Immune System Support

Immune System Support

Herbs Vitamins-Minerals-and Other Supplements for Immune System Support

The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of maintaining your body’s micronutrient levels and help prevent nutrient deficiency which new research is showing can impede the immune system’s ability to prevent and fight many diseases including flu viruses.


In their outstanding book “The Micronutrient Miracle” authors Jason Carlton. PhD, and Mira Carlton, CN reference several studies and published statistical studies including the following:

“According to the USDA (the U.S. Department of Agriculture) published statistics, more than 90% of Americans are not reaching adequate intakes of micronutrients from food alone, based on the government’s average required standard.”


“This means that there are more than 304 million men, women, and children suffering from micronutrient deficiency of some kind right now, which means that nearly four times more people are affected by micronutrient deficiency than heat disease.


To put that into perspective, without downplaying the seriousness of other diseases, when you combine all forms of heart disease, all types of cancer, osteoporosis )including those at risk of osteoporosis), and both classes of diabetes, the total is just more than half (53%) of the 304 million who are currently affected by micronutrient deficiency. This makes micronutrient deficiency the most widespread health condition of the 21st century.”

-Book Source: The Micronutrient Miracle by Jason Calton, PhD, and Mira Calton, CN


Strategies to Stay Healthy

So, if you can't help your immune system by taking an over-the-counter potion or pill, what can you do to cut down on illness this winter? Differences between people who rarely get sick and those who are sick all the time may have more to do with habits than immune function, says Starnbach. Here are some tips that might help.


Clean your hands. While some germs are airborne, more often than not, illness occurs after you touch a contaminated surface, says Starnbach. Most often germs move from your hands into your eyes, nose, or mouth, so also make an effort not to touch your face.


Keep your body in top shape. Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can help keep your body and your immune system working well.


Manage stress. Research has shown that high stress levels may impair the immune system. So whenever possible, try to be aware of your stress levels and work to lower them when they get too high.


Disclaimer: As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date of last review on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician. -Source:

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Natural Herbs to Boost Your Immune System

Unlike many other systems of the body, which have distinct, easily identifiable organs and tissues, the immune system is complex and wide-spread, containing numerous types of cells and tissues that both reside in other tissues and circulate throughout the body. A multi-layered shield for the body, the immune system is incredibly hard-working.


The immune system's tissues perform diverse roles: The skin serves as a literal barrier to invaders, lymphatic fluid (lymph) continually circulates to rid cells of everyday toxins and lymph nodes serve as filters for the body. And while technically part of the circulatory system, the immune system's tissues comprise parts of the digestive, endocrine, respiratory and even the skeletal systems.


While no system of the body operates autonomously, the immune system has an especially symbiotic relationship with the body's other systems. The immune system knows no boundaries; its cells go everywhere.


Keeping the immune system in balance is of the utmost importance in all stages of life. As the natural defence system, it is designed to spring into action to support every area of the body. If your body is your castle, your immune system is the soldiers patrolling the perimeter and every corridor within the walls. 


Many herbs have traditionally been used to support the immune system.* These botanicals promote a healthy response to stress, support healthy inflammatory responses and promote a naturally healthy microbial balance in the GI tract, among other uses.



Sunflower Lecithin

I am sure that the majority of us are aware by now of the importance of antioxidants to our health. Sunflower lecithin can provide you with one of the most powerful of those antioxidants in the form of Phosphatidylcholine.


Getting enough antioxidants into your diet is vital to prevent cellular damage caused by oxidative stress. Cellular damage can lead to a host of sicknesses such as heart disease and cancer and can also cause you to age prematurely both internally and externally.



Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin

Health benefits of chlorophyll include strengthening of blood-producing organs, prevention of anaemia and abundance of oxygen in the body. It has healing effects on oxidation and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. It also has anti-aging and anti-microbial properties and helps strengthen the immune system of the body.


Chlorophyll promotes healthy digestion by maintaining intestinal flora and stimulating the bowel movements. It acts as a natural drug to the intestinal tract and helps in the renewal of wounded bowel tissues.



Royal Jelly

Royal Jelly is a nutritious substance produced by young nurse bees and contains significant amounts of proteins that are important for cell growth and reproduction.


Royal Jelly's known benefits include:

  • Immune system support
  • Antibiotic effects
  • Kidney, pancreatic and liver disease support
  • Healthy skin
  • Energy and vitality
  • Healing wounds
  • Fighting cancer
  • Fertility
  • Hormone support
  • Digestive support
  • Bone support
  • Diabetic support



Bee Pollen

Bee Pollen is made by honeybees, and is the food of the young bee. It is considered one of nature's most completely nourishing foods as it contains nearly all nutrients required by humans. Bee-gathered pollens are rich in proteins (approximately 40% protein), free amino acids and vitamins, including the B-complex, and folic acid.


Bee pollen is richer in proteins than any animal source. It contains more amino acids than beef, eggs, or cheese of equal weight. About half of its protein is in the form of free amino acids that are ready to be used directly by the body.


Energy Enhancer

The range of nutrients found within bee pollen makes it a great natural energizer. The carbohydrates, protein and B vitamins can help keep you going all day by enhancing stamina and fighting off fatigue.


Immune System Booster

Pollen is good for the intestinal flora and thereby supports the immune system. According to holistic health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola, bee pollen has antibiotic-type properties that can help protect the body from contracting viruses. It's also rich in antioxidants that protect the cells from the damaging oxidation of free radicals.


Respiratory System

Bee pollen contains a high quantity of antioxidants that may have an anti-inflammatory effect on the tissues of the lungs, preventing the onset of asthma.


Infertility Problems

Bee pollen stimulates and restores ovarian function, and therefore may be used to assist in accelerating pregnancy. As well as being a hormonal booster, it is also a great aphrodisiac!


Treating Allergies

Pollen reduces the presence of histamine, ameliorating many allergies. Dr. Leo Conway, MD, of Denver Colorado, reported that 94 percent of his patients were completely free from allergy symptoms once treated with oral feedings of pollen. Everything from asthma to allergies to sinus problems were cleared, confirming that bee pollen is wonderfully effective against a wide range of respiratory diseases.


Digestive System

In addition to healthful vitamins, minerals and protein, bee pollen contains enzymes that can aid in digestion of foods. Enzymes assist your body in getting all the nutrients you need from the food that you eat.


Treats Addictions

Used holistically for healing addictions and inhibiting cravings by suppressing impulses. Because bee pollen crashes cravings, it may be useful for healthy weight loss.


Supports the Cardiovascular System

Bee Pollen contains large amounts of rutin; an antioxidant bioflavonoid that helps strengthen blood vessels, assists with circulatory problems, and corrects cholesterol levels. Its potent anti-clotting powers could help prevent heart attack and stroke.


Prostate Aid

Men who suffer from benign prostate hyperplasia can find relief by using bee pollen. Bee pollen can help reduce inflammation to stop frequent urges to urinate.


Dr. Gabriel Cousens, MD, has listed bee pollen as one of his 22 most recommended energy foods. Bee pollen can be used medicinally for a wide range of conditions, from prostate health to skin conditions, and can help correct specific nutritional imbalances within the body.



Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

Why CoQ10 Is Crucial to Mitochondria and Overall Health Benefits November 20, 2019

CoQ10 is the primary antioxidant the human cell provides to protect and support mitochondria. Mitochondria are most abundant in the tissues and cells of our bodies that need the most energy to function properly.


I first heard about CoQ10 around 25 years ago when I read a study published about four women with metastatic breast cancer whose cancer disappeared after they took large doses of CoQ10 (about 1200 mg per day). At the time, the role that the mitochondria play in human disease and the role that CoQ10 plays to protect and support mitochondria were just becoming widely known.


Mitochondria are essentially independent organisms (primitive bacteria) that merged with our cells eons ago. Some have called this merger “the grand bargain of life.” That is, the mitochondria “agree” to produce the energy the human organism needs (in the form of ATP), and in return, the human cell provides the mitochondria with the antioxidants it needs to protect itself from the damage that would otherwise occur from all this energy production. Even though my understanding of the role of ATP has evolved since that time, these basic principles still hold true.


CoQ10 is the primary antioxidant the human cell provides to protect and support mitochondria. Without this vital molecule, the level of ATP that the mitochondria produce drops, the energy that is available to that tissue decreases, and dysfunction and health conditions can potentially develop.


Also, certain exposures either create an increased need for CoQ10 by these tissues, such as pesticide or other environmental-toxin exposures, or deplete these tissues of their CoQ10. The most notorious are statin drugs. This depletion of CoQ10 is probably the predominant reason that statin use is associated with such widespread toxicity to the brain, heart and immune system.  Clearly, having an adequate supply of CoQ10 to these vital tissues is crucial to our overall health and to the prevention of diseases associated with decreased function of these organs. A short list of diseases that may be associated with CoQ10 deficiency include heart failure, coronary artery disease, Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, cancer, chronic fatigue and any other disease associated with the decreased energy production that accompanies aging.



While a young body can produce as much CoQ10 as it needs, various factors such as aging and stress can lower these levels of the enzyme. As the amount of CoQ10 within the body decreases, your cells’ ability to regenerate and withstand stress declines.


Just as your skin changes as you age, so does your body. Those fine lines and wrinkles you notice on your skin may be accompanied by a few extra pounds. The lack of CoQ10 can play a role not only in your skin’s condition, but in your weight as well.


Since CoQ10 assists in the production of energy by the cells, a deficiency can contribute to lower energy levels and a slower metabolism. Many people believe that the decrease of CoQ10 production with age helps explain one reason why older people may find it harder to lose weight.


Research even shows that an insufficient amount of CoQ10 can be a contributing factor in some cases of obesity, as recent tests have found a CoQ10 deficiency in some of the obese subjects. When these subjects with low CoQ10 levels were given enzyme supplements, they had an easier time losing some of those extra pounds.



Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) (Prebiotic)

Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are oligosaccharides that occur naturally in plants such as onion, chicory, garlic, asparagus, banana, artichoke, among many others. FOS have a number of interesting properties, including a low sweetness intensity; they are also calorie free, non-cariogenic and are considered as soluble dietary fibre.


Furthermore, FOS have important beneficial physiological effects such as low carcinogenicity, a prebiotic effect, improved mineral absorption and decreased levels of serum cholesterol, triacylglycerols and phospholipids.


Currently FOS are increasingly included in food products and infant formulas due to their prebiotic effect stimulate the growth of nonpathogenic intestinal microflora.


Their consumption increases fecal bolus and the frequency of depositions, while a dose of 4-15 g/day given to healthy subjects will reduce constipation, considered one of the growing problems of modern society, and newborns during the first months of life.



Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are short and medium chain sugar molecules that your body cannot digest. FOS passes through your stomach and into your intestines where beneficial bacteria (also known as probiotics) and yeast feed on them.


There, they help you digest food, cleanse your system, and enhance your immunity.


Health Benefits of Fructooligosaccharides include:

  • Encourage the growth of good bacteria and yeast in your gut
  • Increase your dietary fibre intake
  • Improve your digestion
  • Can guard against cancer
  • Relieve constipation and irritable bowel
  • Add body and flavour to baked goods and beverages
  • Are a virtually calorie-free addition to your diet



Fructooligosaccharides Digestive, Immunity and Bone Health Benefits

Fructooligosaccharides (scFOS) are considered prebiotics. After they are consumed, fructooligosaccharides move to the large intestine to stimulate the production of microbiota in the colon and gastrointestinal track.


Microbiotas produce essential nutrients such as short-chain fatty acids; control epithelial cell growth (the cells that line body cavities); prevent overgrowth of infectious organisms; boost intestinal immunity; and prevent inflammation, diarrhea and other intestinal conditions. This "essential ecosystem" provides an important "balance between health and disease" in the body.


Fructooligosaccharides also increase calcium absorption in the body, an important consideration for pre- and post-menopausal women, ages 45 and older, who are losing critical bone mass that increases their risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures.


The regular addition of scFOS to the diet is "ideal for maintaining mineral density and (bone) strength," said Phillip Allsopp, Ph.D., research associate at the University of Ulster in Coleraine, Ireland. Most Americans, including many formula-fed infants and children, do not get enough scFOS, said Cristina Munteanu, senior technical service technologist at Ingredion, Inc.


Probiotic Cultures

Unfortunately, all kinds of bacteria (both good and bad) can adhere to the lining of your gut. So how can you be sure that you have more healthy bacteria in your body than the pathogenic kind? Probiotics are good place to start as they provide the good bacteria and yeast you need in your intestines to:

  • Digest food Absorb nutrients
  • Make vitamins
  • Build immunity
  • Eliminate sugar cravings
  • Eliminate cravings for carbs


L. casei (Lactobacillus Casei)

L. casei studies show significant improvements in immunity, allergies, cholesterol levels and digestion.


Lactobacillus Casei is a member of the LABs (Lactic Acid Bacteria). It works in particular with another probiotic called lactobacillus acidophilus which functions by converting carbohydrates into acids and hydrogen peroxide.


This creates an acidic environment which is unfavourable to the growth of pathogenic, or unhealthy, bacteria.


Individuals report improvement with conditions such as Crohn’s disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). -Source:


Lactobacillus Casei Immunity Benefits

  • inhibit viral infections
  • stimulate the immune system
  • inhibit candida overgrowth
  • stimulate the immmune system among the elderly
  • decrease rotavirus infections
  • decrease colds and influenza
  • inhibit pathogenic bacterial infections
  • inhibit pneumonia
  • inhibit respiratory tract infections
  • inhibit bronchitis
  • inhibit Pseudomonas aeruginosa (pneumonia)
  • inhibit clostridium difficile
  • reduce lower respiratory infections


L. Casei Supports Organ Health

  • support liver function
  • decrease risk of cirrhosis
  • prevent recurrence of bladder cancer
  • reduce risk of bladder cancer
  • inhibit malignant pleural effusions secondary to lung cancer

Vaginal Health Benefits

  • inhibit vaginosis
  • reduce cervix tumors when used in combination radiation therapy



Rhamnosus (L. Rhamnosus, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus)

L. rhamnosus is great for the gastrointestinal system, but also for balancing our immune system. This probiotic can alleviate allergies, asthma, and dermatitis. It has many other benefits, including its weight-reducing and anti-cancer properties.


