Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on WRMSDs
Portrait of a young malian worker wearing mask during the covid 19 period Credit : Nsimire Aimee / ILO Date : 05/2020 Country : Mali

Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on WRMSDs

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on workers with work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs). WRMSDs are a group of disorders that affect the musculoskeletal system and are caused or aggravated by work-related activities. The most common WRMSDs include back pain, shoulder and neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and repetitive strain injuries. The pandemic has caused a shift in the way many people work. With more people working from home, there has been an increase in the use of technology such as computers, laptops, and tablets. This has caused an increase in the number of people experiencing WRMSDs, as working on these devices for long periods of time can strain the musculoskeletal system. In addition, people are spending more time in the same position, such as sitting in front of a computer, which can lead to further strain on the body. Furthermore, people who are now working from home may not have access to the same ergonomic equipment they had in the office, such as adjustable chairs and desks, which can further increase the risk of developing WRMSDs. The pandemic has also caused an increase in stress and anxiety, both of which can exacerbate existing WRMSDs. Additionally, the lack of physical activity due to social distancing measures has caused a decrease in muscle strength and flexibility, which can increase the risk of developing WRMSDs. To help protect workers from developing WRMSDs, employers should provide ergonomic equipment, such as adjustable chairs, keyboards, and computer monitors, to employees who are working from home. Additionally, employers should provide guidance on how to set up an ergonomic workspace, including advice on how to adjust the chair, posture, and monitor height. Employers should also encourage employees to take regular breaks and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Finally, employers should ensure that their employees have access to mental health resources to help manage any stress or anxiety that may be contributing to their WRMSDs. The Covid-19 pandemic has also affected those who are already suffering from WRMSDs. Since many people are still working from home, they may not have the same level of access to medical services or treatments. For example, medical specialists may not be available or physical therapy may be limited. This can make it difficult for those with WRMSDs to manage their condition. To help those with WRMSDs manage their condition during the pandemic, employers should provide guidance on how to self-manage their condition. This can include advice on how to modify activities and make adjustments to the workspace to reduce strain or pain. In addition, employers should encourage employees to use available resources such as mental health services or online physical therapy. Finally, employers should ensure that employees have access to the necessary medical services should they need them.


11th PREMUS, 6th WDPI, & 11th MYOPAIN International Scientific Conference

on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders, Work Disability Prevention and Integration, and Myofascial Pain Syndrome & Fibromyalgia Syndrome; intending to transform healthcare with all the ground breaking innovations in the Prevention of MSDs and Disability Prevention and Integration, the PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023 Conference is your only forum for exploring future research collaborations with over 500 global experts.?

PREMUS and WDPI are the international conferences of the Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) and Work Disability Prevention and Integration (WDPI) Scientific Committees of the International Commission of Occupational Health. MYOPAIN is the World Conference of the International Myopain Society.


  • To promote and disseminate research into state-of-the-art interventions aimed at the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders at work
  • To foster cross-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary and transliteration research into the etiology and prevention of work-related MSDs
  • To provide an international platform for the exchange of knowledge and expertise in musculoskeletal research and practice related to occupational MSD prevention
  • To provide a forum for exploring future research collaborations to address gaps in knowledge about work-related MSDs


Recoup Health


  1. Indian Myopain Society
  2. Indian Ergonomics School
  3. International Ergonomics School / EPM International Ergonomics School Emilia-Romagna


  1. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry / FICCI
  2. International Ergonomics School / EPM International Ergonomics School Emilia-Romagna
  3. International Myopain Society / International MYOPAIN Society
  4. International Commission on Occupational Health
  5. Indian Society of Ergonomics
  6. Indian Society of Lifestyle Medicine
  7. Indian Association of Occupational Health
  8. Indian Rheumatology Association
  9. All India Occupational Therapist Association
  10. Association of Occupational Health Karnataka


