Impact As A Developer: Visibility To Your Manager - Dev Leader Weekly 83
A Short Update
I must apologize, but this week I am at the peak of my burnout. These things build up over time but:
I usually use the weekend to recover a bit, but I'm also on-call for work so I have another two days to go -- and I'm quite concerned the holiday on Monday will need to be replaced with work anyway.
I wanted to share a couple of updates though:
Monday's livestream is still on though! The topic for this week's article would have been the same thing, but this livestream will be on strategies for demonstrating impact to your manager. This live stream will be based on the topics discussed in this Code Commute video (which is a super cool 360 video!):
I'm hoping to bounce back for next weekend folks, so I do apologize. Thanks for your understanding and your support.
As always, thanks so much for your support! I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I'll see you next week.
Nick “Dev Leader” Cosentino
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