Impact of COVID-19 on Personal Injury Case Assessment, Documentation, and Treatment.
?While the COVID -19 continues to affect Palm Beach and Broward counties, many people will continue to suffer injuries in car accidents, slip and falls, and other ordinary events. An accident victim still can bring a personal injury claim to pursue compensation for their injuries during the COVID-19 outbreak. However, they may want to be aware of certain issues that may affect their claim.
Getting Medical Treatment
To maximize a compensation award in a personal injury case, an accident injury victim will need to receive medical assessment, treatment, and documentation as a crucial part of their injury claim. During the COVID-19 outbreak, many people will feel reluctant to visit a hospital or a doctor’s office for treatment, due to concerns about contracting the virus. These concerns are reasonable, but it is still true that getting treatment is important to the value of a claim. A victim should try to keep their medical appointments to the extent possible, while maintaining social distancing practices and following CDC recommendations.
Since health care facilities are currently overrun with COVID-19 patients, an accident victim may need to wait longer than usual to receive treatment. This may mean that they should wait to file or settle their case. They will not know the full scope of their damages until they complete their treatment and reach maximum medical improvement.
Stanger Injury Centers continue to accept new personal injury cases during the coronavirus pandemic.
We take calls from injured patients and law firms 24/7/365 days a year. We continue patient office visits with enhanced safety procedures, as well as offering remote physical therapy and consultations. Our staff is always set up to operate both in office and remotely ensuring patient safety. This means we can start assessing, documenting, and treating your patient and getting them the help and relief, they need immediately.
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