need to identify the type and severity. There are four types:

? First-degree: outer skin burnt; appears red and swollen.

? Second-degree: inner skin burnt; blisters and swelling.

? Third-degree: all inner skin burnt; whitish or blackened wound.

? Fourth-degree: burns through all tissues to tendons and bones.

Minor burns: first-degree and mild second-degree. Treat with cool water, moisturizer, and pain relief.

Major burns: moderate second-degree to fourth-degree. Seek medical assistance. Please don't apply ointments. Could you cover the wound with loose materials?

7. Treating Fractures

Sometimes, it can be easy to identify if someone has a fractured bone, but it's unclear. If you suspect someone has a fracture, please follow these steps:

? Do not attempt to straighten the fractured limb.

? Use a splint or padding to stabilise the area and prevent movement.

? Apply a cold pack to the area, but ensure it does not directly touch the skin. Wrap it in a cloth or put it in a plastic bag.

? If possible, elevate the affected area.

? Give the person an anti-inflammatory drug, such as ibuprofen.

8. Performing CPR

CPR, which stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a life-saving procedure. It restores breathing and blood circulation to an unresponsive person. However, learning CPR requires some training, which is usually a day-long class. During CPR, pressure is applied on the left side of the chest. This should be done when the victim has passed out, and you cannot detect breathing or pulse. The American Red Cross offers CPR certification classes across the nation.

"Christian Schauf"

First Aid training process:

1. Teaching Methods

Trainees should develop practical skills by practising on manikins and with other trainees during their training. It is important to expose trainees to acute injury and illness scenarios and teach them the appropriate response through visual aids such as videos and slides. The training should include a course workbook that discusses first aid principles and responses to incidents that require intervention. The training duration should be long enough to emphasise situations commonly encountered within particular workplaces. The program should emphasize the importance of quick response to first aid situations.

2. Principles of Responding to a Health Emergency

The training program should cover the following subjects:

- Injury and acute illness are health problems.

- Interactions with the local emergency medical services system. Trainees should maintain an up-to-date list of emergency telephone numbers (police, fire, ambulance, poison control), which should be easily accessible to all employees.

- The principles of triage.

- The legal aspects of providing first aid services.

3. Methods of Surveying the Scene and the Victim(s)

The training program should cover the following topics related to providing first aid services:

? Assessing the scene for safety and estimating the number of injured persons.

? Identifying any potential helpers available at the scene.

? Conducting a primary survey of each victim, including assessing their airway, breathing, and circulation and checking for any bleeding.

? Understanding the techniques and principles of taking a victim's history.

? Conducting a secondary survey of the victim, including assessing their vital signs, skin appearance, head and neck, eyes, chest, abdomen, back, extremities, and medical alert symbols.?

4. Basic Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

It is recommended that basic CPR training for adults be included in educational programs. The training should include instructions on establishing and maintaining an open airway for adults, performing breathing and circulatory resuscitation, carrying out choking assessments, and providing appropriate first aid interventions. Additionally, training on how to resuscitate a person who has drowned should also be included. It is suggested that retesting occur annually to ensure the knowledge is retained.

5. Basic First Aid Intervention

Trainees should be instructed on properly applying bandages to various body parts, such as the head, chest, shoulder, arm, leg, wrist, elbow, foot, ankle, fingers, toes, and knee.

Moreover, they should learn how to properly apply splints to different body parts, including the arm, elbow, clavicle, fingers, hand, forearm, ribs, hip, femur, lower leg, ankle, knee, foot, and toes.

Finally, trainees should be trained to move and rescue victims using one- and two-person lifts, ankle and shoulder pulls, and blanket pulls.

6. First Aid Supplies

The responsibility for the type, quantity, and upkeep of first aid supplies required for their specific worksite(s) falls on the first aid provider. These supplies should be kept in a conveniently accessible location for emergency use.

7. Trainee Assessments

To assess the successful completion of the first aid training program, instructors must observe the acquired skills and conduct written performance assessments. Reviewing and refreshing the first aid knowledge and skills every three years is recommended.?

It is important to periodically update the training program with the latest first aid techniques and knowledge and remove any outdated material.

Supplies needed for First Aid

A basic first-aid kit should always include the following items:

- Plasters in different sizes and shapes

- Small, medium, and large sterile gauze dressings

- At least two sterile eye dressings

- Triangular bandages

- Crêpe rolled bandages

- Safety pins

- Disposable sterile gloves

- Tweezers

- Scissors

- Alcohol-free cleansing wipes

- Sticky tape

- Thermometer (preferably digital)

- Skin rash creams, such as hydrocortisone or calendula

- Cream or spray to relieve insect bites and stings

- Antiseptic cream

- Aloe vera cream

- Painkillers such as paracetamol (or infant paracetamol for children), aspirin (not to be given to children under 16), or ibuprofen

- Antihistamine cream or tablets

- Distilled water for cleaning wounds

- Eyewash and eye bath

- Soap

- Hand?sanitiser

Legal consideration of first aid:?

1. Duty of Care

2. Consent

3. Recording

4. Respectful behavior

5. Risk Assessment and management?

6. Privacy and Confidentiality

Real-life case study on First Aid:

In a busy factory environment, the potential for accidents is always present. Unfortunately, a critical incident occurred when a worker suffered a life-threatening injury on the factory floor.

An employee operating heavy machinery accidentally became entangled in the equipment, leading to severe injuries. Fortunately, one of the factory employees had previously completed first aid training at work and quickly recognised the situation, springing into action.

The first responder utilised their first aid knowledge to ensure that the injured worker’s airway was clear, and their breathing and circulation were maintained. The responder communicated calmly and effectively with the injured worker, controlling the bleeding and stabilising their condition while waiting for emergency medical services (EMS) to arrive.

Efficient teamwork and communication were integral during the ordeal. Fellow employees cleared the area, allowing first aid to be administered without interruption. The EMS was called promptly and provided with accurate information about the incident and the injured worker’s condition.

Thanks to the quick intervention and skill of the first responder, the injured worker’s life was saved. This case study highlights the significance of first aid in the workplace, providing a valuable example of how proper training and timely response can make a substantial difference during a life-threatening situation.

In Conclusion

First aid is not a substitute for medical care, but it can offer immediate assistance in an emergency.

Although we cannot predict the future, we must equip ourselves with knowledge and skills to handle unexpected situations better.

Taking a first aid course to recognise an emergency and provide basic first aid until professional help arrives is important.

Let's prioritise life and always remember to say "yes" to First Aid.



Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC)?



Police Emergency Phone Numbers 01-4931260, 01-4978899.

Lagos Emergency Service (This covers Police, Ambulance, and Traffic Services).

112 or 767


Medical emergency


+1 603-668-5360


HelpLine For CPR and First Aid

(905)528-6000; (403)800-6000?

Email: [email protected]

Uje Topah-Mayaki

Biologist | Project manager | Social Entrepreneur | First aid trainer | Humanitarian | volunteer.

11 个月

Great piece! First Aid is a skill EVERYONE should have. Well done Yemi.?

Adebola Adedoyin

Apartment Manager at POD PREMIUM LTD

11 个月

This is very helpful and educating.


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