The IMO, the FAO, and the CAETE
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Ethicist, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:
Today’s quote:
- 中国作为国际海事组织的成员国和A类理事国,高度重视并积极支持国际海事组织在应对气候变化方面的努力。中方认为,国际海事组织的有关工作应坚持共同但有区别的责任原则,考虑不同国情,照顾广大发展中国家的合理关切,推动达成公正、务实的国际海运业温室气体减排战略和措施。在相关工作当中,中国始终本着积极建设性的态度,保持与其他成员国合作与协调,包括推动国际海事组织以中国方案为基础达成国际海运业温室气体减排初步战略,牵头制定重要减排措施和技术文件,参与开展国际海事组织专项基础研究,并在包括本次会议在内的关键进程中多次发挥引导和桥梁作用,赢得各成员国广泛认可。未来,中方也将在国际海事组织框架下继续积极贡献中国智慧和中国方案,同所有成员国一道,为应对全球气候变化作出贡献,共同促进国际海运业的可持续发展。?
As a member state of the IMO and Category A member of the IMO Council, China highly values and actively supports IMO’s efforts to address climate change. China believes that in carrying out relevant work, the IMO should follow the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, take into consideration different national conditions, accommodate the legitimate concerns of developing countries, and promote the formulation of a fair and practical greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction strategy and relevant measures for the international shipping industry. In relevant work, China has always maintained cooperation and coordination with other member states in an active and constructive manner. For example, we have worked for the adoption of the IMO’s initial strategy to reduce GHG emissions from international shipping that is based on China’s proposal, taken a lead in working out important measures and technical documents concerning emissions reductions, participated in and carried out IMO GHG studies, and played a guiding role and served as a bridge in multiple critical processes including at the meeting this time. All this has won widespread recognition by member states. Going forward, China will continue to actively offer its wisdom and ideas under the IMO framework, and work with all member states to contribute to the global response to climate change and the sustainable development of the international shipping industry.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 参与治理北极就是要依据规则、通过机制对北极事务和活动进行规范和管理。对外,中国坚持依据包括《联合国宪章》《联合国海洋法公约》和气候变化、环境等领域的国际条约以及国际海事组织有关规则在内的现有国际法框架,通过全球、区域、多边和双边机制应对各类传统与非传统安全挑战,构建和维护公正、合理、有序的北极治理体系。?
To participate in the governance of the Arctic, China will participate in regulating and managing the affairs and activities relating to the Arctic on the basis of rules and mechanisms. Internationally, China is committed to the existing framework of international law including the UN Charter, UNCLOS, treaties on climate change and the environment, and relevant rules of the International Maritime Organization, and to addressing various traditional and non-traditional security threats through global, regional, multilateral and bilateral mechanisms, and to building and maintaining a just, reasonable and well-organized Arctic governance system.?
- 中国政府历来重视并积极参与交通运输国际组织事务,认真履行各项国际义务,在铁路合作组织、国际海事组织、国际民用航空组织和万国邮政联盟等重要交通运输国际组织中发挥着建设性作用。作为铁路合作组织创始国之一,中国在各项标准和规范制订中具有重要影响力;自1972年恢复在万国邮政联盟合法席位以来,一直连任邮政经营理事会理事国,并一直当选行政理事会理事国;自1989年起,已连续14次当选国际海事组织A类理事国;自2004年起,已连续5次担任国际民航组织一类理事国;推进多双边合作和区域合作,与100多个国家签订了铁路、公路、海运、民用航空和邮政政府间协定及双边、区域合作文件;建立了中国-东盟交通部长会议、上海合作组织交通部长会议等多个交通运输合作机制,倡议成立亚太经济合作组织港口服务组织。?