Lactobacillus Rhamnosus gg is an extremely well researched probiotic strain. It was patented in 1985 and there have been numerous studies proving more than 44 health benefits of this good bacteria.


Lactobacillus gg, also known as Lactobacillus Rhamnosus gg, has extremely good intestinal wall adhesion and thus considered a good probiotic for clearing the way for your body’s native friendly bacterial strains.


This probiotic is best for stimulating the immune system, fighting allergies and helping people have fewer sick days. Additionally it also has some digestive benefits for those with digestive issues like IBS and constipation.


Diabetes management

  • increase glucose control


Immunity Boosting Effects

  • fight bacterial infections (general)
  • decrease frequency of ear infections
  • decrease frequency of respiratory infections
  • fight vaginosis
  • decrease frequency & serverity of colds and flu
  • inhibit ulcer causing H. pylori
  • stimulate general immunity
  • enhance immunity in HIV/AIDS patients
  • decrease HIV/AIDS symptoms


Reduce Allergies And Inflammation

  • reduce general inflammation
  • decrease eczema symptoms
  • prevent atopic eczema


Infant and Baby Benefits of Lactobacillus gg

  • fight diarrhea (from rotavirus)
  • stimulate infant growth
  • decrease colic


Cancer Fighting And Preventing

  • stimulate tumour killing activity
  • decrease colon cancer risk
  • Digestive Benefits of Lactobacillus gg
  • decrease leaky gut symptoms
  • decrease IBS symptoms
  • decrease constipation
  • Lower Bad Cholesterol
  • decrease LDL-cholesterol




Are you looking for an all-natural supplement that boosts your energy, supports fat loss and helps detox heavy metals like lead and mercury from your body? If so, freshwater algae called chlorella may be exactly what you need.


If you have mercury fillings in your teeth, have been vaccinated, eat fish regularly, have been exposed to radiation or consume foods from China, you may have heavy metals lurking in your body. It is important for your overall health and wellness to be proactive in detoxing heavy metals and toxins.


One of chlorella’s most significant health benefits is that it wraps itself around even stubborn toxins residing in our bodies, such as lead, cadmium, mercury and uranium, and keeps them from being reabsorbed. Regular consumption of chlorella can even help keep heavy metals from accumulating in our bodies’ soft tissues and organs in the first place.


Losing weight is difficult, especially as we age. In a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, researcher’s state, “Chlorella intake resulted in noticeable reductions in body fat percentage, serum total cholesterol, and fasting blood glucose levels”. (5)


Chlorella benefits you by helping to regulate hormones, helping with metabolism, improving circulation, and promoting higher levels of energy. It also helps to reduce weight and body fat, and removes stored toxins.


As our bodies lose weight, toxins are released, and can be reabsorbed. It is important to flush these toxins out of our system as quickly as possible. Chlorella’s ability to surround the toxins and heavy metals resident in our bodies helps facilitate elimination and prevent re-absorption.


Research continues to reveal that chlorella may also slow the aging process, making you look younger. A study published in the journal Clinical Laboratory revealed that chlorella greatly reduces oxidative stress that can be caused from pollution, stress and a poor diet.



“This is one of the most remarkable healing properties yet recorded for chlorella: its ability to actually repair nerve tissues throughout the body. People suffering from degenerative nerve disorders typically report positive results from using chlorella. This is because CGF (chlorella growth factor), which is found in the nucleus of the chlorella cell, actually promotes the body’s innate healing ability to grow and repair nerve tissue.”



An interesting study published in 1995 (Author: Sevulla) that showed an 81% improvement in the academic scores of children who took one gram of spirulina daily for six months.

I’m not aware of other studies examining the link between micro-algae and intellectual function, but this study alone is interesting enough to warrant a closer look. An 81% improvement is dramatic, to say the least. And the dosage of spirulina used -- a mere one gram -- is only 1/10th the recommended standard dosage. What results could the standard dosage achieve?


The mechanism of such dramatic improvements in brain function are very likely due to the presence of both GLA and phycocyanin (a blue pigment) in spirulina.


Combining Chlorella & Spirulina for Enhancing Brain Function

The GLA content of spirulina combined with the CGF content of chlorella (which repairs nerve tissues, remember?) provides a compelling reason to consume both of these micro-algae. The GLA feeds your brain and nervous system with the nutrients it needs to be healthy, while the CGF repairs damaged nerve tissue. It’s a powerful combination, and it’s one reason why I recommend that people consume both chlorella and spirulina with each meal. They’re simply more powerful when consumed in combination.


Chlorella & Spirulina for Proper pH Balance

Micro-algae offer a convenient solution to the pH problems of most diets. Both chlorella and spirulina are alkaline foods, which mean they counter the acidic foods and help raise the pH level towards the alkaline side of the scale. This, in turn, promotes increased bone mass (since your body doesn’t have to sacrifice calcium to balance its pH), and vastly improved metabolic functions.


Consuming more alkaline foods has been strongly linked with improved immune system function, mental function, kidney function, and higher levels of energy, among other important benefits. Both chlorella and spirulina can be used as pH balancing foods. Of course, your best results will come when you add these superfoods to your diet and avoid consuming acidic foods and beverages like soft drinks.



Nova Scotia Dulce Leaf Powder

This nutrient-rich form of red alga has been an important food source for more than a thousand years in various parts of the world.


Some of the most important health benefits of dulse include its ability to improve vision, protect the immune system, build bone health, improve the thyroid gland, increase growth and repair, optimize the gastrointestinal system, lower blood pressure, strengthen the brain and nervous system, and boost circulation.


Thyroid Gland Health

Although many people forget that iodine is a key part of dietary health, when your thyroid gland begins to act up, a lack of iodine is usually the explanation. Dulse’s high iodine content can keep your thyroid gland behaving normally, helping to regulate many different hormonal interactions within the body. Thyroid disorders can be disastrous to the quality of life, so proper iodine intake is more important than you think!


Strengthens Nervous System

What many people don’t know is that polyunsaturated fatty acids are not only important for heart health, but also for the functioning of your brain and nervous system. Studies have linked high levels of omega-3 fatty acids (found in good concentrations in dulse) with improved brain and activity and nervous system function.



Acerola fruit extract

Some of the unique health benefits of acerola include its ability to manage diabetes, reduce signs of aging, prevent certain types of cancer, improve heart health, increase circulation, reduce allergic reactions, stimulate the immune system, improve the eye health, protect the skin, and improve your mood.



The high level of antioxidants found in acerola cherries are not only good for slowing the spread of cancer, but also for generally cleansing the body of dangerous toxins and substances that cause its breakdown. The carotenoids in acerola cherry help to protect your eye health and boost the health of your skin, while bioflavonoids help to boost your cognitive function and prevent the onset of other age-related diseases.


