The Impact of Belief on Healing
Armando Cruz III
? Want to Eliminate Your Pain & Exponentially Increase Your Health & Vitality? ? Let's Connect.
Your mind creates your reality.
Let me prove it to you...
I remember as a kid I had nightmares of being all alone in the woods.
It was dark.
A wolf would chase me.
I'd sprint.
My heart would race.
I was trying everything I could to escape...
I never did.
I'd wake up drenched in sweat.
My heart was racing.
Let's zoom out for a moment, all I was doing was sleeping in my warm comfy bed, in my safe climate-controlled house.
Why was my heart racing?
Why was I sweating... it was 68 degrees and I was sleeping without a shirt?
The reason is...
That which the mind believes, the body perceives.
Your mind creates your reality.
Your body follows.
Impact on Healing
Above we spoke about how real that nightmare was that it caused my heart rate to spike and me to sweat even though I was safely sleeping in my bed.
Imagine what happens if your story is one of negativity and hopelessness.
Your body will follow that path.
Let's deconstruct the side effects of how negativity and hopelessness affect your healing.
No Vision
Negativity and hopelessness lead to a dead end. All you can see is the failure. Your world becomes one of absolutes instead of possibilities.
You use words like never, always, nothing, everything.
That could sound like...
"I am never going to get better."
"Everything bad happens to me."
"Everything I try fails."
"Nothing will work."
"I always have back pain."
Your words become the paintbrush of your reality. Use them wisely. If you believe you are never going to get better... the mind sends a message to the body of distress.
A body in distress will constrict and guard against all.
Contracted & Constrained
In negativity, you hold on to more tension. More tension leads to less oxygen throughout the body. This also leads to stiffness. Stiffness often leads to less movement. Less movement leads to the body oxidizing (think rust).
Emergency Efficiency
When your body feels under attack it shuttles the blood to the extremities to get ready to fight, run, or protect. The body's sole purpose is to survive these attacks (perceived or real). You're in a heightened state, which drains the adrenal system. This can leave you exhausted and on edge.
I get how easy it is to fall into the pit of negativity and hopelessness.
It often seems like every step of progress you take, the world knocks you back 10 steps.
Progress only seems to get further not closer.
I know this because I have been there.
I know the frustration.
In the beginning, you want to get back to doing what you love.
Things like, I want to be able to run again or I want to play with my kids again.
As time passes you start negotiating with yourself and settling for less.
Can I just sleep one night without pain or can I tie my shoes without pain?
It is a constant battle with the mind and body jockeying for survival.
There is good news...
It doesn't have to be this way.
My wife and I have created a unique system that allows you to go from suffering to unstoppable. It has allowed us to eliminate our clients' chronic pain even when doctors, chiropractors, acupuncture, shots, and even surgery haven't been able to.
You deserve to live life pain-free.
I can tell you that our program is amazing but you will probably not believe me.
Let's skip that part of me trying to convince you. I want you to experience it firsthand for FREE.
We do that by starting with your Pain Profile Analysis so you can...
Your time is valuable.
Schedule your Pain Profile Analysis call conveniently by clicking the link below
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