An impact business once frowned upon, now award-winning - Thanks to all the supporters

An impact business once frowned upon, now award-winning - Thanks to all the supporters

What a pleasant surprise to see ourselves featured on The Business Times today.

Humbled to be among the 43 SMEs to receive this Brands for Good Award and to be recognised as an impact business. It gives us the encouragement and affirmation to continuously serve the community with our profit-for-purpose model.

Before, I received doubtful comments on how HER Entrepreneur could be a distraction to the core business, and no one would pay for such platforms due to many free options. Such negative inceptions did make me doubt my choice.

In fact, I hesitated for a while, till something major happened. It changed my mindset about FEAR. I decided to give it a shot.

I invested my own time, money, resources 3 years ago to test my hypothesis that a Profit for Purpose business can exist.

Curated the first summit on my own, handling production to marketing, sales, customer service, etc.

That year was 2017, when I also gave birth to my newborn in Jan. The summit was Nov. 10 months of lead time serving my role as a new mother and to market the summit from nothing.

Obviously, a brand that no one knows, I faced multiple rejections. It's a daily norm.

Fast track to today, we are expanding into regional markets, slowly, but surely, with a lean team, to grow our omni-channel media platform that generates free content, our own HER Show, monthly LxN sessions, yearly summits and now a digital platform which we will release to the public after our HER Malaysia Summit on 6 Nov.

It wouldn't be possible without the support from family, colleagues, business partners, clients, friends, mentors and the community. That I'm extremely thankful and grateful for.

This award is meant for all the supportive individuals & organisations who have been part of our journey. A big thank you to our supporters. We will continuously strive to do better & achieve greater impact moving forward.

A quote that resonates with me, "If everything seems to be going against you, do remember that the plane takes flight against the wind. And there's no such thing as the PERFECT time as the stars will never be aligned, just as the traffic lights will never turn green at the same time."

#impactbusiness #inspire #educate #empower #herentrepreneur

Khalid Awang

Managing Partner at

5 年

Absolutely inspiring... *respect*

Richard Lim

Technology leader | Inter-Cultural trainer | Collaborative partnership | Driving changes | SAC

5 年

Renee Tan warmest congratulations and well done.

Jeremy Pher

Property Profiling & Restructuring Advisor

5 年

Congratz Renee.

Tatiana Gromenko

Founder of SGB VA | Training 10K (and growing) Virtual Assistants Community | Helping Entrepreneurs Hire Skilled VAs Tailored to Their Needs

5 年

Congrats, Renee! You are doing a great job!


