Impact with concrete actions

Impact with concrete actions

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Climate Protection Boot Camp for Apprentices: ClimateLab in Lucerne

Over two days in Lucerne, apprentices got to know more about the impact of consumption, nutrition, energy and mobility on climate protection and developed their own project. Instead of dry theory, the knowledge was acquired through excursions, films, guided discussions, group tasks and cooking a climate-friendly menu. Sounds good? It is! Register here for the next ClimateLab!

Webinar "With Solar Energy into the Future"

Thursday, 27.06.2024, 5pm - 6pm

This webinar offers an insight into the Climate School program with a focus on experience-oriented school education on the topics of energy and climate, which will be demonstrated using the example of solar system construction. Together with a speaker from our project partner EKZ, the webinar will answer the most important questions for school principals and administrators, energy companies and other solar enthusiasts. Register now!

Foodsave Banquet in Lausanne

Food waste represents 25% of Switzerland's ecological footprint, therefore, it is one of our key topics we tackle at MYBLUEPLANET. Beyond publishing our monthly climate-friendly recipes, we got even more concrete with our actions by organizing the second Foodsave Banquet in Lausanne in close collaborations with our partners and in coordination with We collected around 800kg of unsold food and served over 350 meals and juices to the public. Furthermore, we had interactive booths to learn more about the topic whilst sharing delicious meal with our community. Stay tuned for the next edition in 2025!

Last Call: Run for the Planet

Saturday, 22.06.2024, Regensberg ZH

The sustainable charity run is back! Take part in this fun run all while doing something good for our beloved planet. The starting fee includes public transport within ZVV and the catering on site is vegetarian. We at MYBLUEPLANET have launched a fundraising campaign to coincide with the event. You can find more information here. We look forward to any support!

New E-Learning Tool for Companies Presented at ERFA Day

At this year's ERFA Day, various tourism businesses came together in Lucerne to learn and inspire each other through the topic of impact measurement. In addition to engaging presentations on impact measurement in tourism and a climate-friendly lunch at Tibits, the participants had the exclusive opportunity to visit the new CapsuleHotel in the old town and then exchange ideas in an interactive workshop.

Another highlight was the launch of our new e-learning tool "4 ClimateActions" which guides employees through important topics such as energy, waste, water and helps them to form actions for their every day work life. If you want to learn more, let us know!



