Closing this Friday: Student Survey on the Impact of COVID-19
We need to understand our students' experiences during lockdown, how they have coped and what they need for a positive return. In response to this I have prepared a student questionnaire 'The Impact of COVID-19 on You and Your Studies'. The survey explores:
- How students feel about their experience during lockdown
- Whether or not they have been directly impacted by the virus
- How they have coped practically and emotionally with studying from home
- How well they feel they have been supported by their college or training organisation
- What they feel they need to enable them to return safely and confidently
- What questions or concerns they have regarding their current studies and plans for progression
The survey will remain open until Friday 17th July. A headline report of the findings will be published on the FETN Website and in addition, you will be able to request a copy of the student responses from your organisation to help with your own support planning.
To participate in this UK wide survey, send a request to your students and include this link for them to access the questionnaire
Thank you for supporting this survey