IMMUNITY FOR ALL: is it possible?
Jeffrey T. LaCour, PhD - Test IMMUNITY FOR ALL (energy levels) Diet is not about protein, carbs, fats. There is a more fundamental dimension!
When a body is whole, any vulnerability to disease can be traced to levels of one substance. *
Warm-blooded animals are defined by their stable body temperature!
NINETY-EIGHT POINT SIX – It is extraordinary how alike we are; a thermometer under the tongue of an Inuit on an Arctic ice floe, a pygmy in the Ituri forest, or a stockbroker on the floor of the New Your Stock Exchange gives the same reading. Yellow, black, brown, or white, tall or short, fat or thin, old or young, male of female, it’s still 98.6. For a five-month old baby, a twenty-year-old athlete, and a centenarian, body temperature is still the same. Muscles bulge or atrophy, teeth erupt or fall out, vision is acute or clouded by cataracts, heart rates double under stress, breathing fluctuates wildly, you shiver uncontrollably or sweat buckets, but temperature stays the same. And you feel sick if it varies by the merest 2 per-cent. It if rises or falls by much more than 5 percent, you should consider heading for the emergency room. The resemblance of one human to another in this respect is truly remarkable. Respiration, perspiration, excretion, and other bodily functions have huge swings, keyed to maintaining a constant body temperature.
*Body Temperature is a measure of kinetic motion. Kinetic Motion in any living system is a by-product of the levels of photons/energy in the organism.
The human body has a few very specific “set points” recognized by all as vital. One of these set points is body temperature.
Body temperature maintenance is a by-product of photon (energy) levels in the human system (heat is a form of energy). Our studies of body temperature over 10 years have proven a severe instability in modern man – in all cases except one, a 90-year-old lady (appx. 1000 case studies).
Our efforts have focused on stabilizing body temperature over time. Each test requires the subject to wear our device for 24 hours. We have developed a system of protocols which are very effective i.e. we have identified all major causes of photon deficiency and have been successful in correcting them. Once these steps are implemented, photon levels rise, body function improves overall (any symptoms are eliminated), immunity is optimized.
Consider the line at the top of the page. This line is why I am reaching out to you. I need to know your reaction to that line. As preposterous as the line may seem, I have developed a System of Care (primary care) that will make that idea a reality.
You may not know, I spent 45 years in research after the disabling of my second son by an immunization. I wanted answers!
I have only recently completed development of a System of Immunity that will make immunizations, like the one that destroyed my son’s life, obsolete. And, the system is suitable for anyone, at any age, and for any condition.
Once the people understand it is available, they will begin to demand immunity. That is when the experts (doctors) will start to listen!
One of the first things people talk about in response to my claim is proof. They mean, science to back up my claim. Most talk about studies with lots of subjects. This, of course, is the approach of the pharmaceutical establishment when attempting to prove the efficacy of exotic chemical formulas/drugs.
The System of Immunity I have developed is scientifically irrefutable. It is like the question of where does the Sun rise? – We all know. There is no question. It rises in the East!
People are skeptical when I say, “there is no need to re-prove established science.” People cannot make the leap from a pharmaceutical chemical formula to a self-evident natural law like photosynthesis, which we all learned about in high school biology.
Photosynthesis* is the foundation of my System of Immunity. It is well studied and long established as a fundamental principle of Nature, life. (Discovered by Jan Ingenhousz (1730 – 1799) a Dutch physiologist. In the early 1900’s, Einstein defined the characteristics of the photon as it travels at 186,000 Miles per second. He ended that paper on relativity with E=mc2, the mechanical description of how photons inspire life.)
Humans are more complex than plants but have the same pressing need for photons!
If I was to attempt to define the science underlying my System of Immunity, I would call it a basic/fundamental truth that modern science has overlooked, forgotten. Here it is:
The photon (energy from the Sun) is the “driving force” of all life i.e. photon levels in any living system dictate the degree of immunity (strength, functionality) of the system.
Photons gather around atoms (in the electrons) that make up the body.
They are the life force, the only form of energy in all living creatures.
Photons come up the food chain from plants to permeate all living creatures.
Humans collect photons in only three ways: 1. eating, 2. breathing, 3. sunlight!
Here is the BIG point: modern culture has greatly diminished the supply of photons:
1. Food is highly processed, significantly reducing its photon load.
(A few (non) foods, by their nature, yield no photons upon consumption)
2. The air in our buildings is recycled, greatly reducing its photon levels.
3. Modern people do not receive adequate supplies of sunlight.
Our System of Immunity overcomes each of these problems. However, these three indisputable realities add up to significant deficiencies of photons in the general population. Expanding levels of modern disease statistics would support my claim that something is missing in our search for the cause of disease. For example: it has been established that pasteurized milk has less than 20% of its original photon load – see attached post.
Here is a recent test from a (61 yrs) fitness guru! He did not like the result! Said he was in the best shape in his life!
Score 795.
Good Score 850.
Very Good 900.
Point: you do not know your fitness level until you know your photon/energy level.
So, I am proposing that low levels of photons in the human system bring about the gross malfunction we call disease. I have developed a test that measures photon levels in people, and protocols that adjust photon levels to optimum. To my knowledge, this has never before been accomplished.
Ultimately, what am I saying?
? Nightmares like Cancer, Alzheimer’s and Heart Disease will not need to be cured if people carefully cultivate more photons – which are abundantly available, when you know a few details about increasing supply to your body! Upon request, I will provide vids detailing the (environmental) connection of each of the 3 diseases mentioned to the deficiency of photons in modern life.
In over 1000 case studies over 40 years, I have proven the widespread deficiency of photons/energy in modern humans. Most people are operating with about 65% of optimum photon levels, and over the decades I have been studying, it has gotten worse. Everybody needs to be at the 90% level, easily attainable when following our lifestyle protocols. The media (fostered by the “experts”) confuses everything for people by focusing on “nutrients,” * while photons are the missing link in IMMUNITY FOR ALL!
*Nutrients are “inert” except for the action of photons (electrons).
Jeff LaCour, PhD, nutritional science
Ps - I have listed two vids to further your grasp of this line of reasoning. https
Attachments: Great Electrical Circuit/Oxidation: milk/Sample Test: Two Tests