The Impact of Digital Screens on Children
What is Dopamine?
Dopamine, a crucial neurotransmitter for human brain function, is a chemical messenger. It plays a key role in initiating actions, sustaining focus during execution and providing a sense of satisfaction upon successful completion, making it essential for experiencing motivation and reward. For instance, when a child prepares to study, the prefrontal cortex signals the release of dopamine. As the child engages in studying, dopamine enhances the learning experience by fostering interest, happiness and offering a sense of accomplishment upon completion. However, the frequent use of digital screens—especially for entertainment—can disrupt these natural dopamine cycles, offering quick bursts of satisfaction that overshadow traditional learning activities.
Human life advances through these repetitive cycles of dopamine release, which plays a crucial role in children's education. The duration of this cycle for a five-year-old child is approximately 20 minutes, while for an older child, it extends to about 40 minutes, which is why school periods are typically limited to 40 minutes.
How Digital Screens Impact Dopamine Levels
Today's children interact frequently with devices featuring digital screens, not only for educational purposes but also for entertainment activities like gaming and video streaming. Digital screens, especially during entertainment activities like gaming, stimulate the brain with high-speed pixel activity that goes beyond typical dopamine levels. Digital screens consist of tiny pixels and the rapid activity of these pixels during digital games sends signals through the retina to the brain, significantly stimulating it beyond the typical dopamine. The effects of this stimulation are so pronounced that some researchers refer to it as "electronic cocaine".
While digital screens have a lesser impact during educational activities, mobile phone games, computer games, and other digital games exert a much greater influence on the brain. The fast-paced nature of these games also fosters increased hyperactivity in children, as they become accustomed to rapid stimulation.
The human brain typically functions on a normal top-down trajectory. However, children who are constantly stimulated by high-speed digital games gradually lose this balance, causing their brains to shift to a more adventurous bottom-up reactive mode, primed to respond to emergencies. Consequently, this adventurous mode becomes their new normal. There have been reports of some children even going so far as to test death in their pursuit of more thrilling experiences.
The effects of digital screens on young children are significantly more pronounced than on adults. The American Institute of Medicine recommends that children under the age of three should not be exposed to digital screens at all.
How Fluctuations in Dopamine Affect Children
The most significant symptom in children associated with dopamine changes from digital screens is heightened agitation. Additionally, another characteristic is their tendency to act impulsively, leading to difficulty in concentrating on even the simplest tasks. They may exhibit quick temper, engage in arguments with siblings and incorporate new words such as "stupid" and "idiot" into their vocabulary.
They may avoid conversations or respond briefly, sometimes showing reluctance to attend school or socialise. Other signs include disrupted sleep, diminished appetite and readiness for conflict, marked by quick emotional outbursts. Their reactions slow, and they can struggle with basic problem-solving, finding typical life dull in comparison to the high-stimulation world of digital screens.
This craving for excitement leads to a blunted sense of danger, as the repeated thrill of digital games lowers their ability to assess real-world risks properly.
Remedies to Address this Concern
Rather than resorting to medication for children affected by digital screens, it is preferable to explore remedies through natural and therapeutic approaches. Many doctors notice these symptoms in children and mistakenly diagnose them with conditions such as ADHD. It is essential to clearly understand the differences between these conditions. Additionally, instead of administering external medications during young children's brain development, it is preferable to tap into glutamine, a hormone that can help regulate dopamine levels in the brain.
One of the most effective remedies is simply having regular, screen-free family meals. Engaging in conversations about the day's events, fostering a cheerful atmosphere, and strengthening family bonds can have a positive impact on the child's well-being. Parents can set aside their problems, including work-related issues, and focus on strengthening the bond with their child by avoiding topics the child dislikes, such as school subjects. Instead, the conversation should centre on joyful and uplifting subjects.
The father's role is crucial in this dynamic. While the mother is often the primary caregiver, the child tends to view the father as the ultimate authority figure. Therefore, fathers need to engage with their children, build a strong bond, and be aware of their favourite subjects, rather than solely relying on the mother for guidance and support.
Additionally, it is advisable to guide the child towards physical activities, introduce them to hobbies, foster an interest in sports and engage them in activities that encourage interaction with the outside world.
Melatonin, the hormone linked to a child's memory, begins to activate after 6 pm. Therefore, it is advisable to limit the child's exposure to digital screens as much as possible during this time. Moreover, since the blue light emitted by LED bulbs can negatively impact a child's memory, it is preferable to have them study under a CFL bulb that emits warmer yellow light. Another effective remedy is to ensure that the child enjoys a restful night's sleep.
It is equally important for expectant mothers to avoid digital screens and engage in conversations with their unborn child while still in the womb. Additionally, fostering a strong relationship between the father and child from an early age can have a positive impact on the child's development.
Ultimately, reducing digital screen time while fostering family connections and encouraging physical affection will help children grow into well-rounded, happy individuals who appreciate real-world experiences alongside responsible technology use.