Immigration has always been a problem. Most white Americans see it as only a modern problem because, in their view of earlier times, when the only ill-effect was the genocide of the native people, that was OK.
Whether the incomers have superior numbers or weapons, whether we call them immigrants or conquerors, it is basically the same problem. It is a symptom of a much greater underlying problem. All the accusations made by both sides tend to be true, and the symptom can’t be solved within the narrow scope of anyone’s immigration or military defense policies, policies that don’t address the underlying problem.
Conquest and immigration are just the most obvious symptoms of the countless ugly symptoms of the K and R Class Struggle. All of my books and most of my posts describe this struggle and how to minimize it. See, for example, the first ten pages of the Conclusion of my major work, “Decoding the Deluge and Finding the Path for Civilization,” Version 24, Vol. 3. It and my other social science works are FREE to download at
David Huttner, October 24, 2018