Immunoblot Imaging using the UVP ChemStudio PLUS
Figure 1: Western blot characterization of the Shank3 antibody and assessment of the Shank3 protein levels in representative brain regions.

Immunoblot Imaging using the UVP ChemStudio PLUS

Within the neural networks of the brain, Shank3 is a postsynaptic scaffolding protein of excitatory synapses. These scaffolding proteins regulate the targeting, anchoring, and functioning of neurotransmitter receptors and other signaling molecules, especially at excitatory synapses, thereby playing critical neurobiological roles in synapse formation, plasticity, and transmission. Mutations or variations of Shank3 are associated with various psychiatric and neurological disorders.??In the present study, investigators set to characterize the neuroanatomical distribution pattern of Shank3 protein expression in the human brain and its change, if any, with age and Alzheimer’s disease (AD)-type β-amyloid (Aβ).

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The UVP ChemStudio PLUS imaging systems are essential to laboratories performing genomic and proteomic applications with larger sample sizes. The systems are customized for high resolution and sensitive imaging of western blots, fluorescent westerns, protein blots, DNA gels, protein gels, blue light gels, plants, colony plates, TLC plates, and an unlimited range of excitable stains and dyes.

Gel and Blot imaging is enhanced, with a large 15.6”, integrated touch-screen computer, a unique Slide2Hide door, and a Thin-Line Transilluminator, with a large 25 x 26 cm illuminated area.

The UVP ChemStudio PLUS touch is a touch-screen operated system. This stand-alone system is also available as a PC controlled version on the UVP ChemStudio PLUS. All imagers run with the powerful VisionWorks? Software, full package image capture, enhancement functions, and analysis software. The software is well suited to creating custom icons and workflows based on users’ needs.?

UVP ChemStudio PLUS

Analytik Jena will be presenting a research paper at, as well as attending, this years WMIC being held in Montreal Canada September 9-13 2024!

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