Boosts Immunity

Acerola cherries have one of the highest contents of vitamin C, topped only by camu camu. For people who want a quick boost to their immune system, pop some acerola cherries into your weekly diet and see how much better you’ll feel! Vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells, which are the body’s primary line of defense against foreign agents and pathogens. Furthermore, vitamin C is a crucial component of collagen, which means that your body can heal itself faster with repairing cells, blood vessels, organs, and tissues from illness or injury.



Apple fibre

Improve Your Digestion and Bowel Regularity, Help Bind and Eliminate Toxins

Improving your digestion will enhance your nutrient absorption and waste elimination, thereby energizing your immune system for overall increased health, vitality and healing. Allowing yourself to detox is a great first step to battling both obesity and abnormal glucose levels.


This very special high quality, pure apple fiber is naturally occurring, and extracted with minimal processing. Natural pectin is neither removed, nor added back. The peel and dried apple pulp are included, rich in soluble and insoluble apple fibers, with all the naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants retained.


As a cholesterol-lowering agent, apple fiber is even more effective than oat bran and psyllium. Even more impressive, research suggests that apple fiber may battle or guard against colon tumors by accelerating the elimination of toxins.



Raspberry fruit powder

The health benefits of raspberries include its ability to aid in weight loss, improve skin health, strengthen the immune system and many more. Let’s take a closer look at the most common and useful benefits.

Helps Prevent Macular Degeneration

Three servings of raspberries per day can prove to be a brilliant natural remedy for macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is an age-related medical condition that affects your vision. This leads to a loss of vision in the midpoint of the visual field due to damage to the retina. This can occur in both “dry” and “wet” forms.


You can add these berries to your morning cereal or lunchtime yogurt. You can alter the taste and look of any green salad with a handful of these fresh raspberries and an addition of balsamic vinegar. You can also mix the frozen raspberries with a spoonful of honey and some vanilla soy milk, then freeze this mixture for 20 minutes and spoon it into serving cups. Garnish with mint and enjoy the healthy treat. (Read more: The New Healing Herbs: The Classic Guide to Nature’s Best Medicines by Michael Castleman)


Promotes Optimal Health

Raspberries, blackberries, and muscadine grapes all have metalloproteinase enzymes. These are essential for the development and renovation of tissues, however, if they are produced in abnormally high amounts, they may act as a catalyst for cancer development. They have high amounts of vitamin C, riboflavin, folate, magnesium, manganese, niacin, potassium and copper. This makes them a complete fruit to offer overall, healthy prosperity.


Strengthens Immune System

Raspberries are rich in effective antioxidants as well phytonutrients. These elements proficiently reinforce your immune system and help your body fight diseases.

Promotes Feminine Health

They are generally good for all, especially pregnant women, and lactating mothers. (Read more: Smart medicine for a healthier child by Janet Zand, Robert Rountree, Bob Rountree, Rachel Walton) Raspberry leaves can be used as herbal teas for women, which regulate menstrual cycles and decrease excessively heavy menstrual flows. For pregnant women, raspberry tea successfully relieves nausea, prevents hemorrhage, reduces pain and helps in childbirth. For lactating mothers, raspberry tea or eating the fruit will help to increase the production of breast milk.


Bilberry fruit extract

Bilberry Improves Eyesight & Decreases Inflammation

What makes this berry so phenomenal is that it contains naturally-producing chemicals known as anthocyanosides. Anthocyanosides are plant pigments that have powerful antioxidant properties. One study showed that bilberry had positive effects on vision in lower light environments. (1) These antioxidants scavenge the body for free radicals, with the intention of helping to prevent or reverse damaged cells.


In other studies, bilberry shows many other health benefits such as reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and macular degeneration. Bilberry also contains vitamin C, which is another powerful immune-boosting benefit. (2)


It’s these powerful anthocyanins that are believed to be the key bioactives responsible for the numerous health benefits of bilberry and similar berry fruits. Bilberry is most famous for its ability to improve vision, but it has been reported to lower blood glucose, have anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering effects, promote antioxidant defense and lower oxidative stress. This makes bilberry highly sought after in the prevention and treatment of diabetes, inflammation, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia or increased oxidative stress, cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, and dementia in addition to other age-related diseases. (3)


Bilberry contains numerous phenolic compounds, including the flavonols, quercetin and catechins, tannins, ellagitannins and phenolic acids; however, the anthocyanins found in the bilberry are, by far, the largest contribution to its phytonutrient density. These phenolic compounds are antioxidants as well as iron chelators, which may help remove heavy metals in the body and used in chelation therapy. (4)


If you are not yet convinced that bilberry is an amazing superfood, check this out. Even though most of the focus is on the antioxidant properties of bilberry, studies have shown that the effects may extend to involve cell-signaling pathways, gene expression, DNA repair and cell adhesion, as well as anti-tumor and antimicrobial effects. (5)



Flaxseed powder

When you look at the nutritional benefits of flax seeds, there are many things that will catch your attention.

A 1 ounce (3 tbsp) serving of flaxseeds contains:

  • Omega-3 (ALA) 6,338mg
  • Fibre 8g
  • Protein 6g
  • Vitamin B1 31% RDA
  • Manganese 35% RDA
  • Magnesium 30% RDA
  • Phosphorus 19% RDA
  • Selenium 10% RDA


Also, flaxseeds contain a good amount of vitamin B6, Iron, potassium, copper and zinc. This flax seed nutrition profile makes it easy to see why it’s one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet.


Echinacea purpurea

Echinacea purpurea has long been known as a powerful fighter against colds and the flu. However, most people don’t know that this incredible herb contains cannabinoids that can help boost your immune system by providing something called alkylamides. These are the compounds that help your body absorb nutrients.


Your body is chock full of compound cannabinoids, which work hand-in-hand with your body’s endocannabinoid system or ECS. Now, if you think this has to do with the cannabinoids that are part of the marijuana plant, it doesn’t. But the ECS was discovered because of marijuana and THC research.


Here’s how the discovery happened. Researchers were trying to provoke the metabolic pathways of THC which is the psychoactive element in marijuana. Quite unexpectedly, they found an elegant cell-signalling system triggered by THC which, in turn, led to the discovery of the endocannabinoid system.


Your ECS and its receptors are responsible for millions of signals each day from your brain, central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system and is the explanation behind your body’s homeostasis (or balance.) It’s the thing that makes you feel like you can handle anything that’s thrown at you no matter the circumstances.


Your endocannabinoid system contains a series of lock and key type receptors, specifically cannabinoid receptor 1 [CB1] and cannabinoid receptor 2 [CB2]. These receptors play a crucial role in your health by attracting and accepting the messages your system sends.


CB1 receptors relate solely to the brain and central nervous system. CB2 receptors relate to the peripheral nervous system which is pretty much everything outside the brain and central nervous system. Your immunity is controlled by these CB2 receptors.



