The Impact of AB 3275 and AB 3221 on California's Healthcare System

The Impact of AB 3275 and AB 3221 on California's Healthcare System

California's legislations, AB 3275 and AB 3221, bring significant reforms to the healthcare industry, focusing on timely claim reimbursements and enhanced regulatory oversight.


·???????? AB 3275 mandates that healthcare service plans and insurers reimburse claims within 30 calendar days, a shift from the previous requirement of 30 or 45 working days. This bill also imposes stricter penalties for delays.

·???????? AB 3221 requires health care service plans to provide records in an electronically searchable format to the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC). The bill also mandates record preservation and streamlines enforcement actions.

?To meet the new deadlines, Health Plans, Independent Practice Associations (IPAs), Third-Party Administrators (TPAs), and Management Service Organizations (MSOs) need to further automate their systems, ensuring timely and efficient processing and compliance.

Using our Auto Adjudication product enables your organization to adhere to new regulations by achieving up to 85% automation.

Keystone Claims Auto Adjudication (KCAA)


For further details, refer to the official announcements and legislative texts available on the

California government's website

Governor of California