The Chinese government has always valued the role of and actively participated in the activities of international transport organizations. It takes measures to fulfill its obligations, and plays a constructive role in the Organization for Railway Cooperation (OSJD), International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Universal Postal Union (UPU) and other important international transport organizations. As a founder of the OSJD, China has made great contribution in formulating the organization's various standards and regulations. China has served as member of both the UPU's Postal Operations Council and Council of Administration since it resumed its legitimate seat at the organization in 1972. It has been elected 14 times as a category-A member of the IMO Council since 1989, and five times as a category-A member of the ICAO Council since 2004. China actively promotes bilateral and regional cooperation. It has signed intergovernmental agreements and bilateral and regional documents on railway, highway, maritime transport, civil aviation and postal service cooperation with more than 100 countries. Several transport cooperation mechanisms have been set up, such as the China-ASEAN and Shanghai Cooperation Organization transport ministers' meetings, and a proposal has been made by China to establish a seaport service organization for APEC.?
- 《中国交通运输发展》_2016_12_29?目前,积极推动北斗系统进入国际民用航空组织、国际海事组织、移动通信国际标准组织等,并鼓励企业、科研院所和高校参与卫星导航终端和应用标准的制定。2014年11月,北斗系统获得国际海事组织认可。?
Currently, positive efforts are being made to advance the recognition of the BDS in the International Civil Aviation Organization, International Maritime Organization, Third-Generation Mobile Communication Standard Partnership Project, and other organizations. China advocates the involvement of enterprises, scientific research, colleges and universities in the formulation of satellite navigation terminals and application standards. In November 2014 the BDS gained recognition from the International Maritime Organization.?
- 7月2日,在意大利罗马举行的联合国粮农组织大会第43届会议选举新任总干事,中国籍候选人、现任粮农组织总干事屈冬玉以168票高票胜选连任。中方对屈冬玉总干事表示祝贺。?
The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for the next four years was elected at the 43rd session of the FAO Conference held on July 2 (2023) in Rome, Italy. Chinese candidate and incumbent FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu won another term with 168 votes. We congratulate Director-General Qu on his reelection.?
Today’s quote:
- 上周末我台播出的德国纪录片中提到,联合国粮农组织向来以减少“全球南方”国家农民对农药的依赖为己任,但在屈冬玉总干事的领导下,该机构却偏离了这一目标,转而促进农药行业发展。?
A German documentary that was aired this weekend by ARD German TV and Radio comes to the conclusion that the UN food agency, FAO, under its head Mr. Qu has deviated from its cause of reducing the reliance of farmers on pesticides in countries of the Global South but promoting pesticides industry.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 据报道,欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩在七国集团(G7)峰会上称,许多新兴和发展中国家正寻求可持续融资。“一带一路”倡议看似性价比较高,但一些“全球南方”国家在对华合作中接受中国贷款,最终陷入债务危机。?
President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen aid at a G7 session that “Many emerging and developing countries are looking for sustainable funding opportunities. The Belt and Road Initiative looked like a good cheap offer. But many countries in the Global South...took Chinese loans and ended up in a debt crisis. ”?
- 据报道,印度将于12日至13日举行“全球南方国家之声”线上峰会,讨论发展中国家金融发展和能源安全等问题,已邀请逾120个发展中国家政府首脑、外长和财长与会。?
According to reports, India will host the Voice of Global South Summit in a virtual format on January 12 and 13 [2023] to discuss issues including financial development of developing countries and energy security. Heads of government, foreign ministers and finance ministers from more than 120 developing countries have been invited so far.?
Today’s quote:
- 中非合作领域也由传统的贸易、工程建设向数字、绿色、航空航天、金融等新兴领域不断延伸。中国企业积极参与非洲数字基础设施建设,推动非洲电子商务、移动支付、媒体娱乐等行业迅速发展。?
China-Africa cooperation has also extended from traditional areas of trade and projects building to emerging areas of digital economy, green development, aerospace and finance. In particular, Chinese companies have taken an active part in the building of digital infrastructure in Africa, giving a boost to the fast growth of e-commerce, mobile payment, media and entertainment in Africa.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 加快5G、人工智能、大数据、物联网、工业互联网等新型基础设施建设、推动智慧高速公路建设、推进民用空间基础设施建设、加快推进海南商业航天发射场建设、优化升级数字基础设施、加快建设信息网络基础设施、推进云网融合和算网协同发展、有序推进基础设施智能升级。?