Echinacea purpurea (Asteraceae) is a perennial medicinal herb with important immunostimulatory and anti-inflammatory properties, especially the alleviation of cold symptoms. The plant also attracted scientists’ attention to assess other aspects of its beneficial effects. For instance, anti-anxiety, anti-depression, cytotoxicity, and anti-mutagenicity as induced by the plant have been revealed in various studies.


The anxiolytic activity of Echinacea drugs was determined in experimental animals with lower doses than those used in traditional indications.[38] Alkamides of Echinacea have been reported to have cannabinomimetic properties on both cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors, which may be attributed to their structural similarity to the endogenous cannabinoid receptor ligand anandamide.[39] Anandamide's effects are mediated in the brain and periphery by CB1 and CB2 receptors. The activation of the former with endogenous ligands plays a considerable role in controlling anxiety and the latter is mainly involved in immune system activities.


The plant tincture increased the stimulation effect of L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) and showed antidepressant activity in the clofelin-induced depression test in white rats.[45] Source:


Echinacea has been used for virus infections such as the common cold and flu. It is used to strengthen the immune system. It has also been used for returning vaginal fungal infections ("yeast infections") along with antifungal products applied to the vaginal area.



Boosts the Immune System

How does Echinacea help with colds? Published in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases, the University of Connecticut performed a meta-analysis study that evaluated 14 studies and determined that:

  • Echinacea cuts the chances of catching a common cold by 58 percent.
  • Echinacea reduces the duration of the common cold by almost one-and-a-half days.

Craig Coleman, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice and lead author of the study, added that, “The take home message from our study is that echinacea does indeed have powerful cold prevention and cold treatment benefits.” As I’ve discovered, it’s one of several effective natural cold remedies.


According to Dr. Coleman, “The significance of that finding becomes clear when you consider Americans suffer from one billion colds annually and spend about $1.5 billion annually for doctor’s visits and another $2 billion annually on non-prescription cough and cold treatments.” (6)


The United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service reports that the immune system seems to be strongly influenced by the level of the echinacea dose. It appears that 10 milligrams of echinacea per one kilgram of body weight, taken daily over a 10-day period, is effective as an immune system stimulant. (7)


In addition, the medical journal Hindawi has published material suggesting that echinacea stops viral colds. However, the most significant results of echinacea benefits with regards to the immune system were the effects when used on recurring infections. (8) To date, research shows that echinacea probably reduces cold symptoms, but it seems its effects are more powerful once cold symptoms start. (9)


Therefore, you can see why echinacea is a favorite recommendation for integrative physicians, homeopaths, naturopaths and more for their patients.



Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea and angustifolia) is perhaps one of the best-known and most extensively studied herbs. It was used for centuries by Native Americans and brought back into popularity in the 1800s. Echinacea, also known as purple coneflower, is used to support acute and continual immune health.* Studies have shown that various parts of different Echinacea species are active in different ways; that's why they are used together.* Echinacea supports a healthy immune response at onset.



Eleuthero root extract

Some of the most important health benefits of eleuthero include its ability to help relieve stress, increase cognitive function, boost the immune system, reduce fatigue, lower inflammation, protect heart health, prevent degenerative diseases, boost respiratory health, and increase energy levels.


Respiratory Health

If you regularly suffer from colds, coughs, bronchitis, or other respiratory afflictions, eleuthero tea may be a wise solution. It has certain anti-inflammatory properties that help to eliminate the symptoms of those conditions, while also helping to eliminate the underlying illnesses that cause them. Eleuthero also acts as an expectorant, helping to clear out phlegm and mucus where pathogens and bacteria can settle and thrive.


A Final Word of Warning

There is some controversy about the various applications of eleuthero, and it’s important to understand the risks. If you suffer from certain mental conditions (mania or insomnia) or hormone-related disorders, it can be dangerous to take eleuthero.


Also, in the case of heart conditions, diabetes, or cancer, eleuthero use can be beneficial, but only under the strict guidance of your medical provider. This is a very powerful herb and can have complex interactions with other drugs, so caution and consultation is highly recommended.



Milk Thistle extract

Milk thistle, a natural herb that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, is commonly used to detoxify the body, especially the liver. Milk thistle has actually been used for over 2,000 years. The Greek physician and botanist Dioscorides was the first to describe milk thistle’s healing properties back in the year 40 A.D.


Milk thistle benefits work by drawing toxins out of the body that can cause a range of symptoms and diseases including cancer development, high cholesterol, diabetes, kidney stones, gall bladder disorders, negative effects of chemotherapy, alcohol use, skin damage and much more.


While it has many different benefits, milk thistle is most well-known for being a natural liver supporter and detoxifier. The liver constantly works hard to help defend us from toxins that are common in our everyday life, acting like a filter and removing harmful substances from the body.


Milk thistle is shown to decrease, or even reverse, damage to the liver that’s been caused by prescription medications, antibiotics, pollution, heavy metals and so on.



Boosts Glutathione

This compound is one of the most powerful liver detoxifying agents. The active compound within milk thistle is called silymarin. Research has demonstrated that milk thistle supplementation helps to boost 2 major intracellular anti-oxidants, glutathione and superoxide dismutase (14).


One study indicated that silymarin increased glutathione levels in the intestinal and liver cells by 50% (15). This can help protect the intestines from damage leading to leaky gut, ulcers and colitis. It also helps support the bodies ability to detoxify effectively.


Milk thistle also helps protect the liver, thyroid and immune system from radiation stress. Gamma radiation is a serious risk factor for the development of thyroid problems and various cancers. Milk thistle is one of the best defenses against the damage that radiation produces (16). _Source:


Astragalus root extract

Astragalus root has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. It is a powerful adaptogenic herb and is said to support immune function. Astragalus has gained popularity recently as research has emerged about the possibility that it can protect DNA and increase longevity. Recent research has shown that Astragalus may protect the telomeres from degradation. -Source:


Astragalus supplements may help rebuild your immune system after cancer treatment

For more than 2,000 years, astragalus has been an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine. Because of its powerful ability to stimulate the body’s immune system, this herb is particularly valuable for fighting disease and dealing with the after-effects of cancer treatments.


Botanically, it’s related to licorice and the pea. Medicinally, the herb’s root is its most important part. Astragalus root is loaded with health-promoting substances like polysaccharides, a class of carbohydrates that appears to be responsible for the herb’s immune-boosting effects.


Astragalus may enhance overall health by improving a person’s resistance to disease, increasing stamina and promoting general well-being. It also acts as an antioxidant, helping the body correct or prevent cell damage, and may have antiviral and antibiotic properties as well.


Astragalus is used to rebuild the immune system of people undergoing radiation or chemotherapy for cancer-it increases the body’s production of white blood cells. For this reason, it may be useful in treating patients with low white blood cell counts.



Provides deep-level immune support while assisting the body in adapting to daily stress.

Astragalus (Astragalus spp.) is an herb that has been considered foundational in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Astragalus promotes healthy resistance from the occasional physical and emotional stressors, and it also supports healthy immune functions. Astragalus also has been used to support the liver and deep immune system (at the cellular level).* This herb is considered an adaptogen, helping support the body's adrenals by allowing the body to naturally adapt to daily stress.



Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo’s been widely studied for its effective anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, platelet-forming and circulation-boosting effects. According to current research, ginkgo biloba benefits include improved cognitive function, positive mood, increased energy, improved memory and reduced symptoms related to multiple chronic diseases — for instance, it’s been used as an asthma natural remedy, ADHD natural remedy and dementia treatment. In fact, it’s believed to be so effective that it’s even a prescription herb in Germany!



This popular herbal medicine is derived from one of the oldest species of tree on earth. Today, it’s widely marketed as a general memory booster. The medicinal form of the herb is extracted from the leaves of the ginkgo biloba tree. A form of the herb called ginkgo biloba extract (GBE) is used to make dietary supplements. GBE is obtained by drying and milling the plant’s leaves and then extracting the active ingredients in a mixture of acetone and water.


Ginkgo may have beneficial effects on the circulatory and central nervous systems. It increases blood flow to the brain, arms and legs by regulating the tone and elasticity of blood vessels. It also acts like aspirin by helping reduce the “stickiness” of the blood, thereby lowering the risk of blood clots.


Ginkgo appears to have antioxidant properties as well, mopping up the damaging compounds known as free radicals and aiding in the maintenance of healthy blood cells. Some researchers report that it enhances the nervous system by promoting the delivery of additional oxygen and blood sugar to nerve cells.




Ashwagandha Stress and the Immune System

Stress has been found to significantly reduce the abilities of the immune system to fight infections. One of the ways to overcome the defects of the immune system is the strengthening of the defense reactions by nutrition.


Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera, fam. Solanaceae) is commonly known as “Indian Winter cherry” or “Indian Ginseng”. It is one of the most important herb of Ayurveda (the traditional system of medicine in India) used for millennia as a Rasayana for its wide ranging health benefits. Rasayana is described as an herbal or metallic preparation that promotes a youthful state of physical and mental health and expands happiness.


These types of remedies are given to small children as tonics, and are also taken by the middle-aged and elderly to increase longevity. Among the ayurvedic Rasayana herbs, Ashwagandha holds the most prominent place. It is known as “Sattvic Kapha Rasayana” Herb (Changhadi, 1938). Most of the Rasayana herbs are adaptogen / anti-stress agents.


The available scientific data support the conclusion that Ashwagandha is a real potent regenerative tonic (Rasayana of Ayurveda), due to its multiple pharmacological actions like anti-stress, neuroprotective, antitumor, anti-arthritic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory etc. It is useful for different types of diseases like Parkinson, dementia, memory loss, stress induced diseases, malignoma and others.


Ashwagandha is used as a household remedy by Indians, who consider it as the best tonic for old people and children, and as aphrodisiac by young people. It is one of the best nervine tonics of Ayurveda, the most ancient system of Medical Sciences.


Our clinical experience showed that besides the enumerated neurological conditions, brain strokes causing paralysis and neuronal deficit also improve in the long term treatment with Ashwagandha. We are also using it in all forms of cancer including prostate and lung cancers, especially in last stages, giving the patients lot of health benefits. We have some cases of lung cancer who have refused modern therapy and recovered clinically and radiologically with our therapy of Ashwagandha. (Singh N., 2010- unpublished data). In a recent seminar (Singh, 2005) on essential drug concept, it was projected as one of the six essential medicinal herbs.


Thus, the above findings clearly indicate that the traditional use of Ashwagandha has a logical and scientific basis. Large scale clinical studies are needed to prove the clinical efficacy of this herb, specially in stress related diseases, neuronal disorders and cancers.


Clinical Research Supports Effectiveness of Ashwagandha to Boost Body's Immunity

PORTLAND, Ore. (August 13, 2008) — A team of Portland medical researchers has found that drinking whole cows’ milk with Ashwagandha, an herb used for more than 5,000 years in the practice of Ayurvedic medicine, can increase the body’s white blood cells, which help boost immunity.


This first-of-its-kind study was led by Heather Zwickey, Ph.D., director of the National College of Natural Medicine’s Helfgott Research Institute, with naturopathic medical students Jeremy Mikolai and Andrew Erlandsen. The team is presenting its findings at the 23rd annual meeting of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP;, being held Aug. 13-16, 2008 in Phoenix, AZ. The full findings of the study will be published this fall.


According to Zwickey, three herbs – echinacea, astragalus and glycyrrhiza – have been extensively researched for their ability to stimulate the immune system. “I felt it was time to open the door a little wider and see what more we could find to use ancient medicine’s ability to heal the health disorders of today,” the immunologist said.


“Given that conventional medicine has a lot to offer for the treatment of bacterial infections, my lab is focusing on those products that can address viral disorders such as sinus infections, colds and the like.”



The team found that consuming Ashwagandha with cows’ milk had the following effects on the human immune system:


There was a statistically significant overall increase in the level of white blood cell activation. Cell activation was most pronounced in the CD56+ Natural Killer cells. This is important, since these cells play a critical role in the body’s response to flu, mumps, or tumors.


There was a statistically significant increase in the number of CD4+ T helper cells. While both CD8+ T helper cells and B cells also increased, the amount was not significant.


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 One of the best immune support supplement s available and one that I personally use is *GMP and *NSF certified Boost Thrive Plus from Level, and it contains most of the herb and plant extracts mentioned above. It is not the cheapest in the marketplace but high quality, ultra micronized, pharmaceutical-grade supplements are expensive to produce... you get what you pay for.


If you want to try it out for yourself, message me and I will show you how to get it at a discounted price. Check out the powerful ingredients in Boost Thrive Plus below...

Ingredients List:

Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl succinate), Sunflower Lecithin, Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin, Vinpocetine (from Vinca Minor), Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen , Coenzyme Q10 (Co-Q10)

Prebiotic: Fructooligosaccharides

Probiotic Cultures: L. Casei ssp. (Lactobacillus Casei subspecies), Rhamnosus, B. Breve (Bifidobacterium Breve), B. Longum (Bifidobacterium Longum), S. Thermophilus (Streptococcus Thermophilus), L. Acidophilus (Lactobacillus acidophilus), L. Casei (Lactobacillus Casei), L. Bulgaricus (Lactobacillus Bulgaricus).

Enzyme Blend: Amylase, Cellulase, Protease, Lipase Lactase, Maltase

Vegetable Blend: Chlorella, Spirulina, Spinach Leaves, Alfalfa leaf powder, Wheat grass powder, Barley grass powder, Beetroot powder and Juice, Nova Scotia Dulce leaf powder, Ginger root powder

Fruit Blend: Acerola fruit extract, Apple fiber, Citrus bioflavanoids complex, Raspberry fruit powder, Bilberry fruit extract.

Herbal Blend: Green Tea leaf powder, Licorice root extract, Flaxseed powder, Echinacea Purpurea aerial parts powder, Eleuthero root extract, Milk Thistle extract, Suma root powder, Astragalus root extract, Ginkgo leaf extract, Ashwagandha root, Grape seed extract.

