Immune System Parameter Sensitivity on Mortality Rate for Antibiotic Resistance Simulation
Here is the result of the parameter Sensitivity test of Immune System of the ATB Resistance Simulation. The reason why I performed the sensitivity test is that in the previous batches of simulations, immune system seems to be really important.
The {α β} here are the two shape parameters of the Beta Distribution describing the proportion of Surviving Bacteria in each loop for the immune system attack.
i.e. The proportion of bacteria surviving a round of attack of the immune system ~ Beta(α, β).The mean of a Beta distribution is α/(α+β), for instance, α=0.9, β=0.1, then expectation of proportion of bacteria surviving a round of attack of the immune system would be α/(α+β) = 0.9/(0.9+0.1) = 0.9 = 90%
And here are the results:
The first plot is the surf of {α β Mortality_Rate}
The second plot is the scatterplotmatrix of {α β Mortality_Rate}
Let's look into this in a table:
%%%%% MATLAB %%%%% CODE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%% R % T % B % M %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% This is a Sensitivity Test of Immune System for a 10 day simulation for ATB resistance on E.Coli
r = 0.01505; % E. Coli doubles every 20 min
rm = 0.01505; % Mutant E. Coli doubles every 20 min
alpha1n = 2; % For Beta Distribution Proportion of surviving H.Sapien bacteria after ATB
beta1n = 18; % For Beta Distribution Proportion of surviving H.Sapien bacteria after ATB
alpha1m = 0.99; % For Beta Distribution Proportion of surviving Mutant bacteria after ATB
beta1m = 0.1; % For Beta Distribution Proportion of surviving Mutant bacteria after ATB
Nsub = 10000; % Number of simulated subjects
ceil = 1000000000; % Ceiling number of bacteria
floor = 10000; % Floor number of bacteria
t1 = 60; % Time of First ATB Regimen
t2 = 4320; % Time of Second ATB Regimen
t3 = 8640; % Time of Third ATB Regimen
nday = 10; % 10 days
Ninitial = 100000000; % Initial Number of Bacteria
Minitial = 100; % Initial Number of Mutant Bacteria
rmutant = 1e-6; % Proportion of X-Gene
dataframe = [];
h = waitbar(0, 'Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These...'); % Progress Bar
steps = 100;
for a=1:10
for b=1:10
alpha2 = a;
beta2 = b;
durante = 24 * 60 * nday; % Loop in minutes
morir = zeros(1, Nsub);
days = zeros(1, Nsub);
step = 10*(a-1)+b;
for it = 1:Nsub % simulated subjects
rng(it); % Set Random Seed to make it replicable
% Initialization within loop
N = zeros(durante + 1, 1); % Number of H. Sapien Bacteria
M = zeros(durante + 1, 1); % Number of Mutant Bacteria
N(1)=normrnd(Ninitial, 100); % Initial Encounter Number
M(1)= Minitial; % Initial Encounter Number
rho = betarnd(alpha1n, beta1n, 3, 1); % Proportion of surviving H. Sapien Bacteria after ATB
rhom = betarnd(alpha1m, beta1m, 3, 1); % Proportion of surviving Mutant Bacteria after ATB
rho1 = rho(1); % H. Sapien V.S. ATB1
rho2 = rho(2); % H. Sapien V.S. ATB2
rho3 = rho(3); % H. Sapien V.S. ATB3
rho1m = rhom(1); % Mutant V.S. ATB1
rho2m = rhom(2); % Mutant V.S. ATB2
rho3m = rhom(3); % Mutant V.S. ATB3
vol = normrnd(0,100, [durante + 1,1]); % Volatility of GBM
phi = betarnd(alpha2, beta2, Nsub, 1); % Each has different immune system
for i = 2:durante + 1 % Daily Updated
N(i) = N(i-1) * exp(r) + vol(i); % GBM Growth of Bacteira
N(i) = N(i) * phi(it); % Immune System Kills a small proportion
M(i) = M(i-1) * exp(rm) + vol(i); % GBM Growth of Mutant
N(i) = N(i) * (1 - rmutant); %Small proportion mutates
M(i) = M(i) + N(i) * rmutant; % Mutant Offspring + New Mutant
if N(i) + M(i) >= ceil
% disp('DEAD')
% Subject Dead if too many backteria
morir(it) = 1;
days(it) = i;
elseif N(i) + M(i) <= floor
% disp('LIVE')
% Subject Live if too few backteria
morir(it) = 0;
days(it) = i;
elseif i == t1 % ATB Reg1
N(i) = rho1 * N(i); % H. Sapien Bacteria
M(i) = rho1m * M(i); % Mutant Bacteria
elseif i == t2 % ATB Reg2
N(i) = rho2 * N(i); % H. Sapien Bacteria
M(i) = rho2m * M(i); % Mutant Bacteria
elseif i == t3% ATB Reg3
N(i) = rho3 * N(i); % H. Sapien Bacteria
M(i) = rho3m * M(i); % Mutant Bacteria
elseif i == durante + 1
% disp('LIVE')
% Subject Live till end of trail
morir(it) = 0;
days(it) = i;
mortalityrate = sum(morir)/Nsub; % Mortality Rate
MorirMat(a, b) = mortalityrate;
tempvec = [a, b, mortalityrate];
dataframe = [dataframe;tempvec];
waitbar(step / steps)
%%% 28th %%% JULY %%% 2016 %%% HAIL %%% MATHEMATICS %%%