Meanwhile, we will accelerate the construction of new infrastructure for 5G, AI, big data, the Internet of Things, and the Industrial Internet. We will promote the construction of smart expressways, civil space infrastructure, and the spacecraft launch site for commercial use in Hainan. We will upgrade digital infrastructure, work faster to build infrastructure for information networks, advance cloud-network integration and computing-network integration, and methodically upgrade infrastructure to make it smarter.?
- 据报道,美国国土安全部副部长西尔弗斯3日在智库活动上称,中国是美最重要的长期战略对手,黑客活动对美构成威胁。中国为发展中国家建设数字基础设施可能会扩大对网络内容的监视。美国发起《互联网未来宣言》是应对中国的重要步骤。?
Under Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security Robert Silvers said at a think tank event on May 3 that China is the US’ most significant long-term strategic rival and its hacking activities pose threats to the US. He added that China’s investment in developing countries’ digital infrastructure could expand China’s monitoring of content in cyberspace, and the launch of the Declaration for the Future of the Internet by the US is an important step in response to China’s actions.?
- 葡萄牙总理科斯塔近日在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,欧盟国家不应滥用安全审查歧视来自非欧盟国家的投资。葡理解有关国家对参与华为5G网络可能存在风险的担忧,但认为不应因此停止欧洲数字基础设施现代化进程。?
Portugal's Prime Minister Antonio Costa said in an interview with the Financial Times that EU countries should not misuse security procedures to discriminate against non-EU investment. He said that Portugal shared the concerns of other countries over potential risks rising from the involvement of Huawei in 5G networks, but it is very important not to stop the modernization of Europe's digital infrastructure.?
- 据《金融时报》报道,中国向一些发展中国家发去外交照会,促其反对有关方面提出的就航运排放征税的动议。?
According to a Financial Times report, China sent a diplomatic note to a number of developing countries to ask them to not support a motion to introduce a levy on shipping with regard to emissions that is apparently being proposed.?
Today’s quote:
- 中非合作领域也由传统的贸易、工程建设向数字、绿色、航空航天、金融等新兴领域不断延伸。中国企业积极参与非洲数字基础设施建设,推动非洲电子商务、移动支付、媒体娱乐等行业迅速发展。?
China-Africa cooperation has also extended from traditional areas of trade and projects building to emerging areas of digital economy, green development, aerospace and finance. In particular, Chinese companies have taken an active part in the building of digital infrastructure in Africa, giving a boost to the fast growth of e-commerce, mobile payment, media and entertainment in Africa.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 高铁网络、电子商务、移动支付、共享经济等引领世界潮流。?
In high-speed rail, e-commerce, mobile payments, and the sharing economy, China is leading the world.?
- 目前,中国已拥有7.5亿网民,网络零售额年均增长30%,共享经济规模达3.5万亿元人民币,移动支付规模超过158万亿元人民币。?
Today, China has 750 million Internet users, our on-line retail sales are growing by 30 percent a year, our "sharing economy" has reached 3.5 trillion yuan in size, and China's mobile payment transactions have exceeded 158 trillion yuan.?
- 美方一些人居心叵测、混淆是非,反复炒作“中国军力威胁论”,实质是为自己搞军备扩张、维持军事霸权、破坏地区和平稳定寻找借口,为挑动台海紧张、推进“以台制华”制造抓手。我要指出的是,中国始终奉行防御性国防政策,坚定不渝走和平发展道路。中国军力的增长是世界和平力量的增长,有助于维护亚太和世界和平稳定。实现祖国完全统一是全体中华儿女的共同愿望,我们愿以最大诚意、尽最大努力争取和平统一的前景。同时,我们绝不允许任何人、任何势力把台湾从祖国分裂出去。我们敦促美方停止抹黑中国,停止穷兵黩武,停止操弄台湾问题,恪守一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报,以实际行动维护地区和平稳定。?