Additional ingredients: Fructose, Maltodextrin, Natural Flavors, Silicon Dioxide, Stevia Leaf Extract, Xanthan Gum, Thaumatin Extract (Talin?), Glycyrrhizic Acid (Magnasweet?), Gum Acacia, Rice Flour, Dextrose, Modified Starch.

Contains: Milk, Wheat (Gluten Free)

*GMP and NSF Certified

Level Thrive is independently tested, and the facilities where Le-Vel's products are manufactured, and the manufacturing processes, are GMP and NSF certified. We also have double-blind studies and clinical data - unfortunately we are not going to be releasing these as they are lengthy and do contain proprietary company information.


Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) are guidelines that provide a system of processes, procedures and documentation to assure a product has the identity, strength, composition, quality and purity that appear on its label.


NSF International The Public Health and Safety Organization independently registers manufacturers as meeting GMP requirements. The program is open not just to manufacturers of dietary supplements but also to manufacturers of ingredients and raw materials, as well as distribution, warehousing and packaging companies, who want to demonstrate their commitment to public safety.


NSF certification is your key to making sure that the products you use meet strict standards for public health protection. Manufacturers, regulators and consumers look to NSF International for the development of public health standards and certification programs that help protect the world’s food, water, consumer products and environment.


As an independent, accredited organization, our standards group facilitates the development of standards, and our service groups test and certify products and systems. We also provide auditing and risk management solutions for public health and the environment.


Vitamins and Minerals to Bolster Your Immune System

3 Best Vitamins to Boost Immunity

We talked to registered dietician Julia Zumpano, RD, LD, for a closer look at these vitamins, what foods you can find them in and how they can help keep you healthy. Here’s what she had to say:


 Vitamin C is one of the biggest immune system boosters of all. In fact, a lack of vitamin C can even make you more prone to getting sick. Foods rich in vitamin C include oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, strawberries, bell peppers, spinach, kale and broccoli. Daily intake of vitamin C is essential for good health because your body doesn’t produce or store it. The good news is that vitamin C is in so many foods that most people don’t need to take a vitamin C supplement unless a doctor advises it.

 Vitamin B6 is vital to supporting biochemical reactions in the immune system. Vitamin B6-rich foods include chicken and cold water fish such as salmon and tuna. Vitamin B6 also is found in green vegetables and in chickpeas, which is the main ingredient in hummus.

 Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body fight off infection. Foods rich in vitamin E include nuts, seeds and spinach.



Natural Vitamin E is a super vitamin, the ultimate free radical buster. It helps prevent cell membranes, especially brain cells, blood cells and immune cells from oxidative attack. It literally stops the fat in them turning rancid. It is especially protective of both the B- and T- lymphocytes in the immune system.


It works as an antioxidant, particularly in the lungs, protecting against toxic attack and air pollution. It protects against free radical damage throughout the body. Selenium helps its action, whilst inorganic iron destroys its action. It prevents the oxidative destruction of other vitamins such as beta-carotene, C and A. It works synergistically with vitamin C and vitamin A.


And it has certain, and very clear, anti-cancer benefits. It appears, for example, to inhibit the growth of cancer cells at the local level.



Vitamin A is one of the best immune boosters to take. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers. Vitamin A supports healthy tissue and mucus membranes and helps keep them strong. Vitamin A can also contribute to vision health. Vitamin A can be found in eggs, fish oil, butter, dark yellow-orange fruits and vegetables and animal livers.


Vitamin C has antioxidant properties that aid in tissue building. Vitamin C supports infection-fighting cells and it also promotes healthy skin and wound healing. This vitamin is key in the production of collagen and helps aid the body to fight against disease. This vitamin is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, peppers, green leafy vegetables, and berries. Stress and illnesses increase the need for Vitamin C.


Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can help preserve muscles and red blood cells. This vitamin is known to boost the response to vaccines and protect against heart diseases. Vitamin E is also essential in repairing dry, damaged skin and hair. Vitamin E can be found in green leafy vegetables, vegetable oils, sunflower oil, nut butters, avocados and wheat germ.


Vitamin D assists in skin repair and helps fight off infection as well as decrease inflammation. Vitamin D is most commonly found in natural sunlight. Just 15 minutes in the sun per day can give enough Vitamin D to one person for the whole day- just don’t forget your sunscreen! Vitamin D is also found in fortified milk, liver, fish, eggs, and mushrooms. Vitamin D helps with the absorption of calcium into the bones, which is why it is commonly found fortified in milk.


B Vitamins: (B5, B6, B12). Vitamin B5 aids with energy production and fighting off infection. Vitamin B6 helps fight off infections and is needed for the cells to function within the body. These B vitamins are all found in green leafy vegetables, organs, egg yolks, avocados, broccoli and unprocessed grains. Vitamin B12 is needed to produce red blood cells in the body and helps the body produce infection fighting cells. Sources of B12 are in beef liver, shellfish, and fortified grains.


Zinc is the most immune-essential mineral. A zinc deficiency can put one at risk for infections. Zinc is found in root vegetables, oysters, shellfish, seafood, and almonds. Zinc can help with fighting colds and early symptoms of illnesses as well as act as an anti-inflammatory agent. It lowers the inflammation that can often come with a winter cold or the flu.


Iron helps transport oxygen to all our body’s cells. This is found in green leafy vegetables, lentils, meats, molasses, and raisins. Iron is also essential for energy and memory function. Taking iron with vitamin C can boost its absorption. Too much iron though, can lead to severe organ damage, so make sure you consume the proper amount for your needs.


Magnesium keeps the immune system strong, helps strengthen muscles and bones, and supports many body functions from cardiac functions to brain functions. This is also a key hormone regulator for women. Low magnesium levels can contribute to PMS and menopausal symptoms. Magnesium is found in avocados, green leafy vegetables, almonds, brown rice, and soy or tofu.


Multivitamins can help aid in healthy aging, boost immune function, boost mood, and improve skin cells. There are different kinds of multivitamins, but look for one that has vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, iron, magnesium, and zinc.




Iron, which helps your body carry oxygen to cells, comes in different forms. Your body can more easily absorb “heme iron,” which is abundant in lean poultry such as chicken and turkey, plus seafood. But never fear, vegetarians: You can get other forms of iron in beans, broccoli and kale.



Selenium seems to have a powerful effect on the immune system, including the potential to slow the body’s over-active responses to certain aggressive forms of cancer. You can find it in garlic, broccoli, sardines, tuna, brazil nuts and barley, among other foods.



You can find zinc in oysters, crab, lean meats and poultry, baked beans (skip the kind with added sugar), yogurt and chickpeas. Zinc appears to help slow down the immune response and control inflammation in your body. –Source:


What Essential Metals do for Us

Many metals are used to make strong and durable everyday objects, like copper pipes or iron skillets. But they don't form such strong and durable objects in our bodies. Instead, many essential metals are needed to activate enzymes — molecules with important jobs in the body. And metals have many other essential roles as well. For example:


·        Calcium builds bones and teeth; activates enzymes throughout the body; helps regulate blood pressure; and helps muscles to contract, nerves to send messages, and blood to clot.


