The Impact AWS has on UK Business and Public Sector
There are some great data points in this report on the Impact of AWS in the UK:
- On average, AWS customers receive a return of £2 for every £1 they spend on AWS from higher revenue and reduced costs, with the top 10% of customers reporting a return of £10 or more.
- 67% of AWS-using businesses say that their business or operating model would not be possible without the cloud.
- 82% of businesses investing in cloud reported growing in the past three years, compared to just 46% of businesses that had not invested in cloud.
- 80% of AWS APN partners say that AWS helps them deliver better customer outcomes, while 58% say AWS helps them win more customers.
- Through the government’s G-Cloud, over 150 companies have used AWS to help them deliver their own services worth more £1.3bn to the government, with over half of these companies categorised as small and medium enterprises (SMEs) at the time of delivery.