Some in the US with evil intentions misrepresent facts and has constantly hyped up the “China military threat” narrative. They are in fact creating excuses for their efforts of arms expansion, maintaining military hegemony and sabotaging regional peace and stability and finding ways to stoke tensions in the Taiwan Strait and use Taiwan to contain China. I want to point out that China has always pursued a national defense policy that is defensive in nature and stays committed to peaceful development. China’s military growth means a stronger force for world peace and is conducive to safeguarding peace and stability in the Asia Pacific and beyond. Realizing the complete reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of the Chinese people and we will strive for the prospects of peaceful reunification with utmost sincerity and efforts. Meanwhile, we will never allow any one and any force to separate Taiwan from our motherland.?We urge the US to stop smearing China, stop dangerously ramping up military build-up, stop manipulating the Taiwan question, abide by the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués and safeguard regional peace and stability with concrete actions.?
Today’s quote:
- 6月29日至7月2日,第三届中国—非洲经贸博览会在湖南长沙举办,国家副主席韩正出席开幕式并致辞。博览会期间,数千家中非展商跨越山海来“湘”会,共同绘就中非“共谋发展、共享未来”的美好图景。作为中非合作论坛框架下最大的经贸合作平台,中非经贸博览会自2018年宣布设立以来就深受欢迎。本届博览会规模更大、人气更旺,吸引了53个非洲国家,12个国际组织,30个国内省区市,1700余家中非企业、商协会和金融机构参会,参会规模为历史之最。来自29个国家的近1600项展品报名参展,较上届增长约166%。马达加斯加的精油、赞比亚的宝石、埃塞俄比亚的咖啡、津巴布韦的木雕、肯尼亚的鲜花、南非的葡萄酒等非洲品牌商品集中“上新”、精彩亮相,吸引了超过10万人次观展。火热的中非经贸博览会是中非经贸合作蓬勃发展的缩影。今年是习近平主席提出真实亲诚对非政策理念十周年。在中非双方共同努力下,中非经贸合作规模不断扩大,质量日益提升,领域更趋多元,树立了南南合作的样板和互利共赢的典范。目前,中国已与52个非洲国家及非盟委员会签署“一带一路”合作文件,并在贸易畅通、投资合作、产能合作、电子商务等领域共同设立多个专项工作组。中非合作领域也由传统的贸易、工程建设向数字、绿色、航空航天、金融等新兴领域不断延伸。中国企业积极参与非洲数字基础设施建设,推动非洲电子商务、移动支付、媒体娱乐等行业迅速发展。火热的中非经贸博览会再次向世界展现,中国对待非洲朋友的真心诚意和开展对非合作的务实高效;也再次让世界清楚看到,抹黑中非合作的论调是多么苍白无力。中国将继续以中国式现代化为非洲国家带来新机遇,同非洲兄弟一道走向共同发展、共同繁荣。?