·        Chromium helps maintain normal blood sugar levels and helps cells draw energy from blood sugar.


·        Copper assists with metabolizing fuel, making red blood cells, regulating neurotransmitters, and mopping up free radicals.


·        Iron helps make hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying chemical in the body's red blood cells) and myoglobin (a protein in muscle cells). Iron is essential for activating certain enzymes and for making amino acids, collagen, neurotransmitters, and hormones.


·        Magnesium, like calcium, builds bones and teeth. It also helps to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar and enables muscles to contract, nerves to send messages, blood to clot, and enzymes to work.


·        Manganese helps form bones and helps metabolize amino acids, cholesterol, and carbohydrates.


·        Molybdenum activates several enzymes that break down toxins and prevents the buildup of harmful sulfites in the body.


·        Potassium balances fluids in the body, helps to maintain a steady heartbeat and to make muscles contract, and may benefit bones and blood pressure.


·        Sodium balances fluids in the body, helps send nerve impulses, and helps make muscles contract.


·        Zinc helps blood clot, helps make proteins and DNA, bolsters the immune system, and helps with wound healing and cell division.




Other Top Virus-Fighting Herbs

A key component of warding off viruses is having a strong immune system. While research is still ongoing, the following popular herbs have been used for centuries to bolster the immune system and treat viruses naturally:



Sage contains compounds that inhibit the growth of the drug-resistant bacteria. Studies indicate the ursolic acid in sage can be stronger than ampicillin.1Sage is often added to soups, stuffings, tomato sauce, pork, chicken, pasta and other foods.



By stimulating the production of lymphocytes, macrophages, natural killer (NK), and other powerful cells, garlic is known to enhance immune system functionality.2A study on warts caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) found that components of garlic showed “antiviral activity and inhibit cellular proliferation of virally infected cells.” The study also reported there was no recurrence of warts after 3-4 months.3Garlic is often added to the following dishes: mashed potatoes, chicken, roast beef, dips, and soups.



Compounds in ginger have been found to stimulate the natural production of antioxidant enzymes, such as glutathione peroxidase. The primary function of glutathione peroxidase is to protect cells from oxidative damage. Studies indicate ginger has been able to reduce inflammatory reactions triggered by viral infections, and contain anti-influenza properties.3


In another study on chick embryos, ginger was found to have antiviral properties against the influenza virus H9N2, and was less toxic to Vero cells (host cells used to grow viruses).4 Ginger is often added to tea, soup, fish, stir fry dishes and desserts.



Ginseng is a staple of traditional Chinese medicine, having been used for centuries to treat viruses. Animal studies indicate Korean red ginseng stimulated the production of natural killer (NK) cells in animals with herpes simplex virus (HSV). Researchers noted that Korean red ginseng extract “rendered recipients more resistant against HSV, including decreased clinical severity, increased survival rate, and accelerated viral clearance.”5Ginseng can be eaten raw or steamed for teas.



Oregano contains carvacrol, which has strong antiviral properties. Oregano has been shown to dramatically reduce the activity of murine norovirus (MNV), the primary cause of stomach flu in humans within 60 minutes of exposure.6 In another study on Mexican oregano, researchers noted that carvacrol “exhibited high antiviral activity” against the human rotavirus (RV). The researchers also noted its antiviral effects on acyclovir-resistant herpes simplex virus type 1 (ACVR-HHV-1).7 Oregano is most commonly used on pizza, marinades for lamb, chicken and beef, Italian vinaigrette, and added to pasta sauce.



Peppermint contains menthol and rosmarinic acid, two ingredients that have shown strong anti-viral, antimicrobial, anti-oxidant and anti-tumor properties. Studies testing the effectiveness of peppermint on herpes simplex virus type 1 and herpes simplex virus type 2 found peppermint oil “exhibited high levels of virucidal activity” against both type 1 and type 2 herpes viruses. Researchers concluded using peppermint oil topically might be a viable option for recurrent herpes infections.8



Basil has been used to treat viruses for centuries. Preliminary studies on sweet basil show signs of antibacterial activity on a wide variety of viruses, including herpes, hepatitis B, RNA, and enterovirus. The ursolic acid and apigenin in the basil appeared to have the greatest impact on the viruses.9 Fresh basil is often sprinkled over salads or added to sauces, pesto, or vinegar.



In ancient Chinese medicine, the leaves, flowers, and roots of Echinacea have all been used for a variety of ailments, including the common cold, influenza, and infections. The North American purple coneflower, in particular, was used by Native Americans to treat wounds, infections, and viruses. Recent studies have noted that the herb increases the production of macrophages, while simultaneously decreasing the impact of invading viruses and bacteria. One of the most popular ways to consume Echinacea is by drinking tea.



Rosemary is high in oleanolic acid (OA), which has exhibited antiviral activity. Known as a “free” acid, oleanolic acid has been studied extensively on the following viruses:


Influenza. OA has shown to be an effective “entry inhibitor of influenza viruses.” It has also shown to prevent the binding of the virus protein to healthy host cells.10

Hepatitis C (HCV). In preliminary studies on hepatitis C, OA decreased the duplication of HCV genotypes, making them potential treatments for the virus.10

Herpes. The demand for antiviral herpes drugs has increased over the years. This is partly due to the potentially toxic effects of the long-term use of traditional medications. Research is ongoing, but OA has shown “moderate antivirus activity.”10


Rosemary is often added as seasoning to dishes such as soups, salads, stews, and casseroles. It can also be added to pork, steak, and fish.


Lemon balm

Lemon balm (also known as balm mint) is a lemon-scented herb that is often consumed in teas. Many use this herb to treat anxiety and insomnia, but it also has antiviral qualities as well. In several studies, lemon balm extract reduced the potency of HIV virions. Virions are the complete, infective form of host cells with a core of DNA or RNA.11



Galdiero, Stefania, et al. “Silver Nanoparticles as Potential Antiviral Agents.” Molecules, vol. 16, no. 10, 2011, pp. 8894–8918., doi:10.3390/molecules16108894.


Or?owski, Piotr, et al. “Antiviral Activity of Tannic Acid Modified Silver Nanoparticles: Potential to Activate Immune Response in Herpes Genitalis.” Viruses, vol. 10, no. 10, 2018, p. 524., doi:10.3390/v10100524.



Disclaimer Note: just because an herbal supplement may be natural doesn't mean it’s safe. If you are under a doctor’s care or on any kind of medications, always check with your therapist or physician before taking any herbal supplements. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


The total content material of this article is in relation to the investigation and viewpoints of the publisher, except if otherwise noted. The content on this website is not meant to substitute a one-on-one relationship with a certified health care specialist and is not intended as medical health advice.


It is designed as being a expressing of information and knowledge through the investigation and practical experience of the numerous authors. You should try to make your individual healthcare decisions dependent on your research and in collaboration with a qualified health care professional.

Michael Egner

Business Student

11 个月

I am no afraid.


Dr. Azu you’re indeed a great healer, I pray for long life so you can help more people on earth. Now I’m perfectly free from Hsv-1 @dr.azuherbalhome


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