Impact assessment: Cisco NetAcad Instructor Training - Exploiting a MOOC model
Andrew Smith SFHEA FRSA ????
UK Academic, HE in FE Specialist, Digital Technology Skills Evangelist, EDI Hero (according to WorldSkillsUK), Author & National Qualification Consultant [degrees | vocational | vendor | academic | apprenticeships]
As everyone was rushing to join the MOOC (massive open online course) model around ten years ago – I decided to sit back, observe, learn a little and wait to see what happened. This came into its own, where by 2017 – we started offering our first free Cisco Instructor Training.
?Rather than worry about conversion rates e.g. how many instructors we train, get accredited and then create courses. We focussed on the reality that Cisco instructor education was simply inaccessible: either by price, or availability. This was based on the reality that most educators could not be released for weeks at a time, often for courses that were rarely required by any national standards, especially in the UK.
If you are unaware, a MOOC typically has a completion rate of 5%, with a range of 0.9 to 36% seen in different statistics and academic papers. However, the 36% percent is often attributed to paid-for courses, where the 5% is typically at the peak of an unusual bell curve that represents primarily free (or low cost) provision.
Looking at some recent statistics, we learn that our free entirely optional, self-paced instructor training … has an accreditation rate of 39%. Which I can assure you in the world of MOOC’s is party time – especially as we are dealing with annual cohorts of greater than 4.5K.
Once accredited, it takes time for them to create courses – in fact, we do not worry about this as often we are supporting professional development and academic cycles are always obtuse at best. Where attempting to divine when they are going to ‘teach’ is easier to accomplish if you have accessed some chicken entrails and an academic shaman.
Anecdotal experience is that we facilitate a cumulative effect – it takes time, someone educated now, may commence teaching in September, or later in their academic year – or not. In fact, we often learn that it can take anything up to eighteen months from learning to activity – which I am sure scares some people. Equally, we are also aware of those who learn then immediately teach. Demonstrating that these souls simply have access to a different academic culture – or represent an alternate personal mindset regarding education.
You need to remember, our model is to give it away for free as an voluntary endeavour. We administer the courses once and month and enable educators to gain access, in their own terms. While some Cisco Instructor Training Centres run either funded or commercial models - we DO NOT. In fact, when considered - we may be tipping the balance and making a significant difference on an invisible shoestring.
Zero One Academy Netacad Cisco manager
1 天前Academic excellence is contagious and has a long-term impact, even if it doesn't pay off immediately or tangibly.