The third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo was held in Changsha, Hunan from June 29 to July 2 (2023) . Vice President Han Zheng attended and addressed the opening ceremony. The expo brought together thousands of Chinese and African exhibitors to Hunan to jointly work for China-Africa “Common Development for a Shared Future.”?As the biggest platform for economic and trade cooperation under the framework of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo has been popular since its launch was announced in 2018. This year’s expo has been bigger in scale and attracted more people than previous ones. Fifty-three African countries, 12 international organizations, 30 Chinese provinces, regions and cities, and more than 1,700 Chinese and African businesses, chambers of commerce, associations and financial institutions were present at the expo, making the expo the biggest one in its history in terms of scale. Close to 1,600 products from 29 countries were registered for exhibition, up by nearly 166 percent than the last expo. A large variety of African goods can be found at the expo, including essential oil from Madagascar, gems from Zambia, coffee from Ethiopia, wood carvings from Zimbabwe, flowers from Kenya and wine from South Africa, attracting over 100,000 people.?Such a bustling scene at the expo epitomizes the thriving economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa. We are in the 10th year since President Xi Jinping put forth the principles of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith for China’s relations with Africa. With the concerted efforts of the two sides, China-Africa economic and trade cooperation has been larger in scale, higher in quality and more diverse in areas, becoming a model for South-South and win-win cooperation. As of today, China has signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with 52 African countries as well as the AU Commission, and set up working groups in areas of trade connectivity, investment cooperation, industrial capacity cooperation and e-commerce. China-Africa cooperation has also extended from traditional areas of trade and projects building to emerging areas of digital economy, green development, aerospace and finance. In particular, Chinese companies have taken an active part in the building of digital infrastructure in Africa, giving a boost to the fast growth of e-commerce, mobile payment, media and entertainment in Africa. The bustling scene at the expo once again shows to the world that China is sincere to our African friends, and down-to-earth and highly efficient in our cooperation with Africa. Rhetoric that smears China-Africa cooperation is just feeble and futile in face of the expo. China will continue to create new opportunities to African countries in the process of Chinese modernization and walk together with our African brothers to common prosperity.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 9月26-29日,第二届中国—非洲经贸博览会在湖南长沙成功举办。?本届博览会达成丰硕成果,是新形势下中非加强团结、携手合作、共谋发展的一场盛会,为即将于年内举行的中非合作论坛达喀尔会议营造了良好氛围。?一是中非合作共识进一步凝聚。?中共中央政治局委员、中央外事工作委员会办公室主任杨洁篪出席开幕式并致辞;阿尔及利亚、塞内加尔、卢旺达3国总统在开幕式上视频致辞。?30多位非洲国家政要、国际组织负责人及多名非方部级官员、驻华使节以线上方式出席博览会相关活动。?二是展览展示取得新成效。主要体现在四个方面:?一是展览面积更大,主展馆展览面积达6.4万平方米,较首届扩大约60%;?二是内容更加丰富,增设非洲品牌商品展、内外贸融合展等展区,来自47个非洲国家的近300家企业参展,一大批非洲品牌和中非联合品牌商品集中亮相,吸引中外参展商和采购商超过了6500人;?三是形式更加创新,云上博览会打造“云会议、云展览、云交易”,线上参展企业320家,展品品类近2300个,交易额突破2.5亿元人民币,直播会议及2D展、3D展参会观展量超千万人次;?四是突出深度合作成果,在高桥大市场设立3万平方米分展馆,打造中非经贸博览会常设展馆及非洲咖啡、可可、坚果、农副产品和湖南特色出口产品5大特色展区,集中展示中非经贸深度合作先行区建设成果。?三是地方对非合作充满活力。?本届博览会首次设立浙江、江西两个主题省,分别成功举办浙江-非洲共建“一带一路”经贸合作对接会和中国(江西)-非洲国家投资合作推介会。?此外,湖北、新疆、深圳也分别举办专场对非经贸活动,29个省区市在省际馆全面展示整体形象、优质企业及对非经贸合作情况。?博览会期间湖南等地方省市签约项目共106个,占签约项目总数的78.5%。?四是平台作用显著提升。?本届博览会紧扣中非经贸合作新特点、新趋势,设置了食品农产品、医药健康、基础设施、产业链合作等分论坛和金融、产业园区等专题活动;其间通过线上线下等方式共达成135项合作文件,合计金额229亿美元。签约项目包括贸易、投资、基础设施、友好城市等多种类型,内容广泛涉及农业、矿业、制造业、基础设施、电子商务、金融等领域,资金来源除中方金融机构直接提供贷款外,企业自有资金、国际金融机构、投资基金等筹资方式被广泛运用。?