  1. Deepak Sharan (Chair of the ICOH Scientific Committee on Musculoskeletal Disorders Organizing Chairperson, PREMUS 2023 Chief Medical & Research Officer, Recoup Health Inc.) Dr. Deepak Sharan Recoup Health
  2. Naveen Ramesh (Associate Professor, Department of Community Health, St. John's Medical College, Bangalore, India.) St Johns Medical College & ..
  3. Debkumar Chakrabarti?(President, Indian Society of Ergonomics, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India ) Debkumar Chakrabarti Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
  4. Alex Collie (Professor and Director, Healthy Working Lives Research Group, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia) Alex Collie 澳大利亚蒙纳士大学
  5. Sougata Karmakar (Professor, Dept. of Design, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati, India) Dr. Sougata Carmaker Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
  6. Karen Nieuwenhuijsen (Secretary of WDPI Department of Public and Occupational Health, Coronel Institute of Occupational Health, Amsterdam, Netherlands) Karen Nieuwenhuijsen
  7. Sandeep Sharma (General Manager Corporate Health, Safety, Environment, and Medical at Indian Oil Corporation, Board Member, International Commission on Occupational Health) Dr Sandeep Sharma, MS Indian Oil Corp Limited
  8. Sashikala Chandrasekar (Chair - ICOH Scientific Committee on Rural Health, Bengaluru, India) Dr. Sashikala Chandrasekar
  9. Ravikumar Modali (Executive Board Member, Indian Society of Lifestyle Medicine) Dr. Ravi Modali, MBBS (KEMH, Mumbai). IBLM Certified Lifestyle Physician (USA), Coach
  10. Vikas Sharan (CEO, Regalix Inc, San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US) Vikas Sharan MarketStar India (Regalix)
  11. Anurag Walia (CEO, Kawa Enterprises Ltd., Vancouver, BC, Canada) Anurag Walia


  1. Angela de Boer (Professor, Department of Public and Occupational Health, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) Angela de Boer Amsterdam UMC Universiteit van Amsterdam
  2. Mark Boocock (Professor, Centre for Ergonomics and Human Factors / Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Research, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand) Mark Boocock 新西兰奥克兰理工大学
  3. Debkumar Chakrabarti?(President, Indian Society of Ergonomics, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India ) Debkumar Chakrabarti Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
  4. Alex Collie (Professor and Director, Healthy Working Lives Research Group, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia) Alex Collie 澳大利亚蒙纳士大学
  5. Steven L. Fischer (Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada) Steven Fischer 加拿大滑铁卢大学
  6. Sean Gallagher (Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Auburn University, Alabama, USA) Sean Gallagher, PhD, CPE Auburn University
  7. Anindya Kumar Ganguli (International Ergonomics Association (IEA-IDC) and Asian Council on Ergonomics and Design (ACED), Faculty in Ergonomics, University of Calcutta, India) Anindya Ganguli University of Calcutta
  8. Doug Gross (Professor, College of Health Sciences, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.) Douglas P. Gross University of Alberta Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
  9. Bobby Joseph (Vice Dean - Community Outreach and Distance Education, Professor and Head, Community Health Head, Occupational Health Services, St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India) Bobby Joseph St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences
  10. Sougata Karmakar (Professor, Dept. of Design, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati, India) Dr. Sougata Carmaker Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
  11. Tessa Keegel (Senior Lecturer, Monash Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia) 澳大利亚蒙纳士大学
  12. Young Ki Kim (Associate Professor, Department of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Pusan National University, Yangsan Hospital, South Korea) ?????
  13. Andre Klussmann (University of Applied Sciences (HAW) Hamburg, Faculty Life Sciences, Department of Health Sciences, Ulmenliet 20, 21033 Hamburg, Germany) Andre Klu?mann Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (HAW Hamburg)
  14. Paul Kuijer (Department of Public and Occupational Health, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands) Paul Kuijer Universiteit van Amsterdam
  15. Rammohan V Maikala (Program Technical Consultant, MSD SolutionsLab, National Safety Council, Itasca, IL, USA) Rammohan Maikala, PhD, ASP, FHFES National Safety Council
  16. Karen Nieuwenhuijsen (Secretary of WDPI Department of Public and Occupational Health, Coronel Institute of Occupational Health, Amsterdam, Netherlands) Karen Nieuwenhuijsen
  17. Shyam Pingle (Occupational Health Physician, Indian Institute of Public Health, Gandhinagar, India) Dr. Shyam Pingle Indian Institute of Public Health Gandhinagar
  18. Laura Punnett (Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA) Laura Punnett University of Massachusetts Lowell
  19. Naveen Ramesh (Associate Professor, Department of Community Health, St. John's Medical College, Bangalore, India.) St Johns Medical College & ..
  20. Deepak Sharan (Chair of the ICOH Scientific Committee on Musculoskeletal Disorders Organizing Chairperson, PREMUS 2023 Chief Medical & Research Officer, Recoup Health Inc.) Dr. Deepak Sharan Recoup Health
  21. Erwin Speklé (Arbo Unie Occupational Health Service, Utrecht, the Netherlands) Erwin Speklé Arbo Unie
  22. Divya Srinivasan (Professor, Industrial Engineering, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA) Divya Srinivasan Clemson University
  23. Susan Stock (Head, Scientific Group on Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders, Quebec Institute of Public Health (INSPQ)) Susan Stock Université de Montréal
  24. Mette Stochkendahl (Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, Research Unit for Physical Activity and Health in Work Life, Odense, Denmark) Mette Jensen Stochkendahl 南丹麦大学
  25. Grace Szeto (Professor in Physiotherapy, School of Medical & Health Sciences, Tung Wah College, Hong Kong SAR, China) Grace Szeto

