Syed Chishti
Experienced Global Executive Leader, International Executive Manager, Safety and Security Independent Consultant
The rhetoric of US, North Korea, Soviet’s, India, China, Iran, India-Pakistan; and all other’s-squabbling over who is going to hit who with a “Nuclear,” ICBM’s Weapons Systems, or for that matter with a local short range or long range “Nuclear Weapons System,” to neutralize it’s Nuclear assets, is just getting too boring day by day. Super-Powers equipped with ICBM’s and thousands of Nuclear Weapons-Just Do it-And do it fast so that the humanity can live in peace hereafter. The mankind hates so much each other is indescribable?
The fact is all Nuclear capable States are awaiting who is going to put the finger on the “Nuclear Button Code First.”
The big questions surrounding it is, who will emerge victorious if all-at-all the Nations at War will; they ever see the light of the day after such an Armageddon, none will-be left to see be rest assured.
Be-it an experiment unleashed in South Asia (by Pakistan's Archenemy India), or be it through the so much advertised “Fire and Fury,” of the US against North Korea; where would US stand during and after a Nuclear strike against North Korea. the Russian’s, the Chinese, the North Koreans, the Iranian, the Indians, the Pakistani’s, the European’s would not be responding to all the global upheaval? By what, but nothing else, except what they have in the their "Nuclear Arsenal." I suspect as the US General said the "WAR IS COMING,"- OF COURSE WE SEE IT COMING - MAY BE ITS JUST AFTER NEW YEAR EVE-EARLY JANUARY 2018 OR JUST A LITTLE BIT LATER..............!
There is an interesting article published by an author that depicts a similar scenario: that speaks volumes that what’s likely-to be unfolding in the nearest future if that scenario is in fact happening:…/mobile.r…/article/amp/idUSKBN1DM1D2
The famous RNC has never hesitated initiating a War right or wrong for their rating on the political front at home and to please it’s allies. Rightly so, otherwise this present status quo has provided all the recipe for a possible impeachment process against the sitting President who is taking unprecedented decisions in leaps and bounds to make himself the greatest President of the century of the United States at any cost. And of course has exposed himself to be likely impeached if not allowed to walk-away (highly unlikely).
Just today’s statement of a US General:…/theres-war-coming-marine-corps-gen…
Say’s it all: “War is coming.”
Is it a great leap by any US General that other in recent past have never uttered unless there is a smoking gun and as he has been allowed from top notch “US Security Advisers” to put the US troops on the alert and World-at-large at alert as well, thus of course its own US troops are to prepare for mobilization that has been long ongoing anyway.
This set of scenarios are Recipe for Global Disaster not just another War; but a final Armageddon with Nuclear ICBM’s Weapons Systems.
The UN international forum is still relevant and diplomatic problems can be solved through sensible diplomacy and dialogues at the international forums Security Council Level at the will of it Members to save the World from another World War-III, that of Course will be World War - III with Nuclear Weapons and will be catastrophic for all affected by such impending Wars fallout across the global village. Can UN stop it?
Initially-Pakistan if pushed into Nuclear Armageddon with the final showdown. The Indian or Pakistani initiative will decide the fate of the outcome of War in South Asia. Be it cold start doctrine, or surgical strikes from Indian War mongering political and military General’s of their Armed Forces used to inflict surgical strikes against Pakistan or Pakistan's preemptive or retaliatory in self defense offensive with or without Nuclear Weapons. This war will and has to be swift and conclusive. What will be left of Delhi or for that matter of Pakistan’s major hub centers is anybody’s guess. Nuclear fallout and Nuclear blast will consume 100 million plus minus at the least.
For sure only there will be one (so to say) distant winner (if it goes in their favor) who probably will also have millions of its populations consumed to the Nuclear strike on both sides or beyond imagination Humanitarian crisis will be unfolding globally. For the few crazy World Leaders the planet earth would become a ghost global village for centuries to come in matter of minutes.
All developed world would have plunged back into 17-18th centuries darkness-es in matter of blink of an eye. All the technological gains would have disappeared at the click of a Nuclear button.
If some of the Nuclear Power Armed Country’s accidentally in panic prematurely or deliberately launch there 100’s or in some cases thousands of ICBM’s and other Nuclear Weapons Arsenal; that’s the end of story for planet earth. Earth would cease to exist.
Good luck India, US, Iran, Russia, China, Pakistan and North Korea sweet dreams with or without the finger on the Nuclear Code buttons. Sanity doesn’t seem to prevail. Prepare for the worse that’s what is unfolding throughout the global village.
God Speed World Leaders-Scorch the Planet Earth and let all multi-billionaire’s, and their multi-national companies dreams, and their giant stalwart “Founder’s Be perished through this impending “ Nuclear Armageddon.”
There will be no winners and no survivors. Rest assured those who will survive will not be from the the top notch, they will those who probably live in isolated jungles of "Amazon," or those who live in remote darkness of snow covered mountains where these war mongering world leaders can't even live and sleep for few seconds!
Experienced Global Executive Leader, International Executive Manager, Safety and Security Independent Consultant
6 年 I read this sad news of my very friendly and well known Mr. Kofi Annan (The Former United Nations Secretary-General) has passed away. Rest In Peace Mr. Kofi Annan. You were before becoming “The United Nations Secretary-General,” after all the Under-Secretary-General for Peace-Keeping Operations (UN-USG-PKO). The word “Peace is synonym to your life. Frederick Eckhard wrote an article about Legacy of Mr. Kofi Annan. I am going to live and make others live in this world ?? to know you tried everything to stop the Iraq War. We all need to recognize one big thing, “The United Nations Organisation,” is the only hope for Peace across this global village to save the planet earth from a Nuclear War, “The Armageddon.” Mr. Kofi Annan you will be bitterly missed. If I was the decision maker of the “World Government,” today; All across the global village,” the Member Nations of the United Nations family would have had their individual countries; “Flag at Half Staff.” Rest In Peace Mr. Kofi Annan.
Experienced Global Executive Leader, International Executive Manager, Safety and Security Independent Consultant
7 年 …