The second China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE) was successfully held in Changsha, Hunan from September 26 to 29 (2021).?With fruitful outcomes, the expo was a grand event for China and Africa to strengthen solidarity, enhance cooperation and pursue common development under new circumstances, which creates a good environment for the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Dakar Summit to be held this year.?First, greater consensus for China-Africa cooperation.?Yang Jiechi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech; the presidents of Algeria, Senegal and Rwanda delivered virtual speeches at the opening ceremony.?More than 30 African senior officials and heads of international organizations, as well as African ministerial officials and diplomatic envoys in China participated in relevant events of the expo virtually.?Second, fresh achievements of exhibitions in four aspects.?Firstly, the exhibition space was bigger. The main venue covered an area of 64,000 m2, 60% larger than the first expo.?Secondly, the substance of the expo became richer. With new sections such as African-branded Products Exhibition and Domestic-International Trade Integration Exhibition, the expo hosted nearly 300 companies from 47 African countries and displayed a wide range of African and China-Africa joint brands, attracting over 6,500 exhibitors and buyers from home and abroad.?Thirdly, innovative forms were adopted. With online meetings, exhibitions and transactions, 320 exhibitors put around 2,300 products on display, and total transaction exceeded 250 million yuan. Livestreamed meetings and 2D and 3D exhibitions were viewed tens of millions of times.?Fourthly, progress of in-depth cooperation was highlighted. A 30,000-m2 secondary venue was set up at Gaoqiao Grand Market as a permanent exhibition hall for the special exhibition areas of African coffee, cocoa, nuts and agricultural and sideline products, as well as characteristic exports of Hunan, as a window on the accomplishments of the Pilot Zone for In-depth China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation.?Third, vibrant subnational cooperation.?For the first time, this year’s expo featured two guest provinces, namely Zhejiang and Jiangxi, which successfully held the Conference on Zhejiang-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative and the China (Jiangxi) - Africa Investment Promotion Conference.?Besides, Hubei Province, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and the city of Shenzhen also held Africa-oriented special economic and trade events; 29 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities displayed their overall images, flagship businesses and trade and economic cooperation status with Africa at the Provinces Hall.?During the expo, provinces and municipalities signed 106 projects, accounting for 78.5% of all signed projects.?Fourth, increasing importance as a platform.?Focusing on new characteristics and trends of China-Africa trade and economic cooperation, this year’s expo designed sub-forums for cooperation in food and agro-products, medicine and health, infrastructure and industry chain, as well as special events for financial cooperation and industrial park promotion. 135 cooperation documents worth US$22.9 billion were signed physically and virtually, covering agriculture, mining, manufacturing, infrastructure, e-commerce and finance; a wide range of funding sources were tapped into, including loans from Chinese financial institutions, corporate funds, funds from international financial organizations and investment funds.?
- 中国决定在华设立中国-非洲经贸博览会;鼓励中国企业扩大对非投资,在非洲新建和升级一批经贸合作区;支持非洲在2030年前基本实现粮食安全,同非洲一道制定并实施中非农业现代化合作规划和行动计划,实施50个农业援助项目,向非洲受灾国家提供10亿元人民币紧急人道主义粮食援助,向非洲派遣500名高级农业专家,培养青年农业科研领军人才和农民致富带头人;支持成立中国在非企业社会责任联盟;继续加强和非洲国家本币结算合作,发挥中非发展基金、中非产能合作基金、非洲中小企业发展专项贷款作用。?
We have decided to open a China-Africa economic and trade expo in China; we encourage Chinese companies to increase investment in Africa, and will build and upgrade a number of economic and trade cooperation zones in Africa. We will support Africa in achieving general food security by 2030, work with Africa to formulate and implement a program of action to promote China-Africa cooperation on agricultural modernization. We will implement 50 agricultural assistance programs, provide RMB 1 billion of emergency humanitarian food assistance to African countries affected by natural disasters, send 500 senior agriculture experts to Africa, and train young researchers in agri-science and entrepreneurs in agri-business. We will support Chinese companies in Africa to forge alliance of corporate social responsibilities. We will continue to strengthen cooperation with African countries in local currency settlement and make good use of the China-Africa Development Fund, the China-Africa Fund for Industrial Cooperation and the Special Loan for the Development of African SMEs.?
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