Impact of Brand Initiatives on Gender Bias
Empanelled by Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India, for providing PoSH Training to organisations.
Brand initiatives like #SpotItToStopIt by 印孚瑟斯 , #AuratMeinHaiAur by Tata Tea Gold, #WomenInSTEM through The Seat by vivo , and #InspireInclusion through My Choice, Not Theirs by Loreal India have played crucial roles in trying to combat gender bias in the work place and addressing the lack of opportunities for women to achieve their dreams.
By encouraging employees to identify instances of bias, Infosys creates a culture of accountability and promotes a more inclusive environment. The campaign empowers individuals, fostering a sense of belonging and equality within the organization. Tata Tea’s Women’s Day campaign was centred on the “Aur” (more) in the Hindi word “Aurat” (woman), encouraging them to take up their passions without being limited by the demands of their professional lives or the fear of judgement. Vivo's campaign, ‘The Seat – Celebration of Women in STEM’ highlighted the fact that in India women have the most number of enrollments in STEM education, but the conversion of women who actually get into the workstream after that is less than 20%. Loreal India showed the story of a female employee who enacts her choice to earn an living on her own terms without being bound by societal expectations.
These are just a few examples showcasing how the narrative is slowly, but surely changing. Overall, these brand initiatives demonstrate the significant impact that companies can have in combating gender bias. By leveraging their platforms and resources, brands can drive meaningful change and create a more equitable and inclusive society.
#complykaro #genderbias #saynotobias #recognisebias #womenintheworkplace #womeninbusiness #womensdaycampaigns #empowerwomen #womenempowerment #equality #genderequality #SayNoToDiscrimination #genderequality #vivo #lorealindia #infosys #tatateagold