Call for Abstracts is now open!

Recoup Health, host of PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023 11th International Conference on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (PREMUS), 6th International Conference on Work, Disability, Prevention & Integration (WDPI), 11th International Conference on Myofascial Pain Syndrome & Fibromyalgia Syndrome (MYOPAIN), invites you to showcase your work to your peers.?

PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023 is taking place in Bengaluru, India and Online from September 20-26, 2023

Submitting an abstract gives you the opportunity to share your knowledge globally at the highest level. There would also be an opportunity to contribute to the textbook for medical professionals titled “Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in the New Ways of Working: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention” and a book for office workers titled “Understanding Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in the New Ways of Working.” These books would be published after the PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023 conference.?

Allow your research to gain some much-deserved visibility. Don’t miss the opportunity to promote your research to a wide audience of professional?peers globally.?

All the accepted abstracts and selected full papers will be allotted a DOI and published in the Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine-IJOEM (ISSN-0973-2284), the official publication of the Indian Association of Occupational Health. This prestigious openaccess journal is Indexed in PubMed Central and does not require Article Processing Charges. IJOEM Journal

There are seven categories for submissions, these include:

  1. Oral presentation (10 minutes)
  2. E-poster (3 minutes, 5 slides)
  3. Lectures (20 minutes)
  4. Symposium (90 minutes)
  5. Round Table (90 minutes)
  6. Workshop (3 hours)
  7. Pre-Conference Workshop (8 hours)


Abstract Submission Deadline

MAR 31, 2023

Abstract Acceptance Notification

APR 30, 2023

Early Bird Registration Deadline

MAY 31, 2023

Deadline to Confirm Acceptance to Present

MAY 31, 2023

Pre-Conference Workshops

Sep 20-21, 2023

Main Conference

Sep 22-24, 2023

Post-Conference Workshops

Sep 25-26, 2023

THEME: “Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Work Disability in the New Ways of Working”


  1. Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on WRMSDs?
  2. Work-ability and Long Covid symptoms?
  3. Return to work (RTW) in highly physically demanding jobs?
  4. Guidelines regarding the new ways of working, especially for jobs with a high level of physical proximity (different physical layout and new shift schedules) in the post-pandemic period?
  5. Prevention and management of MSDs in different work scenarios (traditional on-site, remote, hybrid)?
  6. MSD risks and solutions for the “Gig” economy / socioeconomically vulnerable workers?
  7. The impact of climate change on work and MSDs?
  8. Mechanisms and models of MSDs?
  9. Virtual assessment tools for risk factors of MSDs?
  10. An economic evaluation of interventions to prevent or manage MSDs?
  11. Prognosis of MSDs?
  12. Role of lifestyle factors in prevention and management of WRMSDs?
  13. Integrative medicine (Ayurveda, Yoga, etc.) in the prevention and management of WRMSDs


  1. Public Policy and Economics?
  2. Employer policies and practices?
  3. Integration of clinical and occupational care?
  4. Workplace interventions?
  5. Psychosocial factors in return to work (RTW)?
  6. Workplace factors in RTW?
  7. RTW for specific patient populations (traffic injuries, cancer, mental health, chronic illness, etc.)?
  8. Assessing functional capacity and readiness for RTW?
  9. Special populations (aging, socioeconomic factors, precarious work, health care workers)?
  10. Disability risk prediction and explanatory models?
  11. Societal factors in work disability?
  12. Insurance system interactions and work disability?
  13. Individual Placement and Support / Supported Employment?
  14. Telehealth / Telemedicine in WDPI?
  15. Work disability prevention from a systems perspective?
  16. Role of lifestyle factors in WDPI


  1. Risk factors, pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of Myofascial pain syndrome, Fibromyalgia Syndrome, and Soft tissue pain conditions in workers (Myopain Conditions)?
  2. Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on Myopain conditions
  3. Onsite and Virtual management of Myopain conditions?
  4. Work disability, prevention and integration in Myopain conditions


? Once an abstract is submitted, the submitter will receive a confirmation email directly from the system ([email protected]) with an individual portal link associated with the “Edit Application Here” button within the email.?

? Submitters are asked to whitelist the domain and/or mark [email protected] as a safe sender in their inbox to ensure delivery of any important communications. Please click this link for instructions on how to whitelist emails depending on your email provider.?

? If an abstract submission is incomplete and not submitted, the system will issue a reminder email with a link to access the submission in progress.?

? For the best user experience use Google Chrome. A note that the submission portal does not work on Internet Explorer.


? All abstracts must be submitted in English.?

? Use only standard abbreviations. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears.?

? You will receive a confirmation via email after you have submitted your proposal.?

? All submissions must be completed through the online portal for PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023 to accept the submissions.?

? Proposals submitted by email will not be accepted.?

? After the deadline, no changes will be accepted.?

? If you are unable to submit proposals via the website, please contact [email protected]?

? Abstracts should be submitted in a format ready for publication.?

? Please proofread to avoid any typographic or grammatical errors.?

? Authors should prepare their abstracts in advance using any standard word processing system, and then ‘copy and paste’ the elements from the word processing document into the appropriate spaces in the submission system.?

? Please do not include author names, references, acknowledgements, figures, images, or tables in your abstract body. There are separate sections for the author list and a figure/table for the abstract.?

? A figure/image/table is strongly recommended to be included for workshop, symposium submissions. Omission of a figure/image/table in these categories will lower the score of your abstract during the evaluation process.?

? Figures uploaded will not be published but will be reviewed during adjudication.?

? All submissions should include the first cycle results. Audits must be completed in time to present interventions and second cycle data at PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023.?

? Work-in-progress is only acceptable for extremely innovative or interesting approaches.?

? During the submission process, authors must specify if the abstract was accepted elsewhere and include the date, location and event. This does not disqualify an abstract from being selected.?

? Abstracts of published research studies are ineligible for submission.?

? You can edit or delete your abstract online at any time before the abstract deadline. If you wish to withdraw your abstract after that date you must inform us in writing via email at [email protected].?

? The Scientific and Educational Competitions Judging Committee reserves the right to re-allocate abstracts submitted to incorrect categories and will notify the submitting author.?

? The PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023 committee reserves the right to change the number of oral sessions, prizes and categories depending on number and strength of submitted abstracts.


? If your abstract is accepted, but you are not selected to present an oral presentation, you will be offered a digital display opportunity.?

? Detailed notifications of acceptance and guidelines for presentation will be sent by email (date to be confirmed).?

? Presenting authors must be registered and are required to pay the applicable registration fee and all other expenses involved in attending PREMUS, WDPI, & MYOPAIN 2023.


Anurag Walia

Business Specialist at Regalix

2 年

Dr. Deepak Sharan Med Dr. Ravi Modali, MBBS (KEMH, Mumbai). Diplomate Lifestyle Medicine (IBLM, USA) It's encouraging to see that the conference is addressing this issue and providing a platform for discussion and solutions. I hope that this will lead to greater awareness and action to prevent and mitigate the impact of these disorders on our workforce.



