Immortal lies...

Immortal lies...

"What did they say about me...!" "they said nothing" that was my reply

"so how do you know so much..."

Because "I saw the world with your point of view" and considering me to be an outsider I saw more than that meets the eye...

"So does that make sense..".I asked and there was a long pause....

Why is it something not worked upon already..?

All our lives we have experienced lives through our lenses which is laced with our belief system. Our belief system was ancestral but no where it stops us from asking "Why"... This act may dampen the spirits but it will definitely open a new way of seeing things. Something different from the much inherited "belief system"

Did we really bother to see the other side of the same thing. Were we courageous enough to embrace this different side...?? Yes the word is "COURAGEOUS" ...early this week I happen to coach someone who is courageous enough to replicate the life lived by their parents but not courageous enough to "LEAD THE DIFFERENT WAY"...

Are we not the "Prisoners of our own Minds"...??

The answer in maximum instances is known as even before we reach that point we have clouded our thoughts with -

  • Anger
  • Hatred
  • Likes or dislikes etc.

How much harm could it cause? It could jeopardize relationships, foster ill feelings, and create a negative perception among your close colleagues.

Gazing at my friend I ask is it worth having such feelings?? Do we really have so much time to feel everything but love & compassion towards people .....?

Life is brief and passes in an instant, yet we rarely live with that reality in mind. Instead, we often believe we are immortal.

No one is immortal. The person you are speaking to could vanish in an instant, making everything else irrelevant. Grudges, revenge, hurt, and humiliation—all would become meaningless.

If you still live in the illusion that you are immortal, then by all means, charge ahead.

The real issue is that, despite being just a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things, we tend to overestimate our own importance.

#Shambho #adult #writer #travel #mindset #growth #travel #leaders #leadership #relationships #stress #Shambho #leadership #leaders #mindset #success #growth #travel #coaching #change #feedback

Raj bhoj

Senior Manager Mining